-Chapter 11: Replacement-

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~A few months later~

Y/N's P.O.V

"400 letters in 5 hours! New record!!!" I yelled as I ran into Washington's office. "You're getting better and better at this Y/N." Washington smiled. "You bet." I said as I fell down on the ground panting. "Get up." Washington chuckled. "If I had a daughter, you would be the closest to it." He chuckled. "Heh." I laughed along. "You're free for the rest of the day, go and do something." Washington said as I nodded and left.

I left and went to my tent. It was empty because the guys went training. I sat down on my 'bed' and laid down after awhile. I was slightly falling asleep when I heard some people come in. I kept my eyes shut until I heard chuckling and someone sitting down to the bed beside me.

"So misses...L/N? What brought you here today?" I heard a voice that belonged to Alexander speak. I slowly opened one of my eyes to see Alexander sitting next to my 'bed' with glasses and a paper pretending to be a psychiatrists. I chuckled but decided to play along. "Well, I've been living with these 4 idiots and my mental health is drastically lowering." I said with a hand on my forehead. Alexander nodded and wrote some things down. "Uh-huh...Well there's only 1 solution. REMOVE HER FROM THE TENT!" Alexander yelled to the others who all grabbed a arm or a leg and tossed me out the tent.

"HEY! Let me in!" I yelled as I stood up. They closed the tent flaps. "Oh excuse me but I thought you were living with idiots." Alexander mocked me. "Can you let me inside please..." I said with a cute voice. Alexander pocked his head out with a sh*t eating grin. (Oh! You want to see what the grin is, well here ya go:)

 (Oh! You want to see what the grin is, well here ya go:)

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"If you kiss me I'll let you in." He said with that same grin. "Ah-no." I said with a frown. "Suit yourself." He said and popped his head back inside the tent. "...I'm gonna complain to Washington." I said and turned around. Suddenly I felt 8 hands grab me again and pull me inside the tent. "Okay, we rehire you to stay in the tent." John chuckled.

"BACK TO TRAINING KNUCKLE HEADS!!!" I heard from the outside. "That's our cue. See you later!" Hercules said as he and the others left the tent. "I'll be out in the forest." I quickly added. "Wowowowow, the forest?" Lafayette said as he pocked his head back inside. "Yeah, don't worry, I'll be fine." I said. Lafayette frowned and tried to say something but was called by the rest, so he sighed and ran after the group.

"To the forest we go." I said as I grabbed Yafa and headed out. I wanted to go to the forest because I wanted to walk around and not bother anyone. It's kinda my place when I want to think or talk to Yafa without being looked at. Or just theorize about why I was here...

"So who do you like more?" I said for Yafa. "Huh?" I said with a frown. "From the guys. Who do you like more?" I asked in that high voice. Even though I asked the question, a blush crept on my face. "I think I like-" I said before being hit on the head. I dropped Yafa, fell on the floor and everything went black.

Lafayette's P.O.V

"What if I carry them with me 24/7?" John asked at me while we were sword fighting. I pushed my sword against his. "No John, Y/N is already caring for Yafa for you. And now you want even more turtles? What about when you have to fight?" I asked with a grin. John shrugged and swung his sword towards me.

"What would she be doing now?" John asked while he blocked a swung from my sword. "Er...I'm sure she's fine." I chuckled nervously. "...what are you not telling me?" John asked with his right eyebrow cocked. "John, would I keep a secret from you?" I asked dramatic. "Yes you would!" John laughed as he went in for an attack.

"That hurts." I laughed. "OKAY YA KNUCKLE HEADS, BACK TO THE TENTS!" I heard the trainer say. We all headed out and went to the tent. I had my both hands clasped hoping and praying that Y/N was in the tent. As soon as we pushed the flaps open we saw that the tent was empty.

"Oh no..." I mumbled. "Hey, where's Y/N?" Alexander said as he looked around. "She wouldn't be out so late, right?" Hercules said checking the bed to see if she was under it. "...Lafayette where's Y/N?" John said and turned to me. The three looked at me with a questioning look.

"She..." I tried and exhaled. "She went to the forest." I sighed. "Well then let's go!" Alexander said as he grabbed his gun and sword. "Right." I said as we left. We walked to the forest nearby and looked around. "Y/N!!!" We all yelled with no response. Suddenly John stopped yelling and looked down. He crouched down and picked something up. "Guys?" He said as we all raced to him. "Did you find something?" Hercules asked. "No, I found someone." He said as he showed us Yafa.

"The turtle?" Alexander asked as he looked at Yafa. "Y/N always has 'em in her pocket, she wouldn't just drop 'em." John said as we gave each other concerned looks.

Y/N's P.O.V

"F*cking sh*t..." I mumbled to myself as I slowly opened my eyes. "So you decided to wake up?" Someone said in an British accent. "Look mate, I can't really decide to wake up of someone hits me on the head." I said. Okay my sass is still active.

"Where in the world am I?" I asked trying to rub my eyes only to realize that they were tied down to a pole. "The British layers." The voice answered. "And why?" I asked as I rubbed my hands together to see how the rope was tied.

"You're being shipped off to Brittany." The voice answered. "Wait, wait, wait, shipped off?" I asked as I looked up to the voice. "You're being sold as slave to the people there." The voice said getting more and more annoyed with my questions. "WAIT!-" I said getting scared. "ALL PRISONERS ON BOARD!" I heard a voice yell.

The presumably man that was talking to me untied the ropes and then grabbed both of my hands from behind my back and pushed me out the dark room. I adjusted myself to the light from outside to see that I was in an underground cell right under the harbor. I looked around to see a ton of people, soldiers, in red coats walking around. Then there was this line with people heading to a ship with a red coat holding them tight. I was set in this row as we all walked on the ship.

As soon as we got on the ship they pushed all the people without a red coat in a tiny room and locked the door. Soon the ship started to move and we all fell over each other.

"Oh God...what have I gotten myself into?"

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