-Chapter 43: Hold up...We're in the past?-

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Y/N's P.O.V

I later woke up feeling something holding me back from falling over. It was tight on my stomach and waist and I was about to puke because of it. I leaned back and felt something hard hit my back. I tried to get the hair out of my face, but I couldn't move my hands. They were stuck around my waist. I couldn't even get my hands apart from each other. My feet and legs were also together and I couldn't move them.

"The f*ck...?" I mumbled.

"SHE'S AWAKE! JON GRAB THE FRYING PAN!" I heard someone shriek before I looked up and saw an explosion of people sitting in my living room. Then I remembered what happened. 

"Wait, wait, wait! I'm not going to hurt you guys!" I yelled as I looked at them. "Yeah, you know, when you said that the last time, you almost RUINED MY FACE!" 'Alexander' said. "You said we were in 2018, are you from that period of time?" I asked as they all looked at each other, even more confused than the readers from the last chapter. 

"Yes? What kind of question is that?!" 'John' yelled. "...What spell did I cast?" I asked myself. "The spell-what now?" 'George' repeated. 

I said 'Apporte eos. Apporte eos et dimittete eos vivere.' What did I say wrong? Apporte eos. Apporte eos et dimittete eos vivere. 


Apporte eos...


"SH*T I SAID EOS INSTEAD OF EUM!" I yelled out which made all of them jump and some of them fell of the couch. "Eos like the lip balm?" 'Jefferson' asked. "That was funny." I said stern as I looked at him. "BUT THIS IS HORRIBLE!" I yelled out. 

"I'm so sorry guys. But you ain't in 2018." I said as they looked at me like I was crazy. "She needs heeeeeeeeeelp..." I heard someone whisper. 

"You guys are in 1783." I said as they all looked at each other once again. "Give us 1 reason to believe you." 'Herison' said as I looked at them with my 'frisk-face' (-_-)

"Okay." I simply answered. "Ever wondered why I didn't have wifi here. Or why you don't have service here? Here. In all places on the earth. A house should at least have service." I explained. "If that's not enough, I dare you to go outside and not be looked at like a wizard. Then be burned on a pyre.

"...Okay, so if you're from 1783. Then why do you know so much about 2018?" 'Charles' asked. "You're not gonna believe me mates." I shrugged as they began to whisper. "Tell us." 'Aaron' said. 

"I'm from 2018." I simply answered. Everyone fell silent. "I drowned. Went into the after life, they send me, for unknown reasons, back. But they send me here. Now, I'm here." I explained. "And let me tell you. If you go ahead and get rid of me, you won't survive here for 5 seconds." I said and sternly looked at them.

After they group talked for a few seconds, all of them agreed to accept my help. They untied me and I rubbed my palms. "Okay, first of all...I need your names." I said as I looked at them. "You called us something earlier, why exactly those names AND WHY DID YOU TRY TO KILL ME?!" 'George' calmly began but then full out yelled at me.

"Names." I repeated stepping closer to him. "Jonathon Groff." He squeeked at me before jumping on a cabinet for protection. "You." I said and pointed to the fake Alexander. "Lin Manuel Miranda, call me Lin." He said. 

Then I continued learning their real names. Daveed, Oak, Jon, Leslie, Thayne, Christopher and Anthony. They said they were all getting prepared for a show when they suddenly woke up in my house. Which would make sense...You know, Eos in Latin is them. So I said in translation:

Bring them. Bring them and let them live.

But the spell said eum. Eum in Latin is him. So I intended to say:

Bring him. Bring him and let him live.

"What show? What's it called?" I asked. "Hamilton." Lin answered as my eyes widened. "H-Hamilton?" I repeated. "Yes, it's about the forgotten secretary of treasury. The one who had an affair. Who got shot by-" 

"Okay! Okay stop! Stop! Stop! Stop!" I yelled. They all looked confused. "Why? Not one for spoilers huh?" Daveed asked as I looked at him. "My dudes, you are in NYC. You can't just tell me future!" I said as they oh-ed. 

"So about the spoiler thing-"

"YES I HATE SPOILERS SO DON'T F*CKING TELL ME ANYTHING!" I snapped at Daveed as he put his hands up in defense. "You need suits!" I said as I walked to the tailor shop. I walked in and looked at the racks for some suits. 

"Okay! The good news is, I have suits!" I stated as they walked in. "Bad news is I can't...Remake any of your faces." I sighed.

"Excuse me but I am fabulous!" Jonathon said as he held his hand up for a high five which he received from Lin. "#Selflove" Lin chuckled.

"...I'm going to choose to ignore that." I stated and groaned. "No, I meant, you guys look like some people around here. Like, exactly. I need some kind of white lie to tell them." I said and pondered for a bit. 

"...What if we just...Say its a coincidence?" Anthony said. "9-No, 11 people look the same like you guys. That's not even counting Philip! He looks an awful lot like John! And Anthony over here looks like John." I said. 

"Okay, what if we just stay here?" Christopher suggested. "...That's boring." Everyone stated. "Its also safe." I said. They all groaned. "Okay, can we just go out 1 by 1!" Daveed said. "Everyday just 1?" I said cocking my eyebrow. "Yes! We are actors! We can act like the character we play 24/7!" Lin said as I sighed. "Why do you want to go outside?" I asked. "Because! We want to see!" Lin said as I made the Frisk face.

"Fine. We'll do that." I said.

Grand mistake on my part.

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