Suga Scenario: You Surprise Him for His Birthday

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Request: Can I request a Suga scenario where you surprise him on his birthday, like you flew in to Korea because you were studying abroad?

     "Jimin, Hoseok, can you guys hang that banner right there?" You point to the area above the couch. Jimin and Hoseok easily agree, tugging the banner from your hands. You had flown in for Yoongi's birthday and had enlisted the help of Jimin, Hoseok, and Jin to decorate Yoongi's personal studio. The boys had a photo shoot today and you had all talked their manager into taking Yoongi's pictures last. As each member gets free, they came to help out.

     The plan was for you to hide in RM's personal studio nearby until one of the members goes to get his cake and then you will come in carrying the cake. Yoongi wasn't expecting you to be here. You had been studying abroad for over a year and you hadn't had a chance to come back to visit. The last person to take pictures before Yoongi's individual shoot is RM, who has just arrived, which means that everyone is in crunch time.

     "Why don't you go ahead and head over to RM's studio? We'll finish everything else up here," Jin quickly shooes you away. You curl up on the couch in RM's studio and watch videos on your phone with your headphones in. You take a few moments to open up the cake box and gently place the candles in the top. Taehyung bursts through the door, his expression way to excited.

     "Come on! I can't wait to his face!" Taehyung bounces in place, way too excited for his own good. You quickly light the candles and carry the cake carefully with two hands. Taehyung opens the door, letting you walk through. You watch Yoongi's eyes widen in shock and you can't help but giggle a little. Everyone sings him Happy Birthday and you hold up the cake for him to blow out the candles. After that, you put the cake aside and he pulls you into a tight hug.

     "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be studying?" Yoongi's voice is soft in your ear.

     "I couldn't miss your birthday!" You smile brightly," Now, let's cut the cake before Taehyung swallows it whole."

A/N: This request was from another friend XD. All of my friends like Suga!!

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