-Chapter 49: I do-

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Y/N's P.O.V

I was finally going to get married. I stood at the altar with Thomas. We were holding hands and the priest was preparing his speech. "I'm so happy." I whispered to Thomas with a smile. "Me too but, are you sure we're not going to have any interruptions?" Thomas asked squeezing my hand. "I took care of it." I whispered back in response. 

What did I take care of?

I chained Alexander's hands to the seats. Eliza asked me why. I told her that he hates Jefferson so he doesn't want me to get married to him in the first place. To prevent that he would object, I did cette thing. 

She approved. 

Washington sat next to him. Both hands chained. 

Martha approved. 

You see, I didn't trust Madison. So he was seated next too Washington and Hamilton with hands chained.

Thomas approved. 

I was going to get married and I didn't want any interruptions. I had worked so hard for today and I just wanted to have Thomas by my side and me by his side. 

The priest began his speech, have I mentioned who wanted to marry us? 

Samuel-that's right.

He wanted to marry us because I married him and Charles a few years ago. So he studied his classes and could officially marry us. So yeah!

He kept rambling and rambling because he practiced his speech for A to Z. He had written an literal essay. I was so proud! 

When he came to the I do parts I looked around, making sure everyone was still where I put them. I looked at the 3 guys and was in a panic attack when I saw that Alexander was biting his chains to get his freedom. 

And it was working.

"I do." I heard Thomas say as I shot my eyes back at him. This thing had to go down fast. I didn't want to know if Alexander was getting through those chains or not. 

"Y/N, will you take Thomas Jefferson as your dearly beloved husband?" Samuel asked. 


Suddenly the doors swung open. Everyone looked behind themselves. It was someone in a French messengers uniform. I knew this because I was a messenger in the revolution. He looked very unstable. He was going to faint. 

Nobody moved so I kicked off my heels and ran to the guy to prevent him from falling down and breaking something. I was just in time to catch him as he fell through his knees. I laid him down and then Thomas came running. 

He had some water with him that he gave to me. I splashed it on his face which made his eyes open. He had blue eyes and black curly hair. Looked around 20. Young soul. 

"Are you okay?" I asked as he nodded a bit. "Okay, CAN YOU EXPLAIN WHAT THE ACTUAL F*CK IS GOING ON?!" I yelled at him as he nodded his head in fear and shot up leaning against one of the walls. In a very thick French accent he explained:

"I'm from France. The revolution broke out and we had to fight. Monsieur Lafayette and his battalion have been captured by the British troops. They brought us to Britain. I was in that battalion, but I escaped. Before I did, monsieur Lafayette told me to go to America and get these people. Alexander Hamilton, Y/N L/N and John Laurens. They would know what to do." He explained as I patiently listened. 

"...John! Alexander!" I called them. John stood up and rushed to me while Alexander pulled on his chains a few times and then got them loose. They both came to the back. 

"Lafayette's in trouble." I explained as they frowned. "Well let's go and help him!" John exclaimed. "We just got out of a revolution John." Alexander argued back. "Alexander." I stated as he looked at me. "Lafayette's in trouble. We're going to help him, with or without your help." I sternly stated. 

"Are you in or not?" John asked Alexander as he sighed. "...Sure." He mumbled eventually. "I'm coming too." Thomas stated. "Babe, you don't even know how to hold a gun." I reminded him. "Then you can teach me, I'm not leaving you." He stated. 

Alexander was almost puking because of that. 

"...Okay. You're coming along. And you-" I said as I pointed to the French guy. "-You're coming along." I stated as he nodded. "What's your name?" I asked as he stood up. "Sam Briseurdecoeur." He introduced himself. "Why do you all have such long names?" John asked with a Frisk face. 

I turned to the crowd. "Okay! Everyone! I want you to go home. The ceremony is cancelled. John, Alexander, Thomas, Sam and I are going to Britain." I stated as everyone got up and walked out of the church and passed us saying 'good luck'. 

Good luck indeed...

A/N. I'm in my exam period and I'm sorry if this sucks (._.)

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