-Chapter 39: Valentine (Part 1)-

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*Looks at calendar, sees date* Grrrrr.... *Just posted a chapter* GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!! 

A/N for all of you who are single on Valentine, know that this is a COMMERCIAL DAY TO SELL CHOCOLATE AND ROSES!!!! AND ALSO STRAWBERRIES BUT I'M ALLERGIC TO THEM!!!!

You are beautiful and loved by me, and that's all the love a person needs! Personally, I just watch a drama and laugh at the couple who tries to be together but fails. Do that and carry on with your day. And if you're not single, go to a dinner tomorrow. I'll promise you, your wallet will thank you.


Y/N's P.O.V

I laid in bed and stared at the wall. 

"You left these at your office."

That sneaky bastardo stole those while I wasn't looking.

Still...It was nice.

~The next day~

Guess what day it was? Valentine! It was at thing here! I never really participated because I've been single my whole life. When I came to the cabinet Alexander stopped me. "So I gave Eliza some roses today," He started. "When I went to get them, they gave me an extra rose. And because I want to apologize, I wanted to give you it." He finished and held a single rose out.

I smiled and took it out his hand. "Thank you so much Alexander." I said with a smile and gave him a kiss on his cheek. He rubbed the back of his head and looked to the side with a smile. "So...Will you accept my apology?" He asked. "Of course, I could never be mad at you for that long. Not anymore." I said.

We had a little conversation and I headed to my office to be surprised by Jefferson in my office with a large bouquet of roses. 

"Oh, Jefferson, thank you!" I said as Thomas gave me the flowers. "It was nothing. Just wanted to give you an appetizer for what we're going to do after work." He said and smiled. I put the roses in a vase I had in my office. I also put Alexander's rose in the vase. I had some flowers in that one but...I'm bad with flowers so what can you do? "Are you asking me on a second date mister Jefferson?" I asked with a smirk.

"Maybe I am~" He said coming closer to me. He wrapped his hands around my waist and went in to kiss me. Then the door opened.

"Y/N, they need you in the cabinet room-" Alexander said as he opened the door and fell silent after looking at Thomas and I. Thomas exhaled with a chuckle and let go of me. "I'll see you after work." He said as I smiled and walked past Alexander to go to the cabinet room.

3rd Person's P.O.V

After Y/N left, Alexander and Thomas were left alone. (Oh yes. This is happening.)

"Hamilton, can you keep your distance?" Jefferson asked as walked to him. "What do you mean?" Alexander hissed back. "You're married aren't you?" Jefferson asked looking at Alexander. "Yes-"

"Then stop trying to get Y/N to like you."

Alexander kept a straight face. But on the inside, his heart was beating against his chest. "I don't know what you mean." He sternly said and looked at Jefferson. "I have eyes and ears everywhere Hamilton. Don't f*ck with me." Thomas said putting his cane under Alexander's chin and making Alexander look at him.

"I'll f*cking end you if you don't pull that cane under my chin away, Jefferson." Alexander said as Jefferson growled, but pulled the cane back. 

"Stay the f*ck away from Y/N, she's mine." Jefferson hissed and left.

(A/N HA! I'm nobody's b*tch! That's because I'm single. *cries in the corner* )

Y/N's P.O.V

"What is it Madison?" I asked when I arrived in the room. "Yes, this is a distraction." He said as I frowned. "You're not supposed to say that when someone asks you to distract someone." I said with a frown.

"Just kidding, this isn't a distraction. There's this little goblin running around this room. That's why the doors were closed." Madison said. It did seem rather odd that the doors were closed instead of being wide open. Then again...

"Madison, I now know that this is a distraction." I said to make it clear that he had to stop lying. "No, there's an actual goblin with curly hair running around." Madison said as I frowned.

"Wow you are persistent...Dude, stop lying and-Why is the chandelier moving?" I said as I noticed that the chandelier was moving from left to right. "The goblin." Madison said in a 'I-have-survived-the-zombie-apocalypse' way. 

There was this little kid of 3 swinging on the chandelier. "HEY SIA, GET YOUR A$$ DOWN!!!" I yelled and began to look around for the route the kid found to get up there. 


The kid used the f*cking ladder that was standing there randomly, because of course there would be a ladder. I acted quickly. Because I always wore a dress and heels to work, I kicked off the heels and tied the dress up to my knees. 

I climbed the ladder and then jumped off to get to the surface of the chandelier. This is a good time to mention that I have a slight fear of heights. Not that big, but if something stands loose and swings from left to right then I'm scared. 

"L/N, the kid is on the other side!" Madison yelled. I looked across the golden adorns and saw the kid. I slowly moved and was very careful not to fall and break my neck, to then die. I was halfway when the kid started leaning to the left. I grabbed something as I flung to the right to keep the balance of a jumping child and me. 

I decided to say: 'F*ck it.' Like many occasions in my life. As seen by Hamilton, the war, drowning myself. You get the idea. 

I crossed and grabbed the little guy and held him close to me. I looked at the ladder. "HELL NO I'M NOT JUMPING THAT!" I yelled as I looked at the distance. "On it!" Madison yelled as he shuffled the ladder closer so I could reach it. I carefully climbed down and once I was I had to catch my breath.

"Hold this." I said as I pushed the kid in Madison's arms. I fell down and began to hyperventilate. "Never. Again." I exhaled. After that, I got up again an grabbed the kid. I now saw that I knew this kid.

"Philip?" I asked as his hazel eyes looked at me. "What are you doing here?" I asked as he laughed. "Pops!" He said as I turned around to see Alexander. "ALEXANDER WHY IS PHILIP HERE?!" I yelled and Philip began to cry. 

I handed Philip over and Alexander began to hush him. "I don't know." Alexander answered truthfully. "He must have gotten in the carriage on my way to work." He concluded. "Keep track of your kid dude, Jesus." I said as my heart calmed down.

"I saved him from falling of a chandelier. Which makes me think Alexander, where did he learn that?" I asked as Alexander slowly shuffled away. I exhaled and rubbed my eyes. "It's too damn early for this." I groaned and got to work.

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