-Chapter 29: Quality (Y/N's P.O.V)-

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Y/N's P.O.V


Well then, I guess there's nothing to do but save them. I went to the weapon tent to find that it was completely empty. Great, just awesome. Going weaponless to the enemy is not that brilliant, now is it? I sighed knowing I was going to die alone in the British camps WITHOUT EVER KNOWING THE TRUE ENDING OF STAR WARS!!!

When I was done contemplating life, I went to the nearest British camps and prayed to baby Jesus that they were there. If not then they couldn't have gone that far. Like I said, clasp your hands together and pray. 

As I reached the camp of the Brits I could only look via the bushes. I looked for the color blue and let my eyes do the rest. As I looked around for 5 minutes I spotted that a tent was heavily guarded by red coats, it was a big tent, but it was far away. That's why I didn't spot it immediately. I did spot a little side tent where red coats went in and got weapons MAKING ME THING that there is where all the weapons went...

I first assassinated my way to that tent and quickly stole a gun. It wasn't very big, but it could kill. Size doesn't matter. (STOP THINKING ABOUT UNHOLY THINGS PLEASE!!!)

I parkoured my way over to that big tent and then I wondered what the F*ck I should do now. Then I knew what to do. I inhaled and yelled, very loudly: 


(I really like them, DON'T KILL ME!!!)

"hey there buddy chum pal friend buddy pal chum bud friend fella bruther amigo pal buddy friend chummy chum chum pal. I don't mean to be rude my friend pal home slice bread slice dawg but I gotta warn ya if you take one more diddly darn step right there I'm gonna have to diddly darn snap your neck and wowza wouldn't that be a crummy juncture huh? do you want that? do you wish upon yourself to come physical experience with a crummy juncture? because friend buddy chum chum friend chum paly pal chum friend if u keep this up then well gosh diddly darn i just might have to not be so friendly with u my friendly friend friend pal friend buddy chum pally friend chum buddy." I heard from behind me as I felt a bayonet being placed on my neck.

I held my hands up and realized that wasn't the wisest thing to yell near Brits. He grabbed my arm and got me upright, then he placed his weapon on my back and forced me to go forward. "F*ck." I whispered as I moved forward with my hands where he could see them. 

As we moved forward I noticed he was bringing me to that same big tent which was heavily guarded. So I was right...As soon as we were about to enter, I heard someone barking:

"F*CK YOU!" Followed by the sound of someone being hit by a blunt object and someone dropping to the ground. We entered and soon more than 400 separate eyes were looking at me. I looking around to see an oversea of blue coats, all on their knees with their hands on their heads. Red coats around all of them with guns aimed at every single blue coat.

How did this happen?

As I looked around I noticed John, Hercules, Lafayette, Washington, Charles...But no Alexander. That is until I saw him on the ground red crimson blood leaking out of him. Was he the one who got punched? 

I looked around looking around for any escape, any loophole, any sign of someone not paying attention to me, but there wasn't any escape. "Is that the last one?" I heard from a corner of the tent. I believe that was the general. I recognized him as William Howe. Honestly f*ck that guy. He caused so many deaths.

"Hold up." He said as he walked past all the angry blue coats and made his way to me. I was about to spit in his face but then he said: 

"Isn't she that girl who escaped from Britain. More specifically, the king?" 


"Your face is splattered on a wanted poster all around America and Britain. You have a lot of money on your name M/L/N (Mispronunciation of your name) Oh no he just didn't...

I kicked him in the balls and shoved him to the ground before turning around and grabbing the bayonet out of the hands of that red coat who found me. I'll call him; 'Mister Crumpet guy' I then grabbed mister 'I-mispronounce-your-name-because-I'm-a-d*ck and held the bayonet to his neck.

"DON'T F*CKING MOVE!" I yelled to the red coats as they all aimed at me. "SHOOT HER YOU TWATS!!!" William yelled as I shut him up by poking the point of the bayonet a little further in his neck. They all seemed a little reluctant about shooting at me. I was LITERALLY holding their only source of income in my hands. 

"Okay, I'm over this." I said as I quickly shot one of the red coats and suddenly shots began to fire. I dodged them all and most of the bullets just hit other red coats. The bluecoats had enough of being on the ground, stood all up and decided to go BALLISTIC. I threw my bayonet to one of the bluecoats and got the little gun out. 

Then I realized Alexander was still eating dirt. I groaned and was thinking to leave him there but then I thought: "Light b*tch be keeping her eyes on me. I don't want to seem like I don't care...But then again, I don't."

I sighed and pulled him up by his collar, threw him arm over my shoulder and helped him out the tent. I placed him far enough from the cap and looked for any bullets which may have landed inside of him while he was unconscious. As I was, he woke up.


"Hey sleeping beauty, you seem fine, no bullets. But ya hurt a$$ can't walk now so stay here, grab my gun and stay safe okay." I said as I gave him a soft slap across his face. I stood up but he held onto my sleeve. He looked at me with his eyes which yelled out a deeper meaning. I looked back, but I didn't feel anything. 

I didn't feel those butterflies which began to flutter whenever he looked at me with his dark eyes. I didn't feel like we were the only ones on this earth. I didn't feel...love. 

I felt nothing.

"Alexander stay safe. For your wife's sake." I said and yanked my hand back. 

Quality is doing the right thing, when no one is looking.


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