-Chapter 41: Non-stop-

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~Some weeks later~

Y/N was no where even near the cabinet from that day on. She didn't show up at work, she didn't go outside, she was gone. At least, physically. She found a source who would drop off her work at her desk. She found someone who brought her her work and delivered it back without even stepping outside her study. Someone who can get into the cabinet while everyone is sleeping.


She casted the touching spell and gave him her work. It was so simple, yet genius.  

Jefferson, back at the cabinet, found her work only seconds after she wasn't checked present the first day she didn't show up. After that the work kept showing up every night and the loads and proportions in which it came, increased. 

Hamilton, on his side, was as worried as Jefferson. Knowing he had a very big part to play in this sudden disappearance of Y/N. Not only that, he also had the guilt effecting him. He was feeling all kinds of emotions. Regret, was not in the list.

Jefferson had tried to enter Y/N's home a few times, but she didn't open. All doors and exits were locked. Windows were shut and covered with think dark curtains. Air was barely making it inside the house. It was a horrible living situation.

As days changed into weeks, the work load of Y/N became so large, so long. She was beating Hamilton in every possible angle making his 51 essays look like they were nothing, but a waste of someone's time. 

Of course, people in the cabinet began to talk outside of work. Rumors spread quicker than they can make them. They cloud reality like its the only thing it can do. It disturbs the vision. Sure, it didn't seem that real. But people believe the people.

So when the people say that Y/N died. People will believe it.

When the people say that Y/N fled the country because she did something illegal. People will believe it.

When the people say that Y/N ran away with Lafayette to go to France (*Author subtly looks at DearestAugustine , BriannaCapwel * I read every f*cking comment. All of them...And it's pretty funny XD) 

Majority goes above all. It doesn't matter how wrong you are. 

Anyway, when Jefferson began to hear all these rumors, he began to pin point to who could've switched something in Y/N's brain to make her go silent. Then after a search that lasted literally 0.2 seconds, he found his main subject. 

"Hamilton." Jefferson said as he stormed into Hamilton's office. "Jefferson get out." Alexander said as he stood up from his chair and pointed to the door. "You're the last one who talked to her. I know you talked to her." Jefferson hissed as he slammed his hands on Hamilton's desk.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Alexander lied as he looked at Jefferson. "Your a$$ must be pretty jealous of all the sh*t that comes out of your mouth." Jefferson said narrowing his eyes. 

"I'm sorry but I don't understand you. I don't speak the donkey language." Alexander said as he narrowed his eyes.

"Well at least a donkey doesn't f*cking bump against the same wall twice. Something that can't be said for you now can it?" Jefferson hissed. 

"With that skill, you'll go far—and I really hope you stay there." Alexander spat back. 

"Psh, I was always pro life. Then I met you." Jefferson said folding his arms. 

"WELL I MET HER FIRST!" Alexander yelled finally giving up on this roasting contest and just getting into the fighting. "Then what the actual F*CK DID YOU MARRY ELIZABETH FOR?!" Jefferson yelled back.

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