-Chapter 17: Walking in to...-

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Y/N's P.O.V

7 days and 25 000 complaints later, we made in to 'merica.

"Are you okay?" Hercules asked as I leaned over the rails to puke. "Yes, because I totally like vomiting because I'm sea sick-OF COURSE I'M NOT ALRIGHT!" I yelled as he backed away. "Just asking sheesh." He said and walked off. I kept it in and leaned back. The coast was 3 minutes away maybe 2, but I could just jump off and swim to the shore...If I didn't drown and die in my past life. Now I'm terrified of the ocean.

Once at the harbor, I jumped off and felt the ground under my feet. It made me feel so much better. "So...What now?" I asked Hercules as he walked off the plank next to me. "Now, we go back to the camp." He said as I nodded in agreement. He had told me that the guys were very worried about me when I was gone. Then there was this girl who took my place in as soon as I disappeared. 

"She was first a nurse." Hercules told me. 

Once we arrived at the camp, we first headed to Washington's tent since we had to check in. I was a bit nervous because I didn't know what to say. I mean I can always say...

"Yo, George! I got hit on and kissed my the other George!" 

No. No one will ever know my shame. We walked right in front of the tent and Hercules called for entrance. A quick and mumbled "Come in." Was said and we walked in. Washington was, for once, not writing but he was talking to a girl. He looked up and looked surprised at Hercules but when I entered the room went very silent.

"Y/N?" Washington tried. "Yes sir?" I replied as this sentence seemed to flip a switch in his brain that this wasn't a dream or he wasn't seeing things. "Oh God, you're back! Where in the heavens were you?" He said walking over to me and putting a hand on my shoulder. "Britain." I told him as he frowned. "How did you get there and how did you come back?" He asked. "Sir, I had been kidnapped by the British and set on a ship to work as a slave in the castle of king George the third. Luckily Hercules was there under cover and saved me." I explained as Washington looked very worried but mostly impressed.

"You, get her to the tent and let her rest. And for you miss." He said to Hercules and then turned to the other girl in the tent which I forgot was even there. She looked like a nurse I know, I've seen her before...

But before I stepped up this nurse...

"You must be really lucky to be surrounded with all these men." She said as I handed her letter. "Er...I don't get to hang around that much." I said honestly. "Well, I like your job more, it's so peaceful. Meanwhile we have to put up with blood and misery." She hissed. "I-I need to go. I only have 2 hours left." I said as she threw me a nasty glare.

She was that nurse who didn't like her job. 

I looked at her and she looked at me with anger. "You can go back to the nursing station, they probably need you there more than here, thank you for your service." Washington told her. She stormed out the tent and got on a horse, MY horse and rode back to the North. 

Hercules and I got out too. We walked to our tent which I forgot where it was. Once we entered we saw someone fixing the guns. That someone was America's favorite fighting Frenchman. "Lafayette I got a surprise for you." Hercules called. "Zut (Zut means heck, I've learned that in school in French class, it was in the textbooks.), you being here is a surprise. What could you have possibly-" Lafayette said as he turned around and dropped his gun. "Mon dieu (My God), Y/N!" He said as he ran over to me and gave me a hug.

We had this bonding moment where Lafayette asked questions and I answered them while Hercules confirmed everything I said. After awhile I asked where John and Alexander were. "Oh, John is on training and Alexander...I actually have no idea." Lafayette told us. "Let's look for John then and then Alexander." I suggested as they nodded.

Alexander's P.O.V

I was in my tent where I write letters all day. I'm slowly getting annoyed. I want to fight, not write. Whatever. Y/N is still lost and I have been really trying to look for her around in the city or write letters to other camps asking for her but they didn't know anything. We had this replacement girl that turned up 1 day after Y/N disappeared. She was a nurse but wanted to fill in. 

Her name was Britney and there was an aura around her that I just didn't like. The way her red curly hair always bounced up and down when she flipped it or her green eyes which always had this sly look in them. Maybe it was her freckles which resembled John's which made her look innocent. (If your name is Britney, I'm so sorry but that was the number one basic b*tch name. But Make your name worthy of living!)

She has been flirting all over. I just didn't like it. Some didn't mind but me, Lafayette, Hercules and John did. Suddenly my tent flap opened to reveal Britney. "Britney you've grabbed the mail this morning. Get out of my ten-" I said as I stood up clearly fed up with all the sh*t she's been throwing at me. But before I even got to tell her to get out she grabbed my face and smashed her lips onto mine. "Let go!" I said with all my might but it sounded more like a mumble. 

She kept her lips on mine for 25 seconds before I pushed her away. "WHAT IN THE NAME OF IRENE WAS THAT FOR?!" I yelled as she walked out my tent with her hips going from left to right. I huffed and sat back down. I hope she gets shot.

Y/N's P.O.V

After I found John and talked to him a bit, he told me Alexander was in his tent so I headed there alone because John was exhausted as was Lafayette and Hercules. So they went to the tent. They told me the tent was left to Washington's. So I headed there and slowly opened the flap to see that girl from earlier and Alexander kiss. I didn't want to walk in so I slowly backed away, eyes widened. It felt like something shot me. I slowly walked back to the tent.

"Hey Y/N, found Alex?" John asked from his bed. "Y-Yeah, he was...Busy and told me he would come later." I said as the others hummed. "Sounds like him." Hercules said.

"I'm gonna take a walk. I'll see you guys later." I said as they all agreed. So I walked out and sat near the lake against a tree and looked at the sky, slowly closing my eyes. It's just Alexander, it's his life. I can't mess with that.

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