-Chapter 7: Whoops-

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(Art is made by Charm_Charm_BITCH )
Y/N's P.O.V

"Yafa, I think I have you in check mate." I grinned as I placed my king on a black spot. Yafa looked at me and kicked their king on a white spot.
"I win." I said in the high pitched voice for Yafa.
"WHAT?!" I yelled as I saw that they had me in check mate. I did what I always did with my elder cousin, I picked up the board and threw all the pawns of the board.

"I don't see anyone winning." I grinned as the turtle laid down.
"Cheater." I said for Yafa.

(Fun fact, I have done this before)

Alexander's P.O.V

"Aaaaaaand I'm bored." I said as I looked at the sky that was slowly turning darker and darker.
"I'm worried." Lafayette said as he looked at the row.
"Why?" John asked looking up at him.
"We've been gone for 5 hours, what if something happened to Y/N?" Lafayette answered as he bit off one of his finger nails.
"No, no. There is a lock on the door and id she's smart she'll just turn the lock and she'll be safe." Hercules reassured Lafayette.
"Yeah she's smart enough." John added as we waited in line.

Y/N's P.O.V

"I'M NOT SMART ENOUGH!" I yelled to myself as I smashed my head down on the table.

"What's up?" I said as Yafa slowly walked over to me to sit on my head.
"The ceiling." I muffled as I cracked a small smile at my own joke. Yafa sat on top of my head as I slowly removed my head of the table. They really liked to get on my head. Now I just hope that they don't poop on my head, bleh...

I looked outside the window and saw that it was getting really late. Then I took a look at the grand fathers clock and saw that it was 7 pm. The guys left around 1 pm, what's taking so long?

"Y/N, we're going out to sign the last things to go to the revolution tomorrow, it at take all day so if there's something wrong just go to the city centre."

Maybe I should go there to check on them. I grabbed my black bag and put Yafa in it. I went via the backdoor and locked it with the key that was on the cabinet. Here we go.

I walked out on the street clearly making it clear that I wanted to go somewhere. Why? Women here that walk alone, not in group, are assumed to be either single or a...You know.

Yafa popped their head out the bag to see.
"Do you think this is a good idea?" I asked in the high pitched voice. I hummed and pushed the little head back in the bag with my finger. The city centre? Isn't that the place where Samuel gave his speech?

I walked over there to see a crowd of people there. Mostly men but also women. There was a line for women that was composed of 5 women in a line. Then there was the other line. The men line. I couldn't see the end of the row. I wanted to ask what was going on but the book told me:

"If you need help, go to a woman."

That, is...Kinda true

I got in line and it was soon my turn to speak to the lady that was dressed like a nurse.
"Ah sorry we have enough nurses." The lady said as she showed me the list. I pushed it out my face to talk to the lady.
"But I'm not here to-" I said before I was cut off.
"AH! You're here for a messenger job?" The lady said with a smile.
"Er...I-" I said confused as she cut me off yet again.

"What's your name sweetheart?" She asked as she grabbed her quill.
"Y/N L/N, but-" I said as she wrote it down super fast and cut me off. Does this lady do this for a living? Cause she acts like the secretary at my school.

"Noted, here's your uniform and your paper that you'll have to give to general Washington when you go to him tomorrow." She said as she shoved a pair of clothes in my arms with a paper on top. I tried to reason with the lady but she cut me off.
"You know, you're the only one in this area that wants to do this. You got a lot of pressure on you, but I'm glad you signed in." The lady smiled.
"NEXT!" She yelled as another person who wanted to be nurse came in to get her uniform and that was the last woman. Oh boi...

"I'm the only messenger in the area and I need to go to Washington tomorrow?" I said to myself.
"Guuuuuuurl you messed up!" I high pitched as Yafa pocked their head out the bag. I pushed their head back and sighed.

I decided to just go back to Hercules's home and then...Cry about it.

The moment I opened the door 4 heads turned to me. It wasn't a pretty situation. John was holding Alexander's collar and was about to smash Alexander's head against the wall while Lafayette was pulling John by the arms to get him off Alexander and Hercules was pulling on Lafayette to help him to get John off Alexander.

"Thank God you're safe!" John yelled as he let go of Alexander there by causing a disturbance in the force making Lafayette and Hercules fall over and Alexander slid down the wall. John parkoured his way over Lafayette and Hercules and hugged me.

"We didn't see you when we arrived so we were worried." John said in my shoulder.
"What happened?" I asked looking over John's shoulder on the tippy toes to see the other 3 slowly standing up.
"Don't worry about it." Hercules laughed nervously.
"Oh..." I said as John let go off me.

"What's that in your hand?" Lafayette asked as he stood up.
"I'm joining the war?" I said as confused as they were. A moment of silence passed.

"What?" Alexander said as he broke the silence.
"I was mistaken for a volunteer who wanted to be messenger and now, I need to go to Washington tomorrow..." I explained very slow and very confused.
"Why didn't you just say that you didn't want to go?" Hercules asked confused.
"The lady kept talking." I said traumatized.

"Ah yeah they do that..." Alexander said.
"I'm a woman." I reminded him as Alexander sunk away in the couch from the shame he had made himself. I sighed as I placed the package on the table.
"I don't really want to go but they'll find me." I said as I looked at the paper with my name on it.

I then looked at the uniform and unfold it to see what it was all about. It was a very black jacket with golden coloured buttons and those shoulder patches that the guys had. There was a little black jacket that I had to wear under the first golden buttoned jacket and a black long skirt.

 There was a little black jacket that I had to wear under the first golden buttoned jacket and a black long skirt

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"Oh brother." I sighed as the others looked at the pieces of clothing.
"That'll fit you nicely." John said as he looked at the clothing.
"Stop it." Alexander hissed at John.

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