-Chapter 55: Torture (Part 1)-

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~2 months later~

"..." I stayed silent as Hercules stared down at me in a cold manner. "I am ashamed from what happened. But I can't undo it." I told him as he groaned. "You're either going to tell them, or you're gonna have Sam and Lafayette have control over you." Hercules argued back.

"...I know." I admitted. "So?" He asked. 

~3 weeks earlier~

My hands were itching to grab a quill and start writing something down. I couldn't write letters, I couldn't work and I couldn't just write because I was bored. Absolutamente nada!

 It kept me awake at night, made me sleep during the day and lose my sanity. Lafayette had gotten strict orders from Washington to hide all quills, papers, notebooks, ink, ect. Everything you can write or write on was removed from my sight and locked in his study. 

It was late in the evening when it happened.

I was in my guestroom and I was hugging my knees as I tried to think of things that kept me sane. Thomas, Mary, books, food, anything but writing. I sighed in defeat as I jumped off the bed and went downstairs to talk to Lafayette. At least I could become a little sane again.

As I walked in the living room, I noticed that Lafayette was siting down on the couch. He had a didn't have his coat on but just his white chemise. That wasn't the thing that interested me though.

He was writing. 




My eyes widened as I tensed up and ran towards him. "LAFAYETTE!" I yelled as he perked up and widened his eyes as I jumped on the couch and reached for the quill. "GIVE ME!" I barked as he shuffled to the end of the couch. He stretched the arm with the quill as far from me as possible.

"GO AWAY Y/N!" He yelled. "STRICT ORDERS FROM WASHINGTON!" He continued as I reached for the quill. At this point as he was laying down and I was reaching over him to the quill.  He pushed me up and sat up straight. "Just give it!" I whined as he frowned. "Non." He frowned as I reached for it again, coming dangerously close to Lafayette.

"...You want the quill?" He asked as I nodded. When I did, I realized how close I was to him. I tried to back away but he tenderly held my chin in his hand making me freeze on the spot. He started to lean in when I jerked myself away and turned my back towards him.

"No! No! No!" I yelled as I folded my arms. "I'm desperate. But I'm not that desperate." I huffed and turned around.

"Um, hey, baby." He chuckled as he pulled me closer. "HEY!" I yelled. "There's no such thing as perfection, but I'm offering you my love and a genuine connection." He explained as he locked his arms around me. "EY EY EY! I am perfection." I hissed. "True." He agreed. "Thank...FLATTERY WON'T GET YOU ANYWHERE." I argued back.

"You can have my loyalty and all of my affection." He suggested as I crossed my arms and legs and shook my head no. Then I tried to get out of his grip and actually managed to get free and run upstairs to my room. When I reached my door, he was standing there.

"You're looking everywhere, but every road will lead to my direction." He told me as he pulled me inside. "Let go off me!" I yelled as he smirked and held me close by my waist.

"Don't play play, ain't no cause for you to ever say nay." He smirked narrowing his eyes at me. In the light candle light, some could mistake him for Thomas. That threw me way off guard. 

"I'm a freak with technique, but the epitome of a gent." He admitted as I looked away in a last sad attempt to not do where I think I was being dragged towards. He looked me right in the eyes. 

I knew he wasn't going to do anything until I gave the green light.

What am I to do...

(Yes. you see. As I am dubbed the evil author, I shall do one last evil act and leave you on this cliff hanger. And yes the beginning was a flash forward. You didn't miss anything. Enjoy your suffering while I cry in Austria!)

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