-Chapter 44: Rumors-

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Y/N's P.O.V

"Rock, paper, scissors!" Lin and Anthony yelled as they both drew their hand in a rock, paper or scissors form. Lin had paper while Anthony had rock. "OH COME ON!!!" Anthony yelled as he flung himself in the couch and pouted like a child.

"Your problem is that you just go for rock. Every single round." Lin chuckled with a smirk. "So that's settled then." I said as I stood up from the couch. 

Why were we playing rock, paper, scissors? We had to find a way to see who was going to go out first. Under supervision of me. This had been going on until Lin and Anthony remained. You know what happened next.

"Let's go Y/N! I want to see what I made to life in my own musical!" Lin hummed as I face palmed myself. "Okay you guys, whatever you do, don't step outside! If someone knocks, ignore them. I can't have people see you." I said as I grabbed my jacket as Lin already stepped 1 foot out the door. "And don't burn the house down!" I yelled as I ran out the house to go after Lin.

"Lin wait up!" I yelled as I run after the curious man. He ran from place to place like a child would look at toys in a toy shop. Amazed by everything around him. "Lin." I sternly said as I got a hold of him. "Yeah?" He asked as I sighed. "Dude calm down, let's stroll around peaceful parts. You look like Alexander, I can't have people see 2 Hamilton's walking around." I smiled as he nodded in agreement. 

"I know a spot." I smiled as I hooked my arm in his. "I'm married." He awkwardly stated. "I have a boyfriend." I chuckled as he sighed in relief. 

I walked to a very tall hill in the outskirt of town. We climbed a bit and finally we arrived. "Tada!"I said as I showed him what I had to show him at the top of the hill. "Whoa..." He said mouth agape. I showed him the whole town from eagle eyes. 

"This is amazing." He said as he looked at the town. "Yeah." I answered sitting down against a tree. "How did you find this place anyway?" He asked as my smile faded a bit. "When I first landed here, I was 16." I admitted. This shocked him. I didn't look like a 16 year old at all. "I've been here for 7 years." I said realizing that time passes so fast.

"Y/N, I can't stay here for God knows how long! I have a family!" Lin said in full panic. "I think you guys are fine though." I answered. He looked at me with grand confusion. "You see, I'm 99% sure you guys didn't die." I bitter sweetly said.

"Aren't you? You're breathing and all-Oh..." Lin said understanding what I meant. "I drowned when I was 16. Somehow, I don't know how, I landed in a white room. Light b*tch, the voice who talked to me, said I was going to be send back. They didn't lie I guess. I still don't know why though." I continued.

"Now I'm here! Causing trouble everywhere. I killed Hercules, I fought in a war, I'm being tested all over the place." I sighed. "...I think...Wait...You said you killed Hercules? Like in Hercules Mulligan? He was shot in the war right?" Lin corrected me. 

"...Yeah...Sorry I misspoke." I said looking away. I didn't know if Lin would do something if I told him. I just accepted the fact that no one should ever know. I'll try to bring him back soon. First I need to send all of them back.

We then walked around a bit, went inside some stores and hung out around the outskirts of town. We avoided anything even remotely near to the cabinet. As soon as we did that, we went back and prepared food for everyone.

The next day I had to go to work, I couldn't bring anyone so they had to stay put. When I arrived some eyes were on me. I slowly and awkwardly made my way to work. I was glad to be back. But before I could ever reach for the handle of my door, I felt someone cover my eyes and mouth and drag me inside the utility room. I screamed at the top of my lungs. 

"Calm down!" I heard an all too familiar voice. I turned around and saw Alexander. I knew it was him and not Lin. (If Lin had somehow went to the cabinet.) He had his iconic green suit and this look in his eyes. "Alexander! I don't-" 

He covered my mouth.

"That's great! Have you read the newspaper?" He asked frowning. "No...I never do that! You f*cking insane?! It doesn't even contain color-You know what It's just boring! I read Shakespeare! Have you read Macbeth? It was so good-"

"Yes! Yes! I have read the Macbeths and the Hamlets and the Romeos and The Juliettes! Now, you know what the news paper said?!" Alexander said very frustrated as he grabbed my shoulders. "No-"

"Alexander Hamilton Having affair with Y/N L/N"

He said as he showed me the paper as my eyes widened. I read the article.

Alexander Hamilton was seen walking hand in hand with misses Y/N L/N. They walked around town and were spotted by many people. Some say that they kissed, some said they both disappeared in the L/N household. Y/N L/N had disappeared a few months ago. Was this what she's been doing?

I stopped reading.

"Tell me Y/N." Alexander said as he put the newspaper in his pocket. "Can a man have an affair without knowing it?" He asked. "Especially with a woman who rejected him?" He asked. "... I call bullsh*t on that hand in hand!" I said as I grabbed the newspaper out his pocket and showed him the sentence.

"Y/N!" Alexander said as he shoved the newspaper to the ground. "Have you met my double-ganger and are you dating him?" He asked with a frown. "No he has a wife!" I said. "So you're his mistress?" Alexander said gritting his teeth. 

"NO!" I yelled as he covered my mouth.

"Don't f*cking yell." He hissed. I removed his hand. "First of all," I slapped him. "Don't f*cking tell me what to do." I hissed. "Second of all," I slapped him again." Don't f*cking tell me what to do." I hissed louder. "And third of all, Alexander you know me. We know each other for over 7 years!" I cried as a tear dropped on the ground. 

"I gave up my happiness so you and Eliza could be happy. Do you think I'll be sleeping around if I just found someone who loves me?" I cried crouching down and hugging my knees. He sighed and sat down next to me.

"I'm sorry." He said. "I'm just...I need to get my sh*t together. You're one of the best friends I have got." He chuckled. "Can we fix this mess?" I asked as he nodded. "But was that dude my double ganger?" Alexander asked. "Kinda." I said and came out of the utility room. "What does kinda mean?" He asked as he came out too and followed me.

Later on that same day, Alexander put his case in the newspaper. He had an alibi. He was at work and many people saw him. He confirmed that I had nothing going on with Lin because no one in the town had a husband named Lin Manuel Miranda. 

I also confirmed that Lin and I were friends. I went to Eliza and she believed me. All in 1 day.

No one in town thought I did anything. 

But there was this 1 person who had their doubts.


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