-Chapter 26: Okay then-

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Y/N's P.O.V


I pushed myself past the doors and hurried to the washroom. I got inside and barricaded the door with a chair after locking it. I splashed some water in my face (and I am in a better place)

I looked the the mirror and stood there, looking at my reflection. I shook my head as I laughed. "I-I didn't commit suicide...I didn't." I laughed as I looked at my reflection. "Do I look suicidal?" I asked my reflection still laughing. Tears of laughter streamed off my face.

Or at least.

I think they were tears of laughter.

I sighed as I put my still wet hands in my hair ruining it more than it already was. My white sleeves were now wet and sticking to my arms. It itched, but I didn't scratch them. I pulled away from the sink and sat down on the ground. 

"Get over it Y/N." I silently whispered. "He's not worth the tears." I said for the 1000th time. I trailed my mind to something else. "What is Washington going to do with that information?" I asked myself.

"He seemed pretty angry." I sighed t myself. "Maybe he has trust issues." I mumbled. I then heard knocking on the door. My eyes widened as I looked at the door. "Y/N?" I heard a muffled voice through the door. I couldn't make out who it was. I pushed my head in between my knees and formed myself in a ball.

Then the door fell down on the ground. Shocked I backed away even further into the wall. As I looked up I saw a yellow dress. "Wow, that door really was locked." The now clear female voice said. I looked up further and saw that it was Peggy.

"Hey." She said with a soft voice as she got down on my level. "Are you okay?" She asked as I nodded and rubbed away a tear. "Yeah." I said as she sat down next to me. "Oh, so you always cry when you're fine?" She asked.

"..." (*Matpat puking in the background*)

"Tell me what happened." She said as I sighed. What was I going to tell her? There's much to choose from. Oh you know, I'm in love with the husband of your sister or I died in a future life and now I'm here or even WASHINGTON HATES ME!

"Life. That's what happened." I said.

"Ah...I see." She said as she put her head on my shoulder. "Get off me." I hissed but she didn't move. "You know how its like to be invisible?" She asked as I sighed. She wasn't going away anytime soon. "Yes." I answered harshly. "You can stay out of drama and never get hurt in any way but 1, being ignored." She explained. I didn't see it from that angle. Only being hurt in 1 way sounds like the best life ever.

"Maybe, being a little less important will make everything better for everyone. I don't mean to make yourself less of a human being, but to not put every emotion out there. It'll sometimes work in your favor." She said.

"...You're right." I said as she smiled. "Maybe I need to be less self centered and...Be happy for them." I smiled as she nodded. "Thank you Peggy." I said as I looked at her. "Any time." She said as she held her arms open for a hug. I rolled my eyes but hugged her.

We stood up and left the washroom. We went to the party. It was a big room with a yellow lit chandelier which gave the room a cozy look. Tables were set all around and the dance floor was right in the middle. 

I smiled and grabbed a champagne glass filled with champagne in it and rushed to the middle of the room. "May I have your attention!" I yelled which made everyone go silent since my voice echoed around the room. Everyone had their eyes on me. 

"Can I have a moment to just say that I am happy for my friend Alexander Hamilton for marrying the best of wives and best of women, Elizabeth Schuyler." I said raising the glass in their direction. Alexander, whom was hugging Eliza, smiled as Eliza blushed.

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