-Chapter 59: Ready as I'll ever be-

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Rewind, before the accident.

Y/N's P.O.V

I closed the door and huffed. "Doesn't he know that I've got work to do?" I huffed and sat back down. Hercules gave me a quality death stare as I sat down. "What?" I spat as he sighed. He looked away from me and exhaled.

A few minutes passed.

Suddenly Hercules shot up from his chair in my office and looked towards a location. "What?" I asked still writing. "..." He stayed silent. The only sound that could be heard was the scratching of my quill and the occasionally dipping of my quill into an ink pot.

"What is it?" I asked now looking up to see a very worried expression splattered on his pale face. Now I was just choosing between Hercules or my work. So of course I chose my work. After a solid minute, he mumbled. "...John..." My head shot up. "What?!" I asked annoyed.

"Y/N," He quickly stated with a panicked tone. "Go to the river outside town." He stated with a shaking voice. "What?! Why?! I'm wor-"

"Now." He stated as he slammed his hands on the table. I'm thinking that giving him touch ability was a mistake. 

I stood up in frustration and grabbed my coat. "Fine." I groaned as I unlocked my door and made my way to that god damn river. As I walked I noticed Hercules was still clearly not with his fit in the game. Yet I ignored it.

I was almost there, I could even see the river. But when I did, I saw a dark figure sitting crunched up against a tree. It was still alive, since it was slowly moving his hand. It was writing. "Herc-"

It rose up and now I saw it was a guy. The silhouette looked very shaky. Then I saw something come out of the pocket which I could never mistake for anything else. "Gun..." I mumbled as Hercules yelled:


I dropped my coat, heels and ran towards the guy. The grass was wet and I was pretty worried that I would slip and break my skull open. I ran and ran as the guy became clear to me. Of course it was John. Now I got everything in a nutshell. 

He put his gun to his head and took a deep breath, I was going to be too late! I ran and ran sweat dripping off my forehead. My only option to be on time was to tackle him so his gun would shoot somewhere else. Ho Boi.

So I ran and took a leap of fate before jumped and gripping his waist so he would fall with me to the ground. I heard a gun shot and I was praying that no one got shot. My face was wet from the grass and sweat and I hope there was no blood in that mix.

I rose up and looked at John. "Yo." I stated as I held his head in my hands and looked at the sides. There was this sigh of relief when I saw no bullet wounds. "Hey Hercu-"

I looked to my side and I saw Hercules. He stared annoyed at me. But that wasn't what I was focused on. In the middle of his head was a bullet stuck. "Ho boi, what happened to you?" I asked as he groaned. "You avoided a bullet in his head, but the bullet flung into my head because I was badly coordinated. And so a bullet had entered my head."He explained. "And because I can't die without a spell being casted, it got stuck." He explained as I poked his head.

"...I mean, it's a funny ice breaker." I chuckled as he groaned. 

Suddenly we both heard groaning beside me. I looked at John as he slowly pushed himself off the ground. "Yo, freckle face," I greeted as he looked at me. "NEVER SCARE ME LIKE THAT AGAIN!" I yelled as I punched him in his stomach and hugged him when he jolted forward. 

Tears started to form in my eyes as he slowly put his arms around me. "...I'm sorry..." He mumbled as I felt tears spill on my shoulder. "No, I'm the a$$, I should've listened." I sighed. "..." He stayed quiet. 

I escorted him home and kept quiet about what happened to everyone, but Hamilton. I told him and he went to John the same day. The next day he told me that they had...'Talked it out' He didn't really specify with that part which made me worried.

But it was no concern of mine what they were talking about.

Later that year, I had given up to ever get that reign of Lafayette and Sam. I couldn't do it. I wasn't the president. 


Now it's time to step up. Or it's time to back down. And there's only one answer for me. But there is something in my way. I need to compromise with Sam and Lafayette. How? Lafayette stated in a letter he wrote me with much anger that he would come to 'visit' me to discuss further plans. 

And the answer is simple to see. 

So when Lafayette arrived, I had reserved a meeting room in the cabinet and we had a discussion. The first half hour passed in silence as we stared at each other across the long wooden meeting table. I was ready as I would ever be.

"I can't get you any reign." I stated starting the conversation. 

"Then I'll tell the public about your affair." He stated in contra. "Our affair." I corrected as he gritted his teeth. "You have nothing at your side. The president doesn't like you and you don't have an excuse for it." He argued back. "So, you're gonna do it?" I asked as he turned up his nose.

"That's new, you're not frustrated." He stated. "If I'm gonna go down, I'll do it myself." I stated as he frowned. "What do you mean?" He asked as I pulled out a pamphlet. 

"If I'm going down, I'll do it myself." I repeated as he read the title. 'The Lafayette pamphlet'

"By the time you even get your a$$ to your desk to even try and get your 5 worded sentence to the press, I'll have a copy given to everyone." I hissed as he looked at me with an irritated expression. "The good part is that the three of us are going down instead of just me." I stated lowering the pamphlet.

"What about your family? Your work? Your reputation?! You're going to lose it all." He hissed at me standing up knocking the chair over and making a huge bang sound. "At least I'm not the only one." I calmly stated. "I'm done with the lies. I'm done." I hissed and stood up. 

"Believe me, I know...I've sunk pretty low. But whatever I've done you deserved." I stated turning my back to him. "Y/N." He warned as I held up my hand to hush him. "I'm the bad guy, that's fine. It's no fault of mine. And some justice at last will be served." I hissed as I left. 

I'll stand up and fight, 'cause I know I'm right. 

I'll make them hear me. Now it's time to repeat or it's time to resolve  

Prove they can't trust me. And the outcome will hardly come free

Save my whole God damn family! Now the line's in the sand. And my moment's at hand  

And I'm ready, ready as I'll ever be.

The Lafayette pamphlet.

(The last part was based of this song:

Which was based of Tangled-This is some good sh*t though!)

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