-Chapter 45: Only us-

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Y/N's P.O.V


"I'm fine." Thomas coldly answered. He was like a block of ice, as cold as the night. We had agreed to meet up in the park where we had our first date and talk it out.  He didn't believe me, he said he did. But you know things better when you hear someone's tone. 

We sat on a bench, a magenta scarf covered his mouth. It was a scarf I made myself. "You're not though." I said looking to the ground. "...I thought you had something against Hamilton." He said putting an accent on the 'against' part. "I did." I admitted. "Then that...That false rumor spread and he helped me out." I explained as he turned his head away from me.

"I thought you loved me." He butted in. "I do." I said putting a hand on his arm. He sighed in his scarf. "...Hold on..." I said as narrowed my eyes. "Are you...Are you jealous?" I asked with a smile forming on my lips. This made him turn his head towards me. "Jealous?! Of that little f*cking piece of mother f*cking sh*t called Alexander Hamilton? No." He said looking me right in the eyes.

I looked at him like I didn't really believe it. "Oh, I'm gonna give you a bunch of reasons, Why you should date me. Reason number one - I'm super hot. Reason number two, he's super not. Reason number three - I'm all you got. And all you got is someone hot." He rambled as I chuckled. 

"You don't need to state reasons." I chuckled as he folded his arms and huffed. "I mean...It was true but-"

"HA! You just indirectly said I was hot." Thomas laughed as I stuck my tongue out. We chuckled for a second before we both returned to our gloomy mood. "What we've got going is good and I would never want anything to ruin it." I admitted as he looked away.

"My past has been broken...I can't...I can't deny that. But I'd rather make new memories. Find new love." I said as I placed my hand on top of his. "That new love is you." I said as I looked at him. He didn't look at me though.

I looked at the frozen lake. I could...

I stood up and walked to the lake. Thomas slowly let his pupils roll to me. I put one foot on the ice. Thomas shot up as he looked at me. "Y/N?" He called as he looked at me. I put my other foot on the ice and giggled. I slowly began to glide over the ice. 

"Y/N?! Get your cute a$$ back over here!" Thomas yelled as he ran towards the edge of the river. "What if we just let the world fall away?" I asked as I glided over the ice. "Y/N are you drunk?" Thomas asked as I chuckled. "Thomas! Come on!" I said as I glided further away. 

He looked away and folded his arms. He sighed and a cloud of steam left his mouth. My smile faded. I turned away and bitter sweetly looked at my reflection in the ice. "What do you say?" I mumbled to myself. 

Suddenly I felt a force fly past me and grab my hands. I shrieked as I was pulled along with the person. We turned around until I became dizzy. "You know, you're something really special Y/N." I heard as I looked into the now warm eyes of Thomas.

"I don't want you to let me go." Thomas said. "If I have to give you reasons not to, then so be it." He said as he put his hand on my cheek. "It can be us. Nobody else but the two of us here!" I said as I put my arms around his neck.

We both chuckled as he put our heads together. "Y/N." He said as he held my cheeks with both of his hands. "Yes Thomas?" I replied as I smiled. He got down on one knee.

"You are the most beautiful, perfect, sassy and smart woman I have ever met. Will you do me the great pleasure of marrying me?" He asked as he pulled out a ring with a diamond in the center.

 Will you do me the great pleasure of marrying me?" He asked as he pulled out a ring with a diamond in the center

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Mouth agape and eyes wide as can be, I looked at him. "...Of-" As I was about to answer, I felt something under me crack and suddenly both of us fell into the water.

Not again...

I reached for the sky and felt myself being dragged down. My hair blocked my vision as I tried to swim upwards. I reached for the sky one last time before I closed my eyes. I couldn't feel my fingers. It was so cold.

I thought I was going to die. Again.

Then Thomas came along.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the water. I breathed in the fresh and crisp air as I felt a wave of relief hit me. "I gotcha doll." I heard Thomas say in the distance as my body did its best to stay warm. 

Alexander's P.O.V

"I didn't even have to do anything!" I mumbled with a smile as Jefferson brought Y/N to a carriage and they drove off. "Lucky you." I heard as John's head popped out of a tree. "JOHN! HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN HERE?!" I yelled at him. "I've been stalking them. You?" He said with honesty.

"...You f*cking creep." Is the only thing that came out of my mouth. 

"That's ironic coming from you mister 'I-kisses-a-woman-even-though-I'm-married'" John said as he jumped out the tree. "YOU SAW THAT?!" I yelled.

"Didn't you hear me the first time I said: 'I've been stalking them.' ?" He asked as I frowned.

"John you f*cking creep." I said narrowing my eyes. 

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