BTS Reacts to You Having a Bad Day

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Notes: N/A

1. Jin

When you come in looking dejected, Jin's plans for dinner would change. He would sit you in front of the tv and turn on episodes of your favorite tv show. He would hand you one of his hoodies or sweaters to curl up in while he cooks your favorite dinner.

Once it was finished, you would sit in front of the tv eating dinner together, which he rarely allows, and talk about your days. He would listen to you rant about your bad day and comfort you. After you both finish eating, he would cuddle with you, planting small kisses on your face while he holds you close. He might hum or sing softly.

"Everybody has bad days, Jagi. At the end of the day, I still love you and you still love me. Sometimes, that's all you need to know to make it better," he murmurs, his face buried in your hair.

2. Suga

The door slamming closed behind you would warn Suga of your mood. He would be on the couch watching tv, so you would probably collapse on the couch with your head in his lap. His fingers would stroke your hair softly, changing the channel to one you both like.

After a while, he would probably get up and get your favorite snacks. He would cuddle with you, holding you close (I see Yoongi as a huge cuddler, if nothing else). His hand would rub up and down your side.

"It's alright, baby. I'll hold you as long as you need me to," His breathe warms your neck as he pulls you into his lap and rests your chin on your shoulder.

3. J-Hope

When J-Hope comes in and realizes that you had had a bad day, he would instantly go into full sunshine mode. He would crouch in front of where you lay on the couch, instantly doing some form of aegyo (I don't understand how this tall dancer is the most adorable aegyo master).

He would probably order some form of take-out, deciding the two of you should have a movie marathon. After you both eat, he would pull your back against his chest, one of his arms pillowing your head. His nose would skim along your neck, his movements soft and soothing. If you are still felling stressed, he might quietly sing, lulling you to sleep.

"Sleep. When you wake up tomorrow, this bad day will be behind you," he whispers, his free hand smoothing your hair away from your face. 

4. Rapmon

When he sees the look of frustration on your face, his hands would go to your waist. He would pull you close and skim his nose against yours. His lips would press to yours softly. He may not know how else to calm you down besides physical contact.

His arms would pull you close as his lips skim down your throat. All of his movements are gentle. Eventually, he pulls back and brushes his lips over your cheek.

"Use today to make tomorrow a little bit better," he whispers, his lips brushing your ear. 

5. Jimin

Like Rapmon, Jimin would comfort you through physical contact. When your eyes cloud over with almost tears, he would pull you into his arms. He would hold you close and sing quietly, pulling you into a slow dance. Whether you sway side to side or slowly turn, he would just enjoy having you in his arms.

Your head will rest on his chest as you close your eyes, letting his voice soothe you. One of his hands would gently rub your back, his touch gentle. Once you felt a little better, he would sit you in his lap and hold you close.

"I love you, Jagi," He would say quietly, his cheek resting between your shoulder blades. 

6. V

V knew something was wrong when he texted you and invited you to dinner, but you said you weren't feeling up to it. He would go out and buy all of your favorite snacks. He would come back and use every blanket and pillow in the apartment to build a large blanket fort in the livingroom.

You couldn't help but smile when you came in to see the fort with a trail of your favorite snacks leading from the front door to the entrance of the fort. Once you joined him, he would cuddle with you and boot up some anime on his computer. You would probably fall asleep in there with your face turned to him.

"I'll always appreciate you, Jagi. Even on your bad days," V murmurs sleepily, pulling you closer to him.

7. Jungkook

You had texted Jungkook to cancel your date that night because you didn't feel like you were in a place to be good company. He decided to come over anyway, bringing your favorite take out. He found curled up on the couch in one of his sweaters that he left there.

He would lean down and press a small kiss on your nose, offering you the food. You would eat in silence and then lay together on the couch. The silence would be comfortable as he slowly stroked his fingers up and down his side.

"I love you, Jagi. I'm sorry your day sucked," He's murmur softly, his lips pressing to your forehead. 

A/N: There are some reactions from my Tumblr that I won't be uploading here because they were requests and I didn't like them as much. If you're interested in seeing what you missed, feel free to check out the Tumblr in the description.

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