-Chapter 54: Denied-

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Y/N's P.O.V

"-And here's a spray. There's some red pepper and water in it. So when those French come near to you, you say: "DIE MOTHER F*CKERS!" And you spray this in their eyes! Also-" 

I was in the harbor and Thomas was loading me up with... supplies.

"This! My friend once gave it to me. It's something very new! It's called a baseball bat! I think you just hold it like this," He said as he grabbed it and threw it over his shoulder so he had a good position. "And then you just swing it!" He yelled as he swung the thing and I ducked. 

"I don't think I'm allowed to carry that on the sh-"

"SIR! Yes you sir! It's me, Thomas Jefferson. Yes. I need you to take this bag to her chambers in the boat." Thomas barked at a crew member. "Sir, that's a little bit too much-" The guy stated as he pointed to the 75 bags full of 'GET AWAY FROM MY WIFE' equipment. 

"Did I f*cking stutter?" Thomas asked with red glowing narrowed eyes. "Okay! That's great Thomas! I think that's enough talking for the rest of the month." I smiled as I waved my hand before his eyes. He made the 'I'm watching you' move towards the guy. The guy gulped as he began to load the bags in the ship.

He turned to me. "I'll miss you..." He sweetly said as I smiled. "I'll be back in 2 months. It's not forever." I smiled as he shrugged. "Ey." I told him as he looked at me. I pinched his cheek, very hard. 

"Don't interfere with Mary nor Philip." I smiled as he yelped in pain. "OKAY, OKAY!" He yelled as I let him go and hugged him. He sighed and wrapped his arms around me. "Have a safe trip." He told me as I nodded. He gave me one last kiss before I had to get on the ship.

That guy from earlier loaded all the 75 bags on the ship.

I waved as we departed. When I couldn't see him anymore, I retreated back to the main area where people surrounded me left and right. Asking me questions, complimenting me. All to get on higher ranks. As soon as people began to get on my nerves, I told them all they could f*ck off. They didn't, so I did.

A week later, I saw land. I smiled as the wind blew in my hair. This was exactly what I needed, some peace and quiet in a place far from my work so I was forced to relax. When we were close enough, I saw someone I knew very well.


 I think he noticed me first because he was waving at me for awhile before I figured out it was him. I waved back with a hug grin on my face. As soon as I got the chance I walked off the boat and walked to him. 

"Monsieur Lafayette." I smiled as he grinned back. "Madame Jefferson." He smiled as I chuckled. He grabbed my hand and placed a kiss on it. "Welcome to Paris!" He welcomed me. "Good to be here." I answered.

"Let's go put your luggage in my home and let's go drink something." He suggested as I nervously smiled. "Yes. About that..." I hesitated as he cocked an eyebrow. "I know that woman pack a lot! Don't worry!" He reassured me as he walked to the luggage place. 

"Which ones?" He asked as he looked at the big pile.

"...All of them..." I sighed as his eyes widened. "What did you bring?" He asked in awe as he looked at all the bags. "Thomas...He filled me in with some...Supplies." I sheepishly stated as he chuckled. "That f*cker..." He mumbled thinking I wouldn't hear it.

"What was that?" I asked with a confused face. "Nothing!" He stated as he smiled. He then put aside 3 carriages and filled them all. Then he got another one so we could go to his house. I had to fit 7 other bags inside and that resulted in me almost sitting on Lafayette's lap.

When we did make it, we unpacked everything. Lafayette reassured me, he would take care of it. I nodded as he told me I could go to the second floor and pick a guest room. So I did and maybe 15 minutes after I unpacked my personal belongings, I heard Lafayette come up the stairs.

He knocked on my door. Frowning I said he could come in. "Hey! I put everything downstairs! We're good to go!" He informed me as he came in. 

'How did he put everything away in such short notice...?'

"That's...Great! I'm ready to go." I stated as I closed my closet. He smiled as he held out his arm for me to hook in. I did and we went downstairs to go to a near bar.

We talked about everything we had gone through these past 7 years. Going back and forth about everyone's well being. I mentioned Thomas more than usual. I don't know why, but Lafayette had a strong grip on the table. I could see because his knuckles were turning white. 

After a couple of drinks, we headed back home and I fell asleep as soon as I arrived in my room and got on my bed. 

The next morning, Lafayette had to go to a place. He didn't specify. I stayed home until I was like: 

"I'm a grown a$$ woman, I CAN DO WHAT I WANT!" And I stepped out the house. 

Then I stumbled on someone I didn't think I would ever stumble across. "Well hello Briseurdecoeur!" I greeted Sam. "Misses Jefferson! Welcome in Paris." He smiled as we shook hands.

Still didn't trust him.

"What are you doing here?" He asked as I smiled. "I had to take a break." I simply answered as he nodded. "Taking a break is always a good thing!" He agreed. "Where are you residing?" He asked. "With Lafayette. I haven't seen him in ages! It's so good to see him!" I chuckled.

"I see..." 

"How long have you guys been friends?" He asked as I smiled. "Over 12 years I think." I stated as I put my hand to my chin. "And does your husband know him personally?" He asked. "Yes." I answered still smiling. 

"And what's the bond between you 2?" He asked.

"..." I kept a straight face as I skeptically looked at him. We both knew this wasn't just your every day conversation about lambs and cows. This dude, wanted something from me. Not an object not an action. 

He wanted something from me. 

A reaction.

"We're friends. I need to go." I told him as I walked past him. 


Every action, has an equal opposite reaction.

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