-Chapter 32: Last unspoken words-

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A/N for the ones who didn't see the pol, we basically need a main center guy. So I have let you guys choose. I didn't tell you if that guy would be good or bad to make you understand how plotting works. So Here are the results:

John: 6 votes

Or: 1 vote

Lafayette: 18 votes

Yafa: 1 vote

So Lafayette won with double the points of John which surprised me very much so. But this one comment did really clear things out. 

TixieStar said and I quote:

"Bro it has to be him I mean like everyone just loves John so much for some reason I mean I love him too and all but Lafayette gets no attention do you know how many John X Readers there are and this is getting long omg XD Reply"

So there ya go. Unless Yafa or 'or' will get more votes today, it shall be Lafayette!

Y/N's P.O.V

John watched my cry on the floor and that's when Alexander came rushing in. He took one glance at John and then at me.

"What the F*CK DID YOU DO?!" Alexander yelled as he shoved John. John didn't answer, but instead pushed the letter in Alexander's hands. Alexander scoffed and then looked at the letter. A few seconds pass and Alexander dropped the letter. 

There is something so sour about being with the people who lost the same person you did. The deadly silence and the Atmosphere feels too light and you are vulnerable. I don't like it. I just want ice cream and alone time. 

So I stood up, hand on my mouth to prevent any sobs coming out. I ran upstairs to the guestroom which was given to me for the time being. I entered and fell down on the ground (and I'm drowning in'em~)

I cried my gut out.

Hercules was practically the person who helped me get in. He got me out of Britain. Learned me how to shoot. I liked him. I liked him more than a friend...

I couldn't stay in this house. I couldn't. The silence would kill me. The constant sad faces, it would eat me alive. I couldn't go through that. 

Not again.

I grabbed the little belongings I had. And then...I couldn't muster up the courage to go down and face anyone. I went down the rain pipe and walked around the house. I had left a little note saying:

I just need some alone time, I'm sorry

Y/N L/N 

With that, I walked around. I was wearing my soldier uniform not wanting to be cat called. Plus, I felt like wearing pants. I came from a time where people paid to get a jeans which looks like it went through a shredder. I HAVE MY RIGHTS!

I didn't have a place to stay. Hercules was the one who gave me a home...A home...I looked in my back and pushed through all the notebooks. I then found it. The house keys of Hercules's home. That's when another thought shot through my mind.

That night, when we were on the boat from Britain to America. Hercules and I had a conversation...


"Hey Y/N..." Hercules said as I looked at him. "Yeah?" I asked as I sat down beside him. "What will you do if I would die?" He asked. That hit me directly in the chest. "Well I would cry..." I said with a little chuckle. "But...What would happen with your shop? With your house? With all of your stuff?" I asked, "It's just an IF question." I included. "Well I have my will in the safe under my bed. The code is 0925. So If I ever do die, just fetch it for me will you? I would but..." He said and we both chuckled. 

"I promise." I told him. We smiled and looked around us, until I started to talk again.

"Well, I don't have anything...Literally, all I could leave is my corps." I said as Hercules sighed. "I do really wonder...Where did you come from before...All of this?" He asked as I sighed in response. "I don't want to talk about it." I said getting the feeling of drowning back in my head.

~End FlashBack~

I frowned as I looked at the key Hercules gave me the day we left the house. Why? If he would lose it in Britain one day, he would be homeless, that's why. It was rusty since it had gone through a whole lot. But it still was his house key. "I promise..." I said as I tightened my grip on the key and marched to his house. 

As I stood in front of the entrance, I noticed that the house hadn't changed since the last time I saw it. And I had seen the house a few years ago. So that was pretty amazing. I put the key in the key holder and with some annoying movements, I opened the door. It creaked open and a little bit of dust moved around as I entered.

I closed the door as I took the key in my hands. I put my leather bag down on the ground and put the key away in one of my pockets. It was just as we left it. Exactly how we left it. I even saw the sewing kit laying there, untouched. It was from that one time Lafayette had his patch a bit loose. 

I tried to quiet the voices in my head as the recalled every memory. I closed my eyes remembering why I was here in the first place. I ran upstairs to his bedroom and looked under his bed. There was the safe. Remembering the code like it was just told to me, I opened the safe with the code 0925. September 25th, Hercules's birthday.

(Yes I do realize the oldest safe was made in 1835 and yes you have all right to say that if you haven't. But you can also get your diploma for high school because NO ONE KNOWS THE HISTORY OF SAFES FOR ZEUS'S SAKE!!!)

The safe opened with a click.

I opened it, to find a single letter. I grabbed the letter and carefully opened it. I read aloud:

  Last Will and Testament of Hercules Mulligan.

"I want this will to be read by one of my friends: Alexander Hamilton, John Laurens, (Do I really have to? Okay then...)Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette or Y/N L/N. 

First of all wow, I'm actually dead. Didn't see that one coming. ...Get it? Because this is a will and I knew that I would die...Okay. 

So, first of all, because I know that Alexander, John and Lafayette already have homes and I don't have a son or daughter to give this house to, I want Y/N to have it. I want to give her the house and every single thing in it. I gave her the key, she can keep it. If Y/N can keep the shop running that would be cool...If she gets someone else to do it, that would be fine too. 

So that's the property. It goes to Y/N L/N. Then comes my money. I want to donate half of it to my parents as...A thank you for raising me gesture. The rest I want to evenly split between the four. Alexander, John, Lafayette and Y/N.

That's all I have to offer. I'm sorry I didn't make it you guys. Life on without me, but don't you dare forget me! I will roll out my grave and I'll kick your a$$es.


Hercules Mulligan, son of Hugh and Sarah Mulligan

(I had to learn how to write a will today, that was great. Now I know how to do that! YAY!)

...He left me his house, money and business...THIS GUY LEFT ME A HOUSE, MONEY AND A BUSINESS!!! Holy sh*t...I put my hands on my face and began to cry. Even while writing his will, he remained to be positive. F*ck...I need to learn from that attitude...

I put the will back in the envelope and decided to send it to the Hamilton house hold along with a letter explaining how I found it. After I did that, I decided to sit down on the couch. Think a bit. It smelled like dust but through all of the dust it smelled like it smelled before.

It smelled like home.

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