-Chapter 8: Welcome-

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Y/N's P.O.V

"So if I'm correct..." I said as I looked up from my papers over to the guys on the couch as they looked at me. "I'll have to call George Washington, mister Washington?" I said a bit confused. The guys made the sound of a burning flame.

"Sir or his excellency." Alexander corrected me. As I looked back at my papers.
"I'm done for." I sighed as I looked at the clock. It was 6:45 and we had to get in the parade to leave to the revolution near the harbor at 7 am and I didn't even know how to say the first sentence to Washington. 

"You'll be fine." John said as he leaned on the arm leaning. I twisted at the golden button on my jacket as I looked outside. I really didn't want to go, but Washington would find me in this house if I didn't. See, I can do something right.
"Stop that. You're even making me nervous." Hercules said as I snapped out of my thoughts and put my hand next to my hips.

I sat down on the table and tapped my foot down on the floor and looked down. I heard someone stand up and walk over to me. I looked up to see Lafayette in front of me.
"Here." He said as he unpinned a pin of his jacket and pinned it on mine. It was a golden pin with a rose on it.

"What is it?" I asked as he pinned it near my heart.

"It's a thing my friend gave to me before I came here. It was meant to be a luck charm." He said as he looked at me.
"Then I can't take it, you need it more than I do." I said as I tried to unpin it but Lafayette put his hand on my hand while I tried to unpin it.

"It already helped me enough." He said as he looked me in the eyes.

He leaned closer to me before...
"AHEM!" We heard as Lafayette groaned and looked behind him.
"You guys are the worst." Lafayette groaned as the guys snickered.

"...That reminds me Yafa's still upstairs. I'm gonna get him." I said as I went upstairs.

Lafayette's P.O.V

We all watched as Y/N went upstairs. When we heard the door close the guys glared at me.
"What?" I said like I didn't know why they looked at me.
"You know damn well why." Hercules hissed.
"So I tried to score with her. So what? You guys would've done the same." I hissed at the three.
"True, true." John said as the guys looked all in different directions.

"But when I'm alone with her I'm gonna score first." Alexander mumbled as we all looked at him. He looked at us and looked confused.

"Did I say something?" He asked.

Y/N's P.O.V

I grabbed Yafa and put her in my pocket. I looked around the room because this may be the last time I see it and headed outside to hear multiple things break.

I ran downstairs to see the guys all tangled up in each other fighting with each other.
"Not the face, not the face!" Alexander yelled as John powered up a punch targeted at Alexander's face. 

"Guys leave that for the war!" I yelled as they all stopped and looked at me. John punched his punch and knocked out Alexander with his eyes still on me. Lafayette, Hercules and John stood up and acted like the last 10 seconds just didn't happen. Alexander stumbled up and rubbed his jaw.

I inhaled to say something but we all heard the dreaded clock ring 7 times. We all looked at each other and went outside to see 2 rows of people making a path for the soldiers to pass. I inhaled and slowly walked over to the path with the guys behind me.

"Do I get in?" I asked as I was about to enter.
"You do, you have an important job." Alexander said as I nodded and got in. People were applauding and the church bells were ringing. It may have given me confidence the first 5 minutes but after that I put my hand in my pocket to hold Yafa because I just wanted someone to hold me.

The people were slowly beginning to fade and the city streets were turning into dirt and grass. I finally hit the end of the applauding and stopped in my tracks. It smelled like blood, dirt and suffering. I was sure that I would get used to it, eventually. 

"Let's go." John said as he pushed me so I would move again. I walked further and further and further and even further until I saw tents randomly appearing.
"Are we in the camp?" I asked as Hercules patted me on the back.
"This is the east side, the camp for the generals and important people. However Washington is in the West with all his main soldiers. As for the North and South, they are for the nurses. But you won't be there that often. I mean...You shouldn't be there if every thing goes well." Hercules explained to me.

I nodded and we continued walking to the West so I could talk to Washington. I saw a little wooden board saying: Now entering: West. I sighed as I petted Yafa. There was yet again a line with soldiers to get a tent number and weapons. 

"This is our stop. You just gotta find Washington." Lafayette said as I nodded. They got in line and I walked towards the tents trying to find the biggest one which would be Washington's tent. I roamed around a few minutes before asking a soldier where the tent was. Luckily, the soldier was nice enough to tell me. He said to go all the way to the North of this camp. I thanked him and headed North. I saw a big tent that I presumed was the one of the general.

I slowly came closer and called:

"General Washington?" 

I heard a"come in." I entered and saw a desk at the very end and a man sitting there. 
"Ah, you must be the messenger." Washington said as he looked up from his papers.
"Eum...Yes sir." I said realizing I had Yafa in my hands so I hid them behind my back. He stood up and made his way over to me. He stuck his hand out for me to shake so I looked at it and placed Yafa in one hand and grabbed Washington's hand. 

"What's that behind your back?" Washington said as he pointed behind my back.
"Er..." I said trying to hold Yafa but they weren't in my hand. I showed him that there was nothing and he nodded. He began to talk but I was focused on where the F Yafa was. I felt something go up my head. My eyes widened as I felt Yafa sit on top of my head.

"...And so I'll be grouping you with some soldiers in a tent and-...What's that?" Washington asked as he pointed to my head. I gulped.

"What sir?" I asked acting like I didn't know what he was talking about. He sighed and grabbed Yafa off my head and put them on his hand.
"This." He said as he showed my the turtle.
"That's m-my friend's turtle, he's here too but he can't keep him for now." I said as I grabbed Yafa from the general. I looked down, I was sure I just made a bad impression and I've been here for 5 minutes. But the general put a hand on my head and chuckled.

"You remind me of myself when I was your age." He chuckled as I looked up and he removed his hand. 

"Really?" I asked with a grin.
"Yes really, I used to be so nervous to meet my commander." Washington explained as he chuckled. I felt so much more easy.

"So as I was saying...Your tent number will be...number 241 and you'll be back here at 7 am sharp tomorrow to deliver some letters for me." Washington demanded as I nodded and headed out.

I exhaled as I felt a hug weight lift of my chest. 

Maybe this won't be so bad...

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