-Chapter 6: Heading out-

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WARNING! I'm not using correct data for the ages, so sue me. But I can't keep track.

Y/N's P.O.V

"Do we look good?" John asked as I looked up from my book about the history of America since I didn't want to be oblivious to everything. They had just got their soldier suits and tried them on for the first time. I tilted my head a bit to the left as I looked at the 4 soldiers before me.
"I mean, I guess..." I said as they looked a bit confused.
"What does that mean?" Hercules asked acting like he was mentally hurt.

"I...How do I put this in a way that you all won't cry?" I said as I held my chin.
"Okay, now you're just messing with us." Alexander said.
"It doesn't really..." I continued ignoring the comment Alexander made. "Have a good camouflage." I said as they all shrugged and sighed.

"This is better than red." Lafayette said as he looked at his blue coat.
"I can agree, but why not brown?" I asked as they shrugged for the second time.
"Plus, Lafayette, your golden shoulder patch is loose." I added as he looked at it and saw that it indeed was a bit loose. I grabbed the needle and thread of the little cabinet next to me and stitched it up.

"And since when do you know how to stitch?" Hercules puffed at me.
"Since I learned it the other day from Samuel." I said as they all groaned.
"Why do you still hang out with that loser?" John said as he sat down on the couch.
"You know, loser is one letter different from lover?" I stated as they all went dead silent.

"Y-You love him?" Lafayette asked as I pulled the needle towards myself.
"No. I see him as a friend. I was just pointing it out." I said as I put the needle back in the jacket. A wave of relief hit the guys as they all sighed out.

"There." I said as I bit of the golden thread.
"Thank you ma chérie." (Thank you my sweetheart.) Lafayette said as I smiled.

"De rien." (Your welcome.) I smiled as I sat back down and grabbed my book of the cabinet. I heard some growling but I didn't mind that.

"Y/N, we're going out to sign the last things to go to the revolution tomorrow, it at take all day so if there's something wrong just go to the city centre." Hercules said as they all stood up. I looked up from the book and nodded and looked back to the book. I heard the door open and close. I flipped the page I was reading about the history and read the other page. Yafa came walking up the cabinet and on the couch to sit down on my book.

"Hey Yafa, wanna read?" I asked the turtle, knowing full well it wouldn't answer me. I waited for a second before answering in a high pitch voice:
"Yes I would very much enjoy that." I said as Yafa looked at me.
"Okay." I said as I read further.
"And I can speak better in this old time than you." I said in a high pitch voice.
"How f*cking dare you." I hissed at the turtle.

Alexander's P.O.V

"She seems so interested about that book. It's like she doesn't know what's going on." I said as the other nodded in agreement as Hercules locked the door.
"I agree, she seems a bit...Different." Lafayette said as he tried to find a good word.
"Good different." Hercules said as he looked up.
"Yup." John said as he dazed off.

"What are you looking at?" I hissed at John.
"Nothing..." He said dream struck.
"Are you imagining something?" I hissed again.
"I don't have to, I already did." He smirked at me.

"What is he talking about?" I asked Lafayette and Hercules as they stared at John.
"He kissed her alright." Lafayette sneered at John.
"Call that again?" I said as I shot a glare at the smirking John.
"I scored, you didn't." John simplified for me.

I went over to kick his guts but Hercules held me by the shoulder.
"Not now." He hissed as I groaned and started walking again. Once we arrived we saw a huge line filled with men who wanted to join the revolution.
"Do we need to...get in line?" I asked as I looked in annoyance to the line.
"Uh-huh, this is why I brought lunch." Hercules said as I groaned. We got in line and waited.

Y/N's P.O.V

"Okay so, all that America wants is...Justice?" I claimed as Yafa looked at me.
"No, it's freedom you idiot." I answered for Yafa. I looked back in the book and sighed as I saw the word freedom.
"I'm never gonna get this." I sighed as Yafa just kept looking at me.
"Of course you will Y/N." I said in that high pitched voice.
"No Yafa, I won't..." I groaned as I closed the book.

I heard the bell ring at the shop. I looked to the direction and stood up. When I entered the shop I saw 3 bright young women stand there. Huh, I'm getting this old language under my butt.

"Hello can I help you?" I asked to the women who were probably like maybe a few years older than me. The one in a orange dress looked at me with a confused smile.
"Oh, we were actually expecting mister Mulligan to show up." She said with that same smile.
"Oh..he's gone and left me in charge. But to go back to my question, can I help you?" I asked. The woman that looked 3 years older than me in the orange dress nodded.

"Yes, I would like to pick up 3 orders." She stated as I nodded and went to a little order book on the cashier stand. I opened it to see if there were any orders at all.
"Name?" I asked as she nodded.
"Philip Schuyler." She said. There was a Philip Schuyler right there for an order of 3 dresses. I nodded and went to a closet with all the dresses and picked the 3 with a label: Schuyler, on it and took them to the ladies.

"These ones?" I asked as they all nodded.
"Can we try them?" The one in the blue dress asked. I nodded as I gave the dresses to the presumably eldest. The 3 ladies went to the changing room to try all the dresses out.

I waited and while I was, Yafa came out and climbed on my head. I didn't mind since...It's Yafa. It's literally a cute, tiny green turtle. John's turtle. (*cough*)

The first one to come out was the one who hadn't said anything and had a yellow dress on. She straightened it as she walked to the mirror and sighed.
"You look gorgeous." I remarked as she turned around and blushed.
"Really?" She asked. I chuckled.
"Yeah really." I stated as she smiled at me and thanked me.

The next one to come out was the one in the orange dress.
"Huh, Hercules did a great job." She said as she looked in the mirror.

"Right?" The one in the blue dress said as she came out.
"Can we pay?" The eldest asked. I nodded as she went to the cashier. I looked at the price Hercules had written down for me.

"That'll be 150 dollars ma'am." I said as she gave me the money.
"By the way, I haven't seen you around here. Are you Mulligan's sister?" The eldest asked as I tucked away the money in de register.

"No, I'm his friend." I answered with a smile.
"Where're you from?" She asked.
"Belgium." I answered.
"Never heard of it." She said as she looked confused.
"It's next to France." I said annoyed.
"Oh! That little stop by?" She asked as I smiled behind gritted teeth.
"No." I smiled with a forced smile. "Not a stop by, it's a country." I stated as she shrugged.

"Well, see you later miss..." She said as she waited for me to answer.
"Y/N L/N." I said trying not to sound annoyed over what she said. They turned around and began to leave. Then then one in the yellow dress came running in and smashed a piece of paper on the counter. I looked at it and then back at her to see she was already gone.

It had an address on it with the little note reading:

Our address if you want to write to us.

I'm sure I'll write her, not so sure about the orange one nor the blue one. Kinda have a dislike against the orange one. She would steal your man right under your feet and sell the man to someone. But what do I know *looks into the camera*

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