-Chapter 60: Never gonna be president now-

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Y/N Jefferson, had a torrid affair and she wrote it down right there.

The charge against me is a connection with one Marquis De Lafayette. For purposes of improper confrontation. My real crime is a non-amorous yet amorous connection with him, for the break I was forced in by my beloved husband.

Living in the same house, sharing the same bed at night. 

2 months from which half of it I had cheated on my husband with the Marquis.

Sam Briseurdecoeur and Marquis de Lafayette, held me captive so I could give them reign over my power. But from now, I shall spill this so the nation can firmly live forward

So, have you read this?

"Well I'm never gonna be president now." I sighed as I looked through the pamphlet. I had no regrets of ever making this. The affair itself, was quite a regret. And now everyone knew about it. But at least Sam and Lafayette were exposed.

I wonder how they'll be treated when karma comes knocking on their door step. 

Assuming that they'll even be found after this.

But I'm sharing the same fate. Then again, it's just another affair. There have been a million of those. This will pass by the news and then everyone will continue their lives. I don't want to deal with my public image. 

I've got a husband and kid at home.

I swallowed thickly as I stood in front of my house door, I hadn't returned there since the day I met Lafayette. I didn't know what to expect. A lot of yelling, that's for sure.

I slowly pushed the door open after I had unlocked it and softly closed it. The color inside the house was grayish instead of its magenta self. 

It looked dull. Even though everything was still the same. Yet it wasn't.

I slowly moved trough the house. The living room, kitchen and study were empty. Presuming that he wasn't in the bathroom, I went to our bedroom.

The door was creaked open.

I slowly pushed it wider open and there he sat. 

On the side of the unmade bed where clearly only 1 person had slept. He didn't have his regular coat on, he didn't have his straight and high posture, his hair wasn't the fluffy texture it always was. He was in a crumpled shirt, he had collapsed like a sack full of potatoes and his hair was flat. 

He was reading something. I could take a quick guess. 

"You lied to me." He stated with a voice so fragile, I was afraid he was going to break it. "I never told you." I argued back looking to the side. "Same difference." He quickly huffed. "...I never intended to hurt you." I said looking to the ground.

"Your intentions are irrelevant. You knew full well that cheating on me would hurt me, which is why you kept it a secret. You didn't intend to hurt me? Well, you didn't intentionally try to keep me from harm either." He scoffed as he turned his head towards me. 

He was pale. Tear stains on his cheeks. Eyes red. Lips in a downward position. Clearly a good balance between angry and sad. 

"He seduced me." I argued back as he shot up. "And you complied?" He shot back. "I-" I wanted to say something, but I didn't know what;

"Putting everything together right now," Thomas said and folded his arms. "I feel like an idiot." He hissed. "That's why you were acting weird." He sighed under his breath. "I should've known." He grumbled and sat back down. "Does Mary-"

"She knew before me." He interrupted.

"..." I remained quiet. 

"I would say sorry but you wouldn't believe it." I finally stated as he sarcastically began to laugh. "You know me so well." He stated. 

"Look, I made a grand mistake. I have done wrong. I understand if you want me to go-"

"I want you to burn." He corrected as I got a stick stuck in my throat. "And I understand." I finally said as tears started to run across his cheek. "I-...I...I'll go." I stated as he turned his entire body away from me. 

"Please care for Mary." I whispered as I left.

 I made my way out and opened the door. But as soon as I opened it, a force opened it too. I looked up to see curly dark hair, tear stained cheeks and e/c eyes staring back at me. I closed my eyes in shame as I moved past Mary and left. Saying "I'm sorry." In the progress.

Eyes followed me as I walked through the street. Whispers following me as I made my way through the streets. I just had to bite through it all and it would all end perfectly.




Remind me to never trust myself again.

A/N I have to admit, this was a shorty but anyway

100 K!

Holy guacamole!

This is the first book to make it to the 100! I am soooooo happy you guys helped me to get me to this point even before the book came to an end!

Reader: End?


This book is slowly coming to an end.

Maybe 5 chapters max.

But hey! Don't worry! I have new things prepared and I think you guys will like them! Plus, I worked really hard on a good ending for this book!

(Because every other ending I could think off ended bad.)

So, yeah! Thank you guys for being here for the whole ride!

From your probably not favorite author


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