-Chapter 63: Final (Part 2)-

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Y/N's P.O.V

I felt terrible.

Like, wake up from a drunken night terrible. My head hurt, my stomach hurt, my back hurt, my legs and arms hurt, everything hurt. I was lying down and everything hurt.

My head was hot while my legs were cold and I couldn't even put 1 and 1 together. When I did open my shriveled eyes, looking around as much as I could, I saw nothing but a big blur. Suddenly I could hear someone shouting and I crunched my eyes back to one straight line. 

There was a lot of talking, shouting, crying which I couldn't understand as they were all muted. Finally I decided to do something about it and fully open my eyes again. This time, I could make out some human forms as well as the colors. I raised my hand in front of me and saw a brownish-red color. I groaned and let it fall back on the place I was lying on.

After what felt like an eternity, I could see as good as I usually could. Which wasn't that eagle sharp either. I was in a small room. It didn't have much oxygen, yet all windows were open. In the room were 10 people. 4 doctors and the other 6 were: Thomas, Mary, Philip, Eliza, Alexander and John. I could say 7 if you counted Hercules in the corner.

"F*ck this mate..." I grumbled as I tried to sit upright. When I did though, I felt a sharp pain in my chest and a doctor pushed me back down. 

"...Not...Okay?" Are the only words I could make out. "Wha.." I could muster out. "....Worried...Shot!" I then heard Thomas yelp as he sat on the bed and held my cheek with his cold hands. It was a relief to feel something cold on my cheeks.

"...Tagged...Philip..." I heard Alexander say on the other side of the room as he looked at Philip with a worried exppression. "...Thought...But....Not!" Eliza then smiled. "I can't..." I tried to tell them I couldn't understand anything they were saying. "...Rest...Brain...Understand...Shock...Out..." I heard a doctor say and then a whole lot of arguing took place. 

"SHUT UP." Thomas sternly told everyone. 

"...Leave...News..." He told a doctor as the doctor nodded. Then they all left. But before they left, I heard Thomas whisper to a doctor. "Is she....Okay?" He asked as the doctor looked at me and then back at Thomas. "I'll give...2%." He stated as Thomas shakily inhaled, exhaled and left.

Thomas' P.O.V

"She'll be fine Jefferson." Alexander spat as I walked back and forth in the waiting area. "2% Is not a whole lot, Hamilton." I barked back as everyone fell silent. 

"She's a strong woman. I think she'll pull through." John butted in as we all remained silent. "She was shot in the back." Philip stated. "It only touched the heart." He continued. "They got it out. Maybe it's not that bad?" He tried to make everyone calm down. "2% Philip." Mary reminded him as she whipped a tear. 

We all exhaled. 

After 2 hours of waiting in the waiting room, a doctor came to us. "I've got good, bad, worse and the worst news you'll hear. Which one first?" He asked with a neutral expression. 

"From good to worst." I told him.

"Y/N survived, surprisingly." He told us as we all sighed in relief. "The bad news is, she can't hear anything for now. She'll recover though." He told us as we looked at each other. "The worse news is that another fatal hit like this and she won't recover." The doctor warned. "A gunshot, blow to the chest or anything close to the chest will make her flop over and she ain't getting up again. Ever." He warned as he looked at the papers.

"What's the worst news?" Mary asked. "Oh yeah, Eacker isn't going to jail." He told us. 

"Wait, what?!" We all yelled. "That was murder attempt!" Alexander argued. "He's got veto right from John Adams." He told us. "So that f*cker?" I asked with gritted teeth. 

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