-Chapter 37: A mont-whatnow?-

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Y/N's P.O.V

You have got to be kidding me.

I stood in front of what seemed to be a rental house Jefferson owned in New York. This house is 100 time bigger than my house and the tailor shop COMBINED!!! What the f*ck-How rich is this dude? 

I knocked on the door, even that little knock made it echo all over the place, making me almost fall over my own feet like the IDIOT I am. There's no way he lives by himself...Maybe he has a wife...OH MY GOD MAYBE HE HAS A WIFE!!!

...But then again...Madison is his friend and when I asked him that, he would've pulled a trigger. Right? 


While I was thinking, someone had already opened the door and was staring at me. When I noticed I almost fell off the marble stairs and the door step. Luckily, I didn't.

It was someone whom I had never seen before. It was a guy in a suit looking at me through silver glasses. I just looked at him up and down before asking: "Is Jefferson here?" He looked at me. Up and down.

See. I am okay with me looking at people, but a guy I don't know looking at me up and down. Set off a trigger. "OI! EYES ARE UP HERE!" I yelled as he directly made eye contact with me. "Yes, I can't let you go to Mister Jefferson in that." He said. 

I looked down at my greyish and blueish dress.

I looked down at my greyish and blueish dress

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 "Excuse me?" I said as I looked up. "Have you never been taught the proper-" He said but I decided to act instead of talk.

I grabbed a paper from my pocket. I unrolled it and showed it to him. What was on it? My official title as the right hand woman of Washington-That's right. I may be secretary, but do you really think that Washington only wanted me to stand next to him. No.

I told Jefferson what I do as Washington's secretary, but I also decide along in the cabinets at the end of the day. 

The guy's eyes widened. "My apologies misses L/N. I didn't know, please, do come in." He said as he got out of the way and let me through. "Thank you." I said as I walked in. He closed the door as I looked around. This was a huge...Hall...It's rather infuriating that my toilet sized hall can be classified in the same place as this hall. THIS HALL IS BIGGER THAN MY HOUSE! 

As I looked around I noticed all the...Magenta colored stuff.

I liked the color, but I'd rather not see it everywhere I look, it made me feel. Uneasy. I wanted to get out of this hall as quick as possible. It was so much different than the brown oak color of my home.

"This way m'am." The guy said as he opened one of the huge doors. I stepped inside to come in a living room three times the size of that hall. It wasn't that much of a color change...

"You may sit wherever you like. Mister Jefferson will come soon." He said as I nodded and sat down on one of the velvet couches. And I waited...And waited...And...Waited. I ended up falling asleep. 

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