-Chapter 61: Dear Mary-

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(A/N, Before we begin, I have done my God damn research. Because I know that there are some of those really brilliant brains out there who can always prove me wrong! And if my research is invalid, I'm sorry.

  It's about if immigrants can be presidents. And yes, I am well aware that one of the rules is that you have to be a USA citizen.

 But I took a good hour of my life looking through multiple websites and looking over a lot of details. And BAM

No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.  

just so ya'll know. Now onto the chapter!)

Y/N's P.O.V

Well, never thought that I'd be old enough to see this bomb going off. Years have passed. I've been living alone at Hercules's house. I took my own initiative and packed my things in the cabinet. And now I'm reading my days away. Regretting some things I had done in my life.

Now I thought I took a big blow when Thomas threw me out of the house. Ho I didn't know what I had coming when Alexander came knocking on my door the next day. It wasn't pretty. He came inside and then proceeded to yell at me.

"You f*cking sl*t!" He yelled at me as I kept my neutral face. "I have been here for you since God knows how long!" He stated, hands formed into permanent fists. "And I've cared for you!" He continued. "Then you go to France for 2 months and you've already done the deed with Lafayette." He sneered as I looked to the side, still keeping a neutral face. 

"That was different-"

"How can it be different?!" He yelled furiously. A silence fell in the room.

"You don't know what happened, I don't want to tell you and you can't judge me if you're doing the same." I stated as he jerked his eyes away from mine. 

Without another word, he left. Talking about Hamilton. How's Philip doing?

*Sound of whistling Intensifies*

Philip's P.O.V

I sat down on the swing on top of the hill and looked at the setting sun. This was a really nice place to just sit and forget everything you are in the social eye. As I closed my eyes and inhaled the fresh and clean air, someone put their hands on my shoulders.

"Yo weirdo." I heard a mixed accent of Virginian and something I could never quite place say. "Sup." I snorted as I heard a chuckle. I stood up and looked into the e/c eyes of Mary. She smiled at me before I gave her a kiss on the lips. It was a quick hello kiss, don't get your mind in the gutter.

We sat down.

"Heard your dad is running for president." She told me as I nodded. "Running against Burr, how will that end?" I sighed as we both chuckled. "How's your dad?" I asked, my voice full of sympathy. "I think he's broken." She sighed.

"Still not over it." I confirmed for her as she nodded. "Does he miss her?" I asked. "He denies it, yet he still looks over the letters they wrote to each other." Mary sighed. Her lips then formed a smile. "Even when he hates what she has done, he can't seem to hate her." She smiled. "That's true love." I noted.

"Are you angry about the affair?" I asked as she shrugged. "At first, I was shocked. Then I was sad. Then I was angry. But then...I asked myself: 'Why?' Maybe she had a reason." She pondered. "Then ask her. You know where she lives." I said as she bit her lip. "I'm afraid to. I still look up to her on some levels. And as much as I'd like to know why, I think it's better if it just remains a mystery." She stated and leaned on my shoulder. "I knew miss Jefferson for awhile. I think she had a reason." I sighed. I then looked at Mary.

"I'm sure that one day you'll know." I smiled as she smiled back. 

"I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who's asking that question. Rumors have spread. They say my mom used my dad and Lafayette to get money. Then blamed it on an affair." Mary frowned as I shot up and stood straight. "Who said that?" I asked as Mary looked to the side. "I'd rather not-"

"Who?" I asked sternly.

"...George Eacker." She said much to her dismay. "That's f*cker?" I gritted my teeth. "Philip please." Mary pouted, stood up and held my arm. "No Mary! I'm sure that miss Jefferson wouldn't do anything like that! She once saved me-"

"-when you were on a chandelier." Mary finished for me. "Exactly. And if she can risk her life to save mine even though she didn't know who it was, then so the f*ck will I." I hissed as I stepped down the hill. "Philip, wait!" Mary called as she ran towards me. "Where are you off to?" She asked as I kept marching.

"Wherever the f*ck Eacker is." I stated. 

(I have 666 followers.)

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