V Scenario: DNA is About You

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Request: Hey! Can I request a scenario where Yoongi tells Y\N that for him the DNA song is about her. Thank you! <3 Also can you do the same concept just Tae? For my friend \ Its ok if not! Thank you <3

     You couldn't be prouder of your boyfriend. Their comeback was a little over a week ago and the boys were breaking records left and right. Of course, since they were doing a comeback, that means you couldn't see your boyfriend, Taehyung.

     You texted him occasionally, but you didn't want to take up any of the little free time that he had. He needed to rest because you know that he's exhausted. The shrill sound of your phone ringing snaps you out of your thoughts.

     "Hello?" Your voice is slightly muffled by the pillow under your chin.

     "Jagiya!" Taehyung's excited voice startles you.

"Tae? It's late. Shouldn't you be in bed?" Your voice betrays your shock.

     "Can you meet me at the park down the road from your apartment?" Taehyung's voice is still super excited," Before you say 'I should rest', I'm already here so....."

     "I'll be there in just a minute," You sigh, getting dressed.

     The park is quiet. Not many people come to the park this late so you're not surprised. Taehyung is under the biggest tree in the park with a blanket and a small picnic basket.

     "What's all of this?" You ask softly as Taehyung pats the spot next to him.

     "I missed you," He hugs your tightly," It's also a thank you."

     "A thank you?" Your eyebrows raise in confusion.

     "Our comeback is doing amazingly well and so has our song," Taehyung grins as he starts to unpack the basket.

     "Why are you thanking me for that?" You still can't clear your cloud of confusion.

     "For me, DNA is you. This song represents how I feel about you. When I sing it, it's you I see in the audience," He takes your hand, his thumb brushing over your knuckles," So, therefore, this success is due to you."

     "Tae...." Your voice trails off as you stare at him, shocked.

     "So, everything that I'm getting right now is thanks to you. I love you and I hope you continue to love me," He presses a kiss to your mouth before holding up a container of food.

     "What is this?" You open the container to see little desserts inside.

     "I made dessert," Taehyung grins, picking one out and offering it to you," Well, Jiminie made them and I helped."

     The two of you spent a little while eating under the stars while curled up on his blanket. Unfortunately, Tae had to leave because he had rehearsal in the morning, but for a little while, you could pretend that he was coming home with you that night instead of going back to the dorm. He would be home eventually, but not right now. When you finally went to bed, you marked off another day of Tae being gone.

Notes: I totally forgot how much I loved this scenario. It makes me happy and it's super fluffy.

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