-Chapter 47: And all that jazz-

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~A few days later~





"PINK GOD DAMN IT!" Thomas yelled at me as he held up the pink table cloth. "Thomas, like hell will I let that thing on my table when I'm gonna dine after I just got married." I said cocking an eyebrow. 

As you could've already guessed, Thomas and I are discussing the color of the table cloth. Yeah. 

"Pink is a delicate color that means sweet, nice, playful, cute, romantic, charming, and tenderness, flowers, babies, little girls and sweetness. The color pink is the color of universal love of oneself and of others.  So you and I." Thomas explained.

"White suits a wedding better." I argued back.

"I gave you a definition of the color pink and you gave me a opinion. Who do you think has put the most effort in their argument?" Thomas asked as he frowned. 

"Me." I answered bluntly. 

"I will fight you." He stated as we stared at each other. 

"What's up guys?" We heard as someone entered my office. It was Washington. "Washington, don't you think that white FOR A WEDDING is more...Suitable?" I asked. Thomas pushed me out of the way. 

"Pink, is better in so many ways! It's elegant! Suffice! And it's not boring, unlike white. It can't even decide to be a color or not." He said twitching his eye at me. 

"...I mean blue is also lovely." Washington shrugged. 

"WHAT?!" Thomas and I yelled.

"Blue is literally a sh*t color." I groaned. "You see it all the time! The sky is blue, the lakes are blue, do you really want to come into a party and see the damn color splattered all around the f*cking place." Thomas said with anger. "Do you want that? Do you wish upon thyself this torment?" I asked Washington with hands on my hips.

"Red?" Washington tried again. 

"Though, the color is represented to be the color of romance-" Thomas began. "-It's also the color of sex." I frowned as Thomas smirked. 

"Don't touch me child." Washington said as he pulled out a sword out of nowhere and pointed it at Thomas. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! I didn't mean it like that!" Thomas shrieked as he held his hands up in defense. 

"Besides it's not like I haven't had sex with her before-"

"THOMAS YOU IDIOT!" I yelled with a face as red as the ' poisonous ' Tomatoes.

"YOU TOUCHA ME CHILD!!!!" Washington yelled as he swung the sword and Thomas ducked. Thomas then ran as fast as he could to the nearest window and jumped out the window.

"Thomas!" I yelled in concern as I ran to the window to see him land in a tree. He then went down the tree and ran as far as he could from the cabinet.

"Hetouchamechild." Washington mumbled like a goblin, or as Smeagol, as he jumped out the window, into the tree and ran after Thomas. "SIR! I'M STILL NOT YOUR BLOOD RELATED DAUGHTER!" I yelled as he chased after Thomas. I sighed as I packed my things and went home for the day. 

As I came home I immediately saw something on the table. 

It was that thing someone threw at me before the crew got send back to 2018. 

They had wrapped it in news paper and I hadn't opened it because I was scared what I would find. But today, I felt the courage to open it. 

I sat down at the table and grabbed the package. I carefully took the newspaper off and looked at it. 

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