-Chapter 51: about rings and shots-

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Y/N's P.O.V

We reached the cellar and then pondered how to get the keys from one of the guards. They all stood in front of the large door separating the cells and the cellar. I had a deja vu as I looked at the door.

I then looked at Thomas with a smile. "Hey Thomas." I whispered as he looked at me. "Yes?" He answered. "Can you run?" I asked as he cocked his eyebrow. "Yes? I literally ran here." He hesitated as I smiled. 

"Perfect." I smiled as I grabbed the ribbon out of my hair, pulled his hair into a low pony tail and shoved him towards the red coats. "Sorry bea." I chuckled. "WHA!" Thomas yelped.

"ONE ESCAPED!" I yelled in a very low voice as they all turned to Thomas who stood there in all his glory and confusion. 

"That's that Lafayette guy!" One of the red coats yelled as they grabbed their swords, guns and bayonets. "Catch him! "Another yelled as they all ran to Thomas. "I'M TOO FABULOUS FOR THIS!!!!" Thomas screamed as he ran past us as we got down and behind a wall to avoid the red coats seeing us. 

"Done." I chuckled. "You seem to get rid of a lot of people, really fast miss." Sam sheepishly stated. "I mean..." I chuckled as we walked to the door of the cellars. I put my hand on the handle and pushed the door open. As I pushed it open, I noticed the immediate noise that the soldiers were making. That door was very sound proof...

We stepped in and saw row of metal bars close to each other forming a cell. In it were all the French soldier, some cursing and yelling, biting and clawing the metal bars. Others sitting down like they had given up. 

"Well this is depressing." I stated as they all looked at me, saw my blue coat, noticed Sam and they all shot a look at Lafayette.

(Translation is after the statement.)

"Vous ne peut pas être sérieux général! Est-ce Y / N L / N? Une fille?! Avez-vous perdu la raison! Nous allons tous mourir ici" (You can't be serious general! Is that Y/N L/N? A girl? Have you lost your mind? We're all going to die here!) One of the soldiers yelled as the others began to yell along. 

"Ferme votre bouche!" (Shut your mouths!) A loud voice roared as everyone went quiet. Suddenly someone I knew very well stood up.

"Mes frères, où êtes-vous? Avez-vous tous perdu la tête? Où est ton sentiment de confiance? Pour quoi nous battons-nous? Et la liberté? Et l'égalité? Les Britanniques vous ont-ils influencé? Est-ce que tout le monde s'est transformé en dokey? Ayez du respect pour cette femme! Elle est la femme de droite de Washington!" (My brothers, where are you? Have you all lost your minds? Where is your feeling of trust? What are we fighting for? What about freedom? What about equality? Have the Brits influenced you? Did everyone of you turn into a dokey? Have some respect for this woman! She's the right hand woman of Washington.) Lafayette yelled as I was amazed at his leadership.

He wasn't like this in the American revolution. At least, I have never seen him like this. "Merci Lafayette!" I called as they all turned to me. Lafayette smiled as all soldiers turned their head back to Lafayette. 

"Sont-ils amoureux?" Someone whispered. "Eh..." I sheepishly shrugged it off. "Y/N! I knew you would come!" Lafayette smiled as he walked to the bars of the cell. "Good call to get me, but we need to bust you out right now. Alexander, John and Thomas are all running from guards and I'm not so sure how long they can hold them off." I sternly told them. 

"Bust us out then." Lafayette told me. "...I don't have the-"

Suddenly we heard a click. We all looked to the side to see Sam holding the cell door open. "I pick pocketed someone like...20 minutes ago." He innocently smiled as I looked at him in horror. "Okay then..." I shrugged it off as we let the 50 men get out of the cell. 

"Sam, lead them to the exit and go to the harbor, go to France. I'll figure something out to get the other 3 on that boat. If we don't make it, just go." I commanded as he nodded. There was a backdoor, if you went through it, you would directly be located outside.

The one who designed this door to be so close to the cellar is a terrible castle designer. 

"Y/N, I'm coming with you." Lafayette stated as the others began to leave. "But your-"

"They'll be fine. With or without me. I'm not risking your life to save mine. You came all the way for us to Britain and invaded enemy territory for us. Now I'm going to make sure you get back home safe." He told me as he held my hands. 

"...Thank you." I smiled as he smiled back. 

Both of us sneaked back to the main hall and looked around for the 3. They couldn't have just disappeared into thin air...Right?

As we walked around, I saw that a door was open by a creak. I motioned Lafayette to follow me inside. I noticed that it was the throne room. 

We both went inside and as soon as we did, the doors shut close with a bang that was equivalent to a canon shot. And I would know, how a canon shot sounds like. I looked behind me as a guard grabbed Lafayette and put a gun to his head. "Merde." Lafayette hissed. "Lafayette-" I called in worry as I started to make my way to him. 

"'Wouldn't do that dear~" I heard from way back behind me. I looked over my shoulder and widened my eyes as I saw someone I thought I would never need to see ever again. 

King George III

"Who's holding me back?" I called as my voice echoed through the whole room. He smiled a sweet smile and pointed upwards. I knitted my eyebrows in confusion and looked up to see maybe 30 guards on the balcony holding a crossbow towards me. 

"Long time no see." George sang as I looked back. "What have you been up to?" He asked as I gritted my teeth at him. I was about to answer him when he interrupted me before I even began. "Joking! I know what you've been up! News travels very fast!" He laughed at his own joke. 

"Let him go." I demanded as he smiled. "Or what?" He asked with a dark smile, I was going to answer him when I heard a cross bow being loaded. I sighed as I closed my mouth. "Where are they?" I asked clearly referring to John, Thomas and Alexander. "Oh! Your friends? Yes, Bring them in!" George called as 3 guards came walking in.

2 of them had a long and sturdy stick in their hands where Alexander and John had been tied onto. Just like Indians did. Hands and feet tied to the stick and hanging upside down. "..." I looked at them with this look. "...H-"

"Don't." Alexander fumed as I closed my mouth. Thomas was just as Lafayette, gun to his head. 

"Ah, mister Jefferson! Welcome back!" George cheered as Thomas looked at him with narrowed eyes but didn't say anything. 

"Let my friends and husband go." I demanded as George narrowed his eyes.

"Hus-band?" He repeated in parts with a dark look. He looked at Thomas as Thomas kept looking the way he looked at him. 

"Hold her." George mumbled as he kept eye contact with Thomas. A guard came up to me as I started to wonder how many guards he had. The guard held both of my arms as George made his way to me. I sternly looked at him as he grabbed my right hand and looked at it. 

"Get your hands off her." Thomas hissed as he tried walking forward but was held back by the guard. 

"I don't see no ring." He exclaimed as he looked back at me. 

"Ey...He right though." Lafayette butted in. "Technically..." John also butted in. "She isn't married." Alexander finished.

"Alexander you're married." Thomas, John, Lafayette and I said. "Okay." Alexander mumbled. 

"Which means that if your fiancee were to be shot-" George started as he looked at me. "You'd be a maiden again." He smirked as I widened my eyes. "Wait don't-"

"Do it." 



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