-Chapter 20: AH HAHAHAHA...No.-

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Y/N's P.O.V

After the winter ball we all returned back to the camp and got into our beds. I woke up the next day due to the bright sun shining in my face. The snow around the tent had melted and leaked a bit into our tent. I coughed and sniffed because I had a gotten a cold later that night. 

I sniffed once more making Alexander shuffle in his bed. I pinched my nose as hard as I could to not wake him as I hurried out the tent. Once outside I sneezed and sniffled again. "God I swear why can't they just invent cold medicine already..." I coughed as I rubbed my nose. That's when I heard something in the distance. I looked around myself and saw one tent which was still lit and looked warm. 

I sniffed and walked over there feeling the warmth from a good distance. Once close enough I realized this was the "A.T." or the alcohol tent. I kept my distance as I didn't want to get involved with drunk people. I tried to listen to the conversations since I didn't have anything else to do and then I heard:

"Washington is just an arrogant little b*tch." 

"E X squeeze me?" I said as I scooted closer to look who was saying it, still not entering the tent. "He should just go back to planting tobacco in mount Vernon." I heard which made me angrier than I was. Nah, not angry. Furious. (No, not chewing. POPPING!)

"This mother f*cker right here." I whispered to myself as the last drip, dripped in my bucket and the whole thing poured itself over. I turned to my right and got in the tent. Walking to the source of talks and seeing that there were a lot of men. I mean...A LOT. In the middle I could hear a familiar sound I heard just a few seconds ago. Not only did I see who trash talked, but I knew who it was. Charles motha f*ing Lee. 

"Excuse me, but I'd like to say something! " I said which made everyone turn to me. 25 men, looking at 1 woman who was almost at the verge of regretting the decision she just made. 

"I'm almost sure that all your brains are just as good as new. Since you never used them. So screw you and you and you and YOU in particularly. Screw you my good sir." I said liking my thumb and pressing it on an imaginary stove and making the burn sound to then point it to Charles Lee. I have read too much burn posts on Tumblr...

"Pardon?" Charles said as he came out of the circle and stood before me overpowering me by 8 inches. "Erm...You're a failed abortion whose birth certificate is an apology from the condom factory." I said as I mentally slapped myself. 

"You're gonna get it lady." Charles threatened probably not wanting to smack a girl. "You must have been born on a highway, because that's where most accidents happen." I said as I face palmed my brain. Seriously Y/N, stop it. You're gonna get your a$$ kicked.

 "Last warning." He told me grabbing my collar. "With a face like yours, I wish I was blind." Flapped out my mouth as I nervously smiled. "Are you done?" Charles asked. "...You are ugly...SO UGLY HELLO KITTY SAID GOODBYE!" I yelled as I felt a blow on my jaw.

I landed on the grass and mud on the ground. "I don't know what you were talking about when you said half of those things. But let me tell you, I'm not an idiot." Charles said getting down to my level and grabbing my hair by the beginnings. And that activated a wheel in my brain which was now functioning like it should. 

"No. You know what? I don't like your tone. Lay it at my feet, I'll kick it down the road. I challenge you for a duel if you're not to pussy to go though." I said standing up ripping his hand off my head making some hair strings come off my head and be in Charles's hand. 

"Hah! You surely must be kidding..." He hissed at me as I raised my eyebrows. "Tomorrow, January the 31st, 3 a.m." I told him as he smirked. "Sure, get yourself killed." He said as he pushed me backwards. I scoffed turned around hearing the sound of laughter behind me. I walked to the lake and walked back and fort trying not to kick something. "Stupid Lee, stupid duel...Wait...I don't know how to duel..." I said standing still in the middle of my steps.

"I DON'T KNOW HOW TO DUEL AND I JUST ASKED SOMEONE TO DUEL!" I said putting my hands in my hair and staring at the ground. "YOU DID WHAT?!" I heard behind me as I turned around seeing Alexander staring at me big eyed and mouth agape. 

"ALEXANDER?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!?" I yelled looking at him. "I SAW THAT YOU WERE GONE AND I CAME TO LOOK FOR YOU!" He yelled back at me. "WHY ARE YOU YELLING!" I yelled. "I DUNNO WHY ARE YOU YELLING?!" He asked me while yelling. "I-...You know what I'ma stop this is not good for my mental or physical health." I said as he agreed. "Wait, how did you know I was here?" I asked as he began to sweat. "Erm (Normal format coming after sentence.) I...Istareatyouwhileyou'recomingbackfromthemaildeliveryandsitdownhereandIshouldbeattrainingbutI...I..." (I stare at you while you're coming back from the mail delivery and when you sit down here and I should be at training but I...) Alexander blurted out.

"You pervert..." I said as he shook his head furiously. "NO! NO! NO! I didn't..." He said but gave up in the middle of his sentence falling backwards into the grass and laying still until yelling out of frustration. "Forget about what I said." He said still laying on the ground. "You said something about dueling?" He asked kicked up from the ground.

(If you don't know what kicking up is; its basically laying down on the ground and then getting up while jumping up. If you still don't know what it is, then you can go search it up.)

"Show off." I mumbled as he rolled his eyes. "Yeah keep rolling those eyes, maybe you can then see that you have no brain." I said with a raised nose. "Who did you ask?" He asked me not doing anything with his face but a little hair fell out of place which he immediately tugged back at its place. "Charleslee..." I mumbled which made his eyes twitch. "That mother f*cker?" He asked.

"He was talking sh*t about Washington Alexander!" I told him which made him nod. "I know, I told Washington but Washington was all like: "Yeah...No...Stay out of this. So I would love to take over for you but-" He said but I proceeded to interrupt him. "You think I'm weak?" I asked as he shrugged. "You said you didn't know how to duel..." Alexander mumbled.

"THEN TELL ME!" I said as if it wasn't obvious enough. "OH! Right, right! Because I will totally let you on the field to die!" Alexander said making the sarcasm slide through like a slipping slide. "YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH WOMAN RIGHTS!" I yelled as he ticked on his head. "Yeah DUH! What woman rights?!" He said as I gritted my teeth. "Tell me how to duel OR I'll get someone who will." I said between gritted teeth. 

"Hmph...Fine! I'll tell you!" He said as he raised his nose taking advantage of his slightly taller stature. 



So...Lee died today...The 20th of October...GOOD NEWS IS THAT JOHN'S BIRTHDAY IS COMING UP!!!

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