-Chapter 23: "I'm fine-."-

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Y/N's P.O.V

Where have I heard this before?

"Y/N! Go to the West, tell them to get prepared for battle and to come here as soon as they can. Then come back and get inside a tent!" Washington yelled as he ran to me. "But sir-" "NOW!" He yelled over me as I ran to my tent to get the horse. I hopped on it and galloped it to the West. "Faster." I hissed to the horse as it went on its maximum speed, which wasn't fast enough. "FASTER!" I yelled as it suddenly began to gallop like there was something chasing it. Which it was.

I looked behind me to see 2 redcoats on 2 separate horses. "Just my luck." I said as a bullet flew an inch from my face. I felt the heath pass my cheek. My heart rate went up and my mouth went dry. Just like 5th grade lap runs on the field in P.E.

My shaking hand went inside my bag and I grabbed my gun. "Turn and shoot, turn and shoot." I commanded myself to do. I turned and shot with the technique Hercules taught me and I shot one through the head. That was either dumb luck or a very good strategy.

I did the same with the other one and saw the camps in the north. As I passed all the nurses I shouted: "GET READY! THERE ARE ENEMIES IN THE EAST!" I yelled which lade everyone look at me. I kept riding to the West and jumped off the horse as soon as I entered the outskirts of the camp. I warned everyone around the area and they went to tell the generals in the main camp. 5 minutes later men on horse or just on foot zoofed passed me and headed to the East. I got on my horse and grabbed my gun in one of my hands and held the reins in the other.

(I first used left and right and then I was like:"...Yo, what if they lefty though?" it's easier if I just use the other hand. Even though my piano teacher doesn't like me using the term, MY OTHER HAND.)

When we arrived back at the camp, it looked like Stratego gone horribly wrong. Like blue and red mixed and made babies wrong.

Except this wasn't a fanfic and they weren't making out OR f*cked with each other. *Looks into the camera*

(Can you tell this is the second day of me writing this?)

Blood covered the muddy ground, making it very slippery. My horse slipped and I jumped off to the side as it fell in the bloody-mud puddles. I got some blood streaks in my hair and my cheek. Out of horror and gore I froze. My horse couldn't get up. I couldn't get up. In a God damn battlefield, with enemies. Great.

Suddenly I saw in the corner of my eye a gun aimed at me. Well, I always thought I'd die of lack of vitamin D. Oh well...

Gunshot was heard, but I wasn't shot. Something else was. Or rather a someone. Blood now sprinkled over my face like the freckles of John. My eyes wide as I looked to the side. I couldn't make out who it was since they had their back to me, but I could tell that it was someone with a blue coat, which was slowly turning red around the stomach area. They fell backwards and I hurried over the mud and blood to get to them and catch them. A quick look to the side and I saw that the redcoat had a sword stuck in their chest as he didn't move. Since he was dead.

That sword...I knew that sword even if it was covered in blood at the time. I looked at the person to see Lafayette. "RETREAT!" I heard in a British accent. I looked at Lafayette as people around me began to run all around the place. "Lafayette?" I asked as I looked at his white shirt getting red. "Laf this is not funny." I said concerned. "Je sais..." (I know) He said as he coughed up blood.

"It was funny in ma tête..." (my head) He chuckled as I sighed. "I will leave you here-" I said. "No don't, I'll stop." He said still very weak. "I'll get you a nurse." I said as I looked around and found one. We both grabbed him and put him in the nearest tent on a...Well I wouldn't call it a bed, but, a...Wooden crate with a pillow and blanket.

~A week after~

"You're sure you're gonna come?" I asked Lafayette as he stared at me with this 'seriously' look. "Oui! My friend is getting married and I need to be there...For the alcohol." Lafayette said as I face palmed.

"You got healed just yesterday, don't drink until the last drop." I warned him. He just put on this smug look. "You care about me~" He said as I bit on my lip and pulled a frown. "You do what you want." I sighed as I left the shared tent to go see where the rest was. It was only a few minutes until we had to leave and they weren't near the plaza. "John! Herc? Where are you guys?!" I called until I finally found them.

You don't want to know what they were doing.

So I'm not gonna tell you.

(Just kidding fam)

"What the F are you doing?" I said as I looked wide eyed to them. John was standing on the shoulders of Hercules, reaching in a tree. "Oh hey Y/N!" John said with a nervous smile. "John hurry up. You've been gaining weight and I need to deal with your sh*t!" Hercules puffed as he dug his nails into John's ankles.

"Yeah, okay, just because you said that I'ma tell Y/N what we did." John said and jumped off Hercules which made Hercules fall onto his butt. "So." John started as he landed on his feet. "Alexander said that Hercules should keep Alexander's ring until the marriage, and so he did. Until I found it and then we argued about it and he didn't tell me it was Alexander's marriage ring. So..."


"Oh~ Is Hercy perky getting engaged?" John asked Hercules as Hercules tried to get the ring back. "No, give that to me." He said as John kept holding it tightly. "JOHN!" Hercules yelled as John groaned. "Fine. You want it? Go get it!" He yelled as he tossed the ring in a tree. "JOHN YOU IDIOT!!! THAT WAS ALEXANDER'S WEDDING RING!!!!" Hercules yelled.

"Oh." John said.

"I'm never gonna be flower girl EVER AGAIN! NOT EVEN FOR HIS SON OR THEIR SON AND SO ON!!!!" Hercules panicked. "Calm, down. Kneel down so I can get on your shoulders so I can get it." John shushed him.


"Why don't you just climb it?" I asked as they looked at each other. "We drank, and, alcohol and climbing a very high tree, is, not, the, way, to, go." John explained. "Of course you did-Help me up." I said as I came to the tree. The two helped me up by giving me a stand and I grabbed on a tree branch. "Where'd you toss it?" I asked John. "Up." He answered. "Yeah, and 1 plus 1 is 2. WE ALL KNEW THAT!" I yelled. "Okay, just kidding. I saw it pearl on the branch most left to you." He yelled again. I looked and I indeed saw the ring pearling in the low, orange sun.

"Found it!" I said as I slowly climbed my way over there. I reached for it, missing it. I got closer and reached for it again, and missed yet again. I was now literally hanging on a branch, on my tip toes. "Almost..." I said as I felt the gold press against my finger.

His smile flew across my mind as I felt my hand miss the ring and hit the branch making me tumble forwards, heading for the ground. I closed my eyes for landing as I yelped. I felt being caught as I slowly opened my eyes. "That was a close one." Hercules said as John looked over Hercules's shoulder to look very concerned at me. "Are you okay?" He asked as I nodded.

"Did you get the ring?" He asked as I opened my hand to reveal the ring. "Yeah." I smirked as they cheered for me. "Let's go!" John jumped as they began to leave. "Are you coming Y/N?" Hercules asked. "Just a sec!" I said with a smile. They nodded as I looked back at the tree.

"Hoping someday, I'll make a dream last..." I whispered as I looked back at the ring in my hand. "But I know I'll love him, when I let him go." I said as I turned and tucked the ring in my pocket. "Cause I loved him too much, but dove too deep." I bitterly smiled as I walked to the plaza.

I had a wedding to attend to.

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