BTS Reacts to You Cutting Yourself

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Request: Hello can you do a bts reaction self harming one like the one with got7 i relly liked it but i understand if you dont wannt to love you ❤️

1. Jin

Jin is concerned but doesn't know how to express that concern. He doesn't like the idea of your being hurt. He also tends to be sensetive to the emotions of those around him. You've alwayas noticed that Jin was intune with your emotions, always knowing how to make you feel better or make you laugh when you have a bad day.
"Why don't we go out for dinner tonight?" Jin suggests, holding up his hand to attempt to silence an obnoxiously screeching Jungkook in the background. He'll do whatever it takes to keep you from feeling that sad again. 

2. Suga

More than anyone, Yoongi relates to you. Through his music, he often refers to you. Through his music, he often refers to his own depression. He understands that struggle and the pain you go through. That being said, he is also all about working to be a better person even if it's just a little at a time. He'll never breach the topic without your consent though.
"How are you feeling today?" Yoongi hugs your from behind, his chin resting on the top of your head. He can tell you're have a bad day today and wants to make it a little better.

3. J-Hope

Hobi is heartbroken. The amount of pain it causes you shatters him. he's someone who has a very hard time hiding his emotions but he'll do his best to keep up a happy expresison. He's someone who will, at some point, ask you about it.
"Hi Jagi! I was wondering if you could look after Mickey for a couple of days for me?" Hoseok knows that Mickey always manages to make you smile and he hopes that it'll keep you happy for then next couple of days while he's gone.

4. RM

Namjoon's personality falls a little more on the intellectual spectrum than the emotional one, which makes him a good leader. He may not notice at first due to his ability to be oblivious on occasion. When he begins to notice, he would be the type to try to talke you into seeing a therapist. This is not because he thinks you're broken or need to be fixed, but because he believe in the expression of negative emotions.
"I know there are some things you won't feel comfortable speaking to me about," Namjoon softly tucks you hair behind your ear," But you can't keep them in forever. It's only going to hurt you in the long run."

5. Jimin

Jimin is someone else who is heartbroken. More than anyone, he's sensative to the emotions of the people close to him. He's basically the human equivalent of a soft fluff ball. He would know you're hurting but he may not know to what extent. When he learns about the the cutting, he'll probably cry. He can't really control how he expresses his emotions. He would probably blame himself as he feels he is not stron enough to help you.
"I'm sorry, Jagi," Jimin can't stop the tears trailing down his cheeks," I really shouldn't be the one crying right now."

6. V

Tae is someone else who may not notice the extent of your pain. Once he does, he becomes intune with your emotions and does his best to negate your negative emotions. Sometimes, it feels like he has the randomest ideas because it will be a phone call or text at an odd time with some crazy idea.
"So, I was wondering if you wanted to go to the new puppy cafe that opened up," Tae's head is in your lap as your fingers stroke through his hair. His voice is a low murmur," I hope Tannie doesn't get jealous."

7. Jungkook

Jungkook is the other one I think would end up crying. His band members have stated that the times they've seen him cry the most have been when his members are struggling. Your struggles would be the same for him. He would cry but he would then try to find a way to help. He'll do whatever it takes to make this easier for you.
"What do you need me to do to help? What will make this easier for you?" Jungkook almost appears lost, like he's not quite sure how he should handle this situation.

A/N: Hey guys! What's up? This is just a quick post while I'm on my lunch break so I won't say much here. I might post again after I finish at 3 pm.

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