-Chapter 3: Nervous-

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Y/N's P.O.V

I went overboard and I know I went overboard. "Your parents must really hate you if they called you that." God Y/N! Can you be more cruel? This is the age of the orphans, he might not even have parents or have a hard life at home. You don't know and so you shouldn't mention it.

"Hey." I heard next to me. I slowly turned my head over to see the dark haired man.
"Oh, O-OH! Sir. I-I am s-so sorry about...Whatever that was inside." I said as I pushed myself of the wall.

"It's nothing really, you can't know what I've been through and me beginning with that answer didn't really help, at all." He said with a sheepish smile.
"Haha, no I really thought that that was your name." I said with a nervous smile.
"Really? Not throwing away my shot? That would be a rare name." He said with a chuckle.
"Like, mister my shot." I said also chuckling.

"Anyway, I wanted to say that was not my name." He grinned.
"I kinda figured." I said with a smile.
"My name is Alexander Hamilton, to your service." He said as he gently grabbed my hand and planted a kiss on it. A small smile was on my lips along with a light blush.
"And you are Y/N L/N, right?" He asked as he looked up.
"Ha wow, you remembered even after I insulted you." I said with a grin.

"Want to come back inside miss L/N?" He asked as I nodded. We both walked back inside. Once inside I sat back on the place I first sat, next to John and before Lafayette and Hercules. Alexander sat next to me and Burr sat on the other side.

Then the guys ordered more shots, I didn't get in the shot business. It was literally poison, real good tasting poison, like sugar. They took one shot in after the other. Until even I lost count how many. Somewhere over the 15 mark, something close to that.

"Guys? Don't you think that maybe, MAYBE, you guys had one too many shots?" I asked as they just stared at my lazily. I swear one of them is going to puke on me.

"IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII'MMMMMMMMMMMM FFFFFF-" John said as he spit that F all over me. "-FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFINE." He said with a grin.

"I'm gonna leave." I said as I stood up but both Alexander and John pushed me back down. "For f*cks sake...Guys I need to go." I said as I removed Alexander's and John's hands of my shoulders. I walked out the bar and didn't know what to do from there. Okay maybe not hang out on the streets since girls who walk alone are seen for sluts...I need to find somewhere safe.

I walked through the streets keeping my eye shot low and not look at anybody. I've seen the way that man in the shop acted, there must be more of his kind. Now, me not looking up might be more of a problem than I first thought. I can't see. Me not seeing is not a good idea in a crowded place. I bumped into someone.

"I'm so sorry." I said quickly.
"It's nothing tuts."  Tuts? I looked up to see a man looking at me and it did not look like he had good intentions.
"On the other hand I think I'll leave." I said and turned around to leave.
"What's the hurry?" He asked and grabbed my wrist. Out of reflection my hand went in my bag in search of pepper spray. I thought I found it but I found my snack box instead. Then I remembered what I had packed and what I had learned when I was actually paying attention in history class.

"May I offer you a tomato?" I asked as I grabbed a big red tomato out the snack box.
"T-Tomato?" He asked suddenly letting go of my wrist and backing up like 2 feet.
"Yeah, they're delicious. I think I'll take a bite." I said looking at the tomato.
"Y-you're crazy woman!" The man yelled before running off.
"HA! Like tomatoes would actually be poisonous right." I said and took a bite. As soon as I took a bite someone jumped on me and pinned me to the floor.

"SPIT IT OUT!" A male British voice yelled.
"It's just a tomato." I said as he pushed on my stomach making me spit out the tomato piece.

He stood up and pulled me up. I took that time to look at the guy. He had blond short hair and baby blue eyes. He also had a black priest costume with a cross necklace.

"I'm so sorry for jumping on you but that tomato was about to kill you." The Brit said with a sheepish smile.
"You mean this?" I asked and showed him the tomato.
"EVIL!" He yelled and smacked it outta my hand.

"I don't know about that." I said with a chuckle. "By the way, I'm Y/N L/N." I said and reached out my hand.
"Samuel Seaburry." The Brit said with such an adorable cinnamon bun smile.

"Can I just call you seabunny?" I asked with a grin.
"I don't see why not. You're the only one here that actually has been nice to me. I come from Brittany you see and people here...don't like me." Seabunny said with half a smile.

"Don't worry. We can be friends." I said with a smile. "I come from Belgium you see." I said with a smile that seemed to put Seabunny in a more relaxed mode.

"Well I need to get going but I'm giving a speech tomorrow morning. Maybe I'll see you there?" He asked. I nodded as we said our good byes.

I walked a few meters before I realized I had still accomplished nothing with this little trip. I still needed a place to stay. That's when I saw a group of drunk people, 4 to be exact coming my way.
"Why, hello you four." I said with half a smile.

"Heyyyyyyy Y/N!" John said drunk.
"Hey, quick question where are all of you staying?" I asked with a smile.
"With Herc." Alexander said pointing at Hercules.
"Can I come with?" I asked they all looked at each other.
"I don't see any bad endings that we could take if she would come." John said serious.
"Wait, I thought you were dru-"
"TURTLE, THERES A TURTLE ON THE LOOSE!" John yelled as he went after the turtle.

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