-Chapter 52: Go, go, go-

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Y/N's P.O.V


Blood flew across the room as I fought harder to get out the guard. "LET ME GO!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. Tears covering my eyes. I fell to the floor, hands still behind me with an iron grip. Everyone was silent. George looked at me and then looked behind himself.

He saw Thomas on the ground and chuckled.

Alexander and John, blood rising to their heads, were passing out.

"Bring those 3 to the dungeon." He commanded to 2 of the crossbow shooters. As they took care of that he looked back at me. "Chain her in the private cellars." He told the guard who was holding me.

He pulled me off the floor and made me walk forward. "See you later~" George sang as sobbed. The guard lead me to the cell and locked me in. I had to get out of here, get John and Alex and get away. But I wasn't mentally prepared to do that.

I gulped and shakily took breaths in and out, hoping that I would calm down. I didn't.

I pulled a bit on the chains on the wall but didn't come any further than 1 foot. I was stuck standing here until I-don't-know-how-long or until the king came. And something in the back back back of my mind said I didn't want to be around for that.

I pulled and pulled until I heard the door open. Terrified I looked up and saw Tho-Lafayette.

"Y/N!" He exclaimed in relief. "Lafayette! Get me out of here." I stated as he nodded. "How did you-"

"Look, I'm America's favorite fighting Frenchman. I have my ways." He smiled as I chuckled. "True." I chuckled. He looked at the lock around my wrist and grabbed it in his hands. He pulled one time and managed to loosen to, but not completely open. He frowned as he grabbed his gun and shot at the lock making me scream in surprise.

"Did you hear that?" We heard in the halls. "America's favorite but dumb fighting Frenchman." I remarked as he sheepishly smiled. "Give me your sword." I demanded as the door flung open revealing 2 guards.

Lafayette grabbed his gun and shot one right in the head. Meanwhile I stabbed one in the stomach. Then we ran out of the private cells, into the palace. "Where is John and Alex?" I asked. "They're in the dungeon." He answered. "Get them out of there, meet me at the exit." I commanded as he nodded. "What are you-"

"I have something I need to take care of."

He was hesitant about that statement, but he ran towards the dungeon. I gripped the sword and walked around, in search of the king. He couldn't have been going further than the throne room.

I saw him on the balcony watching over his garden. It was disgusting how he just stood there. I walked towards him planning to stab his right in the heart. His back was facing me, I was so close, I didn't make any noise.

Yet still.

"I knew even those chains couldn't hold you back. Am I so irresistible? You always seem to find your way back to me." He chuckled back faced to me. I figured that I would just stab him either way. But as soon as I went in for the stab, he turned around and deflected with a sword.

He pushed me away and I back stepped.

"A good king, knows how to yield a sword. Unless they want to be murdered that is." He smiled as I gritted my teeth. "I hate you." I stated. "Love you too dear~" He sang as I angrily swung the sword towards him.

He was really good at sword fighting, because he kept deflecting all my attacks with one hand as he put the other on on his back. He was standing on the same spot while fighting and didn't break a sweat.

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