-Chapter 28: You better wise up, 'cause I'll rise up!-

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WAIT WAIT WAIT!!!!!! HAVE YOU HEARD THE MUSICAL ABOUT PERCY JACKSON?! GO AND LISTEN TO IT RIGHT NOW!!!! Start with: my grand plan. It'll be mentioned in this chapter and I set it right above.

Y/N's P.O.V

"What?" Washington asked as he looked at me. "Sir, I drowned myself in a God damn ocean for God's sake!" I stated as he looked at me with a stern expression. "You punched me in the face L/N." He said as I looked everywhere but not in his eyes.

"Oh! Was that you sir? I thought it was general Lee." I smiled as he groaned. "L/N give me one good reason to not toss you out this tent." Washington said pinching the bridge of his nose. "Because...Please?" I said with a smile.

"Get out." Washington said as he pushed me out. "WAIT! WAIT! SIR I WAS KIDDING!" I yelled as he stopped pushing and sat down in his chair. "Speak." He demanded as I nodded.

"I've always been a smart girl. I know things. I know the importance of the war and winning this thing." I said as he nodded his head. "I've always been a tough girl. Always been the one not to run from a fight. 'Cause most girls never win in they're polite. So me, I just tend to stand my ground. I found I should never give in. It may not be my war but maybe mine's away." I told him as he kept nodding. 

"But my grand plan is that I will be remembered. Just you wait and see. You better wise up, 'cause I'll rise up bring on any challenge and maybe one day the world will notice me." I said kinda frustrated. Washington noticed this.

"Because my mom treated me like some emo freak. And my dad didn't give me the light of day. My family thinks I'm an idiot and they don't talk to me, I mean, why would they care?! And my brother always gets first place on every single game so the best thing I could've done is to DROWN. MYSELF." I said and yelled that last part.

"...But I have a plan. And I will be remembered this time." I told him. "So please, let me join the troops. I don't want to bite on my tongue more than I already have to. Give me a second chance! I will be great, just wait and see! And some day soon I swear. I don't know how or when. But I promise you I'll never be invisible again!" I stated as Washington stood up.



We looked at each other in silence.

"I'm not letting you in a troop L/N." Washington said sternly as I sighed. That was my best shot. "You're leading one." He said as my eyes brightened and looked at his eyes. "Tu rigoles?" I asked as he chuckled and shook his head. "Bien sûr! Je suis très serieux. Now stop talking French to me and go get your blue coat." Washington said as he wrote a note for me. 

I grabbed the note and rushed out the tent. But not before hugging him and thanking him thousand times. 

I got the uniform from the supply tent and dressed in the little area for changing clothes. I looked in a puddle and smiled. "I like this look." I said to myself and I struck a pose. I then walked back to my tent. I was about to enter when-


"Oh what is it Hamilton? Have I hit a nerve? Have I?!" 

"Where is your mother Hamilton? Where is she?!" 

"Oh okay then, where's your father? Where is he?" 

"Where are your parents wh*re son?" 

"Get out." 

"What was that wh*re?" 


"I'm already there."        

I shivered. Honestly I didn't know if I was drunk or if it was in the heat of the moment. But I'm not gonna apologize. He had it coming. 

I opened the tent and walked in. I didn't sleep in the tent so I didn't know what hit me when I didn't see them. I looked around. No one slept in those beds. I looked around. There was no alcohol smell or even a sweaty smell. I looked around. No one entered this tent but myself.

I frowned. There is no way...They didn't come back? 

"No." I said shaking my head. I walked backwards and suddenly my legs carried me to Washington's tent. I didn't even announce myself. I entered and saw the worst. He wasn't there. Looking around I noticed signs of struggle. Like the muddy footsteps and a body being dragged away in cet mud. 

"...What...Happened?" I asked myself as I looked around and saw that all the shelves of the desk were opened and papers were all around the place. 

Then I felt someone looking at me. I turned around but didn't see anyone. 

I shook my head as I looked around. A shiver ran up my spine as I ran around camp. I looked in all the tents. No one. I went to the supply tent where I just passed. The guy was gone. And just as in Washington's tent, there were signs of struggling. Those same mud steps. 

"They were taken." Someone said as I turned around to meet a bright light. I squeezed my eyes together and looked at it. "Light...B*tch?" I asked as I heard a groan. "My God are you serious?!" Light b*tch asked as I looked around and nodded. 

Another sigh followed. "Okay, then. Let's get this over with." Light b*tch said as I nodded. "So Washington came back early along with the supply guy. The rest came back later, but they were all attacked and taken to the British camps. Then when the Brits noticed that Washington wasn't in the group, they came back and took Washington. The supply guy saw them so they took him too. Along with that they took the-"

"-Battle plans." I finished as I heard an approving grunt. "Yes." Light b*tch confirmed annoyed. "So...Then why didn't they see me?" I asked. "You were in the right place, at the right time." She answered as I nodded.

"So what now?" I asked. "...Do I need to spell this out for you? SAVE THEM!!!" She yelled as it echoed in the tent. "How?" I asked. "That's your problem. See you later fam." She said as the light disappeared. 



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