-Chapter 62: Final (Part 1)-

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~The next day~

Y/N's P.O.V

It was the middle of the night. I was sleeping peacefully when suddenly I heard loud banging from my front door. "...not...here..." I mumbled and turned on my other side.

Even louder banging could be heard and I shot up. "No!" I shouted and laid back down. "Mom!" I heard a cry and my eyes flung open. I quickly marched to the door and opened it. There stood Mary, crying her eyes out and looked very hurried. "Mary? What are you-"

"It's Philip!" She cried as she slung her arms around my neck. I put my arms around her and pat her back. "What happened?" I asked as I frowned in confusion. "He's going to Jersey. He's dueling George Eacker because George insulted you." She sobbed as I was even more confused. "Wait what?" I asked. "You were a big image to him and he couldn't bear to hear those awful words." She explained with tears streaming out of her eyes. "Well shoot, guess we're going to Jersey." I stated.

"Wha...What?" She sniffed as she pulled away from me. "I want grand kids Mary Jefferson! I'm not going to let him die over a stupid duel." I frowned as I got a flash back from my own duel. "Besides, Hamilton would kill me." I sheepishly stated which made her flash a weak smile.

"You're the best." She smiled as she hugged me tightly. "I'm not." I said as my smile faded. Mary stayed quiet. "I have regrets. Past errors have been made. Your father deserved someone better. He was the most handsome, funny, sassy and attentive person I knew and I was just a dumb person. If I could, I would say 'I'm sorry.' But he wouldn't accept it way back. so..." I sighed as she pulled away and gave me a grin. "That reminds me, I forgot to tell you." She sheepishly chuckled.

"Huh?" I asked very confused. She turned around and I looked behind her to see Thomas.

"F*ck..." I cringed at myself and then cursed myself for ever saying that. "You haven't changed a bit have you?" He smiled as I exhaled looking at the ground. "..." I was for a loss of words. "Thomas, I-" "Carriage's here!" Mary interrupted as we all looked at the carriage running towards us. "When?" I asked as I looked at Mary. "We'll explain." Mary sheepishly laughed as she opened the carriage door. "Come on!" She yelled as I looked at Thomas. He smiled and stepped inside.

I did too.

I closed the door and looked at Thomas and Mary. They both sat across from me."What were you two up to?" I asked as they both smiled. They literally had the same smile.

"Well, the Philip story is true. We need to go to Jersey. But I first went to dad." She explained indicating to Thomas. "I explained and he was all like: 'Hah! Like hell I'll defend a Hamilton kid. You know what? I'll go if you convince your mother to care about that. Good luck kid.' " Mary explained as Thomas found something interesting to look at outside the window.

"Heh..." I chuckled as Mary smiled a wide smile. "So then we both went to your house but he didn't want to look at you so he hid." She explained. "Coward." Mary and I coughed then burst out laughing.


"I heard what you said." Thomas interrupted Mary as she closed her mouth in a smile. "You didn't hesitate, you didn't care if this would cost you your life. And then...You apologized." He smiled as I looked to the side. "I know you won't accept it but I'm still truly very sorry-"

"I forgive you." He smiled.

"Wait, what?" I asked as he inhaled. "I, Thomas Jefferson, forgive you." He smiled. "...What-"

He shut me up by leaning over to me and placing his lips on mine for a little while. "Got it now?" He asked as my red head did something like a nod. "Cute." He smirked as he poked my cheek. He then sat next to me as we rode to Jersey. As we reached the river bordering New York and Jersey, it was beginning to become dawn.

"We need to cross the Hudson." Thomas sighed as we all ran to the boats. We talked to a man and he told us to get on board. He rowed us across the Hudson and we made it to New Jersey. When we arrived and thanked the guy, we speed walked around the place in search of the group of men hosting this event.

"There!" Mary whispered as we looked at the empty grass field with Eacker and Philip ready to count their paces. I hummed in annoyance as I saw Eacker. "Is that the bullsh*ter?" Thomas asked as I nodded. "Should've shot him when I first heard that rumor." I hissed. "Mom!" Mary argued back. "I'm kidding!" I lied.

"The plan?" Thomas asked as the seconds had their last conversation. "We shoot the mother f*cker." I hissed holding a bazooka. "Mother!" Mary argued. "Look up the word joke in the dictionary! Is this my daughter?! Did this come out of me! Thomas, did they swap my baby when-"

"They're done!" Mary panicked as we all looked at the seconds step away.

"Oh hell no they're not." I stated as I marched up towards. "Y/N!" Thomas shout whispered. "I'm coming too!" Mary stated. "MARY!" Thomas barked in between gritted teeth.

"Yo!" I shouted as everyone at the field looked at me. They all gasped. Except Eacker, he was angry. "Stop this f*ckery before I boom you all to the ground." I demanded.

"Smooth." Hercules butted in out of nowhere.

Philip seemed to hesitate about what to do or say next. I didn't take any chances and stood in the middle. Eacker was fiddling with his trigger. "Shoot me and you're going to jail Eacker." I barked as he looked at me as if he had bitten into a sour lemon.

"This ends. Now." I demanded looking everyone in the eye. "Philip, I'm very flattered that you would do this for me, but I need grand kids to help my legacy." I winked as he looked at Mary and blushed.

Mary smiled too and Eacker didn't like the looks of it. He moved forward in a fast pace and grabbed Mary by the neck and put a gun the her head. "Mary!" Both Philip and I yelled as Eacker pulled out the gun and pointed it at Mary.

"Miss and you hit her Hamilton." Eacker threatened as Philip cursed under his breath. "You only have one bullet Eacker. Even if you shoot her down, I'll have your head." I hissed keeping my distance.

"Did you really think I'd play nicely?" He asked and chuckled. "You mother f*cker." I stated in a disgusted tone. "What?" Philip asked as he kept his gun on Eacker. "He's got extra bullets." I explained.

In a duel, you were only handed one.

"So either both of you would go down or only Philip would go down in the duel." I sighed still looking Eacker dead in the eyes. "That's cheating!" Philip shouted furiously. "What wer eyou gonna do? Shoot at 7?" I yelled in disgust.

"I'll shoot now." Eacker threatened. "Don't." I warned him as I heard him cock his gun. I moved forward and a bullet flew past me and hit Eacker in his shoulder. He yelled out in pain and fell onto the ground, releasing Mary on his was down. Mary made sure she'd get the heck out of there and hugged Philip tightly.

I looked behind me. It was Thomas.

"God..." I sighed in relief as I felt someone run up to me and hug me. "Are you okay?" I heard Thomas ask as I nodded. "We're all physically fine." I told him, hugging him back.

"Not for long." I heard behind me as I felt a sharp pain in my back. I shrieked and fell down.

I heard Eacker chuckle before I lost my sight by dark spots. Everything sounded like I was underwater. I couldn't breath and I heard my name and countless more things being yelled at me.

"I'll be fine." I mumbled before I was lifted up.

I'll be fine.


At the end of this book there will be a Q and A! I will answer all your questions about characters, my books and myself. You can leave all your questions in the comments.

Thank you!

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