J-Hope Scenario: Valentine's Scenario

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Request: This is from my Valentine's Day Event on Tumblr.

     "Jagi, wake up!" Hoseok whines, shoving your shoulder once again. You groan and turn to face him.

     "Why? Can't we just cuddle in bed for a little while longer?" You try to bribe him but you know that he has plans for today so this probably won't work.

      "But we have to get ready to go," He drags you up, causing you to sigh and get out of bed. You both get dressed and ready. It's Valentine's Day, a holiday that Hoseok likes to make a big deal out of. He has big plans that last all day and always turn out to be lots of fun. He drives the two of you to the Zoo, surprising you a little.

     "This is our plan for today?" You realize you probably shouldn't be surprised since Hoseok likes all things cute and animals fall into that category for him. He hands you your camera, which he must have brought from the house, and puts on his face mask and a baseball cap. He's dressed in his more casual and less obvious clothes. The two of you grab a snack for breakfast before heading to your first section. You started in the reptiles since it was likely to be Hobi's least favorite section. You take pictures of Hoseok's antics and of some of the animals.

      By the time you reach lunch time, you're wishing you had brought your computer so you could dump the pictures you had already so you could clear your memory card to take more pictures. Hoseok buys you both lunch and the two of you eat quickly before buying some ice cream. The next section you hit is the aquatic section. One of the workers offers to let you feed the walruses (also called sea elephants), which you both accept. Hosoek is a bit scared but you're not bothered at all.

     "Here, take this," The worker hands a fish to Hoseok and guides him on what to do. Hoseok's fear quickly fades when he gets to pet it and it gladly lets him. You go next and have no fear.

     "This is super cool," You grin and gently pet the walrus before you move aside to let someone else feed it. By the end of the day, you're growing tired but Hoseok wants to stop at the gift shop before you leave. You wander around aimlessly, starting to feel sleepy.

     "Are you ready to go?" You quickly nod at Hoseok's question as he takes your hand and leads you to the car. He hands you the bag once you get in the car. Inside is a stuffed walrus. 

A/N: This scenario is one of my favorites from this event. It's adorable....

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