-Chapter 5: Heed not the rabble-

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Y/N's P.O.V

I hurried past everyone and made my way to the central place of the city where I saw a crowd of people. I walked in the crowd to see what it was all about. There was a little podium that was as tall as the half of my body...That's 2'6...I'm tiny don't judge me.

I then saw someone really familiar walking up the stage with a piece of paper. If this was in my time there would probably be like phones filming everywhere. I smiled at my generation being the huge sweaty teenagers they were.

The person on stage was Seabunny. I pushed my way all the way to the front to say hi.
"Hi." I said as Seabunny looked down, saw me and smiled. That came out like I planned it.
"Greeting Y/N." He smiled as I smiled back. He then began with his speech.

Alexander's P.O.V

We looked around and decided to go to the central of the city since there was a clear path to that place. It was more crowded than yesterday. We looked around and saw a big pile of people around a little platform. We cut through the crowd to get to the very center. I looked at the man standing on it saying some British bullsh*t, then I saw her.

"Yo, she's right there." I said as I elbowed John who saw her too. Lafayette and Hercules seemed to see her too. We all looked at her. 


Hercules: "Wait."

Lafayette: "Is?"

John: "She?"

"Blushing." I said behind gritted teeth. She was looking to that clown who was rabbling over that the revolution was "Not a solution." She was slightly blushing even. 
"I've got this." I hissed to the rest as I forced my way on stage.

Y/N's P.O.V

I was looking at Seabunny slightly leaning on the stage with my elbow. Then I saw Alexander come up on stage and he was talking over Samuel. I let my elbow slip from the stage and looked up at Alexander. He was making Samuel shake in his own shoes and I did not like it.

I quickly pushed myself on the stage.

"Don't modulate the key to not debate with me!" Alexander yelled as he shoved Samuel. I walked up to him and started to state my points.

"You're modulating the key to not debate with me." I hissed as he looked at me with this look. It was a cocktail of a little shot of confusion, a good amount of anger and a pinch of disgust. Mix that all together and that was his face.

"Try and defeat me." Alexander said as he towered over me.
"Maybe you should've just let him be." I said as I stomped my foot on the stage.
"This is how we'll be free." Alexander hissed back as he stepped forward.
"There's another way to stop the UK across the sea." I pleaded as he raised his nose.

"UK?" Alexander asked with a raised eyebrow. F*ck.
"U...U...U and me can stop this in another way, aye?" I said sweat dropping. (*Stops writing to laugh at text* What am I doing? XD )

 "Are you with them?" Alexander said raising his voice.
"I mean...Not all of them are bad." I stated carefully. (Looking at all my UK readers! Luv U guys!)

"Not all of them, like him?!" Alexander said and pointed to Samuel who was now of the stage looking at us. It was the only place where Alexander wouldn't tackle and kill the poor guy.
"...You know what? Yes, just like him." I said as I looked at him. "If it wasn't for him, I'd be poisoned by a tomato." I stated as I heard a few gasps.

"Tomato?" Alexander said confused as he looked at me.
"And where were you, getting drunk with your friends." I said as I backed him up in a corner. He looked like a hurt puppy. I knew that that would probably get him, but not that hard. Tomatoes are not poisonous and WHO EVEN CAME UP WITH THAT?! (*Actually goes on internet to search this up* We can blame the UK once again (still luv u guys -3-) , someone named John Gerard started it.)

I realized that I was out of line, again.

"...I..." He tried as I jumped off the stage and ran, ran, ran. Out the buzzy city to the dark, dark forest. 

Alexander's P.O.V

"She has some quick changing emotions." John said as he walked up the stage.
"That's called hormones John." Hercules said as he patted him on the back.
"No, periods." Lafayette said as he patted Hercules on the back.

"After her." I said as we jumped off the stage and ran to the same direction right in the woods. She left a trail of footsteps in the mud which Lafayette verified were fresh. The mud footsteps began to fade. We looked around when we kinda realized, that we were lost.

Y/N's P.O.V

I ran in a mud puddle and ran to the very center as I stopped to catch my breath. The beautiful dress that was first black was down brownish at the bottom. Well there goes a beautiful dress. I sat down against a tree and leaned my head back. I can't 1800, period.

Suddenly I felt I knife to my neck. I slowly opened my eyes and saw the sword and the hand who was holding the sword. I sighed as I looked up and saw that it was a guy in a red uniform. Now, I don't do history so I had no idea who this was.

"Yo." I said as I looked at the sword.
"Get up." The person commanded as they kicked my leg.
"I can't get up if you kick the only device I can stand up with." I answered trying to stay calm. The person groaned as I stood up.

"You're coming with me." The person said as he put his sword to my back.
"Okay, I didn't want it to come to this." I said as I turned around, I now saw that the person was a guy. "I'm going to bring up something I hate but here we go: Mortal kombat." I said serious.

"Mortal kombat?" The guy said confused.
"FIGHT!" I said as he looked at me more confused than I was.
"I-...I'M TRYING TO KIDNAP YOU WOMAN!" The guy yelled as he pulled his sword towards me.
"Nah, nah, this is what we do in America." I said as I kept moving like the mortal kombat people.
"Woman I have a job and you're making it stressful." The guys said as he let his sword down.
"You were gonna kill me and you' life is stressful my man." I said as I looked at him.
"ITS A JOB!" He yelled at me.

"Also, watch out for that stick." I said and pointed behind him. He looked around and got hit, pretty hard, with a stick that Alexander yielded. 
"Take that (What am I doing?) TAKE THAT YOU PIECE OF BRITISH TRASH!" Alexander yelled. I sighed in relief as I heard three other people run up to me.

"Oh my Irene, Y/N, are you okay?" John said concerned as he put both of his hands on my shoulders. I smiled.
"I'm fine, he didn't do anything." I said with a smile. "Who was that?" I asked as I looked at Lafayette and Hercules whom where behind me.
"That was a redcoat, a British soldier." Hercules said as he looked at the man on the ground. I walked up to him and gave him a stomp on his legs.

"Now stand up." I mocked him as the rest began to laugh except for Alexander he dropped the stick and walked up to me.
"Alexander...I-" He hugged me as I was slightly confused. I hugged him back and his grip tightened. I gave him a pat on the back as I felt something wet on my shoulder.

"Yeah, let it all out." I said as he continued crying "All out, don't keep it in." I continued. "Water gates are all open, flushing down the toilet." I said. 
"Stop it." John said as I began to chuckle.


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