-Chapter 16: Ahahaha...no-

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Y/N's P.O.V

The door of the cel opened and everyone began to walk to the rails yelling at whatever or whoever was coming. Me and Lucerna sat against the wall in complete silence. That is until the persons came around the corner. 2 guards and George. I got a bit deeper in my corner and hoped that he would go away. The guards opened the cel door and got in. The inmates were too scared to do anything at this point. The guy walked to me and grabbed my arm. He tilted me up and put both of my arms behind my back.

He got out again with me and closed the cel door and then we left. I didn't speak, I didn't look up. I just kept looking down. I was brought to a separate cel and was locked up in there. The king in the cel with me all bound up. "Listen dear." He started. "I don't need your sh*t." I scoffed as his face kept neutral. No smirk, no frown no nothing.

"I'm going to repeat myself one more time, if you dare to say something before I am finished I'll lock you up here alone till your meat rots of your bones." He said as I frowned at him. "At dawn you're being hanged in the plaza in the city. So either you'll hang or you agree to marry me." He said as I stared at him with all the disgust I had in me.

"I'll hang ." I spat as he shook his head. "Your choice." He said and left, locking the door behind him. I began to kick the the wall with my feet since my arms were chained to the wall. I moved my arms and hands to try to break free. No luck. Dawn arrived faster than I could say my name.

The cel door opened and a guard came to get me. He unlocked the locks and lead me outside. I was put in a carriage and was rode of to the middle of the city. There I saw a ton of people just yelling at me: "STUPID AMERICAN!"

I was lead outside and was set on a chair under a gallow. I'm done for. One moment I'm sitting on my couch watching YouTube and eating chocolate and the other moment I'm in 1700 being hanged. A rope was placed around my neck. I looked at the crowd seeing George sitting on his throne looking at me with that neutral face. I sighed and prepared myself. If I would step off now I'd hang. If I tried to remove the rope I'd get a bayonet stuck in my back. The executer was going to kick the chair any moment and it was silent. (I imagine death so much it feels more like a memory.)

Then the moment came. I felt the chair disappear under me and the rope get tighter around my neck. I began to gag and tried to keep myself lifted from the rope.

Suddenly I felt all that force disappear and I fell on the ground. I looked up to see Hercules come to my aid. "We're off." He said as pulled me on his shoulder like a fireman. "DONT JUST STAND THERE! GET THEM!" I heard George shout as the guards moved to us. Hercules jumped into the crowd running as fast as he could with a (your weight) girl on his back which was surprisingly fast.

"Okay Y/L, listen to me very closely." Hercules huffed as I paid all my attention on what he was about to say. "I'm gonna run into the forest. I have a horse there. We'll end catching the boat at the harbor. For the off chance that I'll have to sacrifice myself to throw you on the boat, you're not turning back to help me. Understood?" He said as he ran in the direction of the forest. "Hercules I'm not leaving y-" I said as he cut me off jumping over a tree branch. "No Y/N, just say if you understand it!" He yelled as I sighed. "I do." I said as he gave me a noise of agreement. I saw the horse in the middle of the forest. Hercules pushed me on and got on himself right in front of me.

"HALT IN THE NAME OF THE KING!" We heard as Hercules grabbed the reins and the horse galloped forwards. I wrapped my arms around him to not fall of this horse. Then we saw horses with red coats on them. "Erm...Hercules, we gotta problem." I warned as he looked behind him.

Y/N, I'm going to need you to shoot them down." Hercules said as he handed me a gun to me. I turned around and tried not to fall off. I cocked the gun and shot a guy making sure I didn't shoot the horse. I got the shoulder but the guy kept chasing along with his other companions.

"KEEP SHOOTING!" Hercules yelled making me jump. I grabbed the gun and cocked it again shooting someone right in between the ribs. He did fall off his horse. I kept repeating and shooting, sometimes I missed and sometimes a bullet just zoomed right beside my face.

I shot and shot until only one other man was chasing us. "We're almost there but we're going to miss the boat if we have him behind us." Hercules warned so I cocked the gun again, realizing that the amp was done for. "Hercules do you remember that time I lost all my patience for Alexander with Seabunny?" I asked as he made a confused sound. "What?" He asked as I let go of him and rose up. "Y/N WHAT IN THE NAME OF IRENE ARE YOU DOING?!" Hercules asked/yelled.

"This guy is modulation the key to not debate with me!" I yelled as I jumped off the horse and on the other guy's horse. "GET OFF THIS HORSE YOU SLUT!" The guy yelled as I pushed him off. He kept his hand on the rein which made him drag along with me. I got on the horse and sat down kicking the dude's hand of the rein. I sped up next to Hercules and jumped again on his horse. "Now we can go in peace." I said as he chuckled. "You're a crazy woman L/N." He said as I laughed. We finally made it to the harbor. We left the horse behind and got on the ship. As soon as the ship was off shore we looked at each other and began to laugh. Hercules picked me up and span me around. "FREEDOM!" We yelled as we have each other a hug.

"I am so happy I could kiss you!" I blurted out as he looked at me. He grabbed my chin and placed his lips on mine. Pretty shocked and surprised I kept still for a moment. Finally I let loose and we shared a perfect moment under the moon light.

Though I had to say...the other guys were still an ocean away. And I have to admit I am really fond of each of them but I don't really know who to choose or what to do...


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