BTS Jimin Scenario: Surprise *SMUT*

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Request: I don't know if you do smut request, but if you do please, please, please, please do a STRICT DOM JIMIN smut please, please thank you anyway!! ;D PS: I love your writings and how friendly you are (:

You had planned out the evening completely, nothing up to chance. Dinner is cooked and ready to be served, you are wearing a dress that you knew Jimin loved, and your lingerie managed to make the dress look even more attractive than normal. It had been quite a while since Jimin had been given an evening off and you wanted to take full advantage of it. He had tried to start something up a couple of times, but but you were always interrupted by one thing or another. You could practically feel how frustrated he was becoming.

The door opens and you can hear the sound of a bag hitting the floor. Shoes soon follow before soft footsteps make their way down the hallway. He passes by the kitchen, stepping into the bedroom to change out of his sweaty clothes. It's a common ritual for him because he doesn't like being stuck in his sweaty clothes. Once he emerges again, he makes his way straight to the kitchen. You watch his eyes widen when he sees the table, causing you to giggle. You press a kiss to his cheek and take his hand, pulling him toward the table.

"What's all of this?" His voice is filled with awe.

"Well, you have the evening off so I made dinner. I figured we could spend the evening in," You both sit down at the table and make quick work of the food. The conversation is casual and you're glad for a chance to catch up. He helps you clear away the dishes and put away the leftovers. Once that's finished, you turn back to him to catch him looking at you with a thoughtful expression.

"What's up?" You lean back against the counter, giving him a curious look. He crosses over to you in two short steps, his hands trapping you against the counter.

His lips press to yours as his knee parts yours, trapping you in place. Your fingers wrap in his hair, pulling him closer to you. He lifts you up, your legs wrapping around his waist as he navigates the apartment from memory. When he sets you on your feet, you are in your room. He pulls his shirt over your head and you follow his lead, lifting your dress over your head. His hands wrap around your wrists when you go to pull of your lingerie.

"I believe that's my job," He says with an amused expression. You nod your head and let your arms fall to your side," On the bed."

You do as he says, climbing onto the bed and laying on your back. His body covers yours, his lips claiming yours once again. His hand roughly grabs your breast, massaging it. You moan in his mouth, your body moving against his. Moments later, he's practically tearing your lingerie off. His finger quickly finds your clit while his mouth closes around your nipple. Your moan rings out as he starts at a furious pace, quickly pushing you to the edge. Moments before letting go, he stops, completely releasing you. You let out a dissatisfied sound.

"Now, now. I can't have you cumming before I'm ready," Jimin's tone is teasing as he throws off his jeans and underwear, sliding on a condom. He repositions you, leaving you on your knees and quickly pushing into you from behind. His hands close around your hips and then he's starting off with a fast pace. He's slamming into you in an almost brutal fashion. You tighten around him, already on edge. After being denied your first orgasm, you feel much more sensitive and on edge.

After so long apart, Jimin is already getting close. You can feel it in his stuttered pattern before he hits your sweet spot and you're crying out, your body shaking. A few more brushes and you're letting go, spamming around him. Jimin lets go moments after you, his body collapsing against yours. He holds you close, pressing kisses against your shoulders.

"I love you," He says softly, nuzzling your hair.

A/N: I'm waiting for dinner because I'm starving. I haven't been eating well the past few days.

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