Jin Scenario: Stay at Home Dad

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Request:  Can you write a Jin fluff scenario of him as a stay at home dad? Or if you want a bts scenario/reaction for how all of them would be as stay at home dads?

Jin loved any opportunity to stay home with his children. He's every bit the doting father that everyone wants him to be. His organization skills allow him to keep the entire house in order and he has no problem doing most of the cooking. He wakes up early every morning to make you breakfast before you head off to work. Then, he sets about the task of straightening up the house before his two children wake up.
Once the house is straightened up, he wakes up his oldest daughter, Jiyeon, and helps her get ready for school. Once he's fed her breakfast and gotten her dressed, he carefully picks up his youngest daughter, Heeyoung, the two year old soundly asleep on his shoulder. He gently buckles her into her car seat after making sure that his oldest didn't forget her backpack. The drive to school is short and he makes sure to give her a kiss goodbye before letting her out.
After that, he goes home and puts his daughter back to bed while he works on making her breakfast. He wakes her up gently, feeding the sleepy toddler while also finally sitting down to eat his own breakfast. While she plays, he makes a list of the groceries he needs to pick up at the store. His phone interrupts the process, though.
"Hello?" Jin tucks his phone between his shoulder and ear while he continues making his list.
"Hey, it's Yoongi," The voice on the other end responds quickly," I was wondering if I was still okay to drop Daehee off today?"
"Of course! I don't mind watching him for a few days while you guys take a break. I already have to be home with Jiyeon so it's really not a big deal," Jin replies, finishing up his list," We were about to head to the store to pick up some groceries if you want to meet us there."
"Thank you, hyung! We'll meet you there," The call ends soon after that. Jin had volunteered to watch Yoongi's three year old son for the weekend to allow him and his wife a small vacation.
Loading his daughter into the car after she's been playing is a much more laborious task. She kicks the back of his seat and plays with her toys, loudly singing along with the music on the radio. Like her father, she has a soft spot for music. Yoongi arrives at the market a few minutes after Jin and helps him pay for the groceries in return for looking after his son.
The two children are a force to be reckoned with, playing and yelling. They get along well and have been friends since they met. Once the children and the groceries are loaded into his car, Jin takes them home and lets them watch a movie while he puts away the groceries and makes a small lunch.
Once they've all eaten, Jin finally takes the time to sit down and play with the kids. They act out elaborate scenes that roll out like a drama with Jin as the "villain" and Daehee as Heeyoung's savior. By the time they've finished, it's time to pick up Jiyeon from school.
Once again, Jin loads up the children and drives to the school to pick up his oldest daughter. Back at home, he fixes her a snack and helps her with her homework while the younger children take a short nap. By the time you arrive home from work, dinner is ready and the children are settled in to eat. As always, you can trust Jin to take care of your children and keep your entire life in order.

A/N: I got an IPad from my school so I can post again! I'm super excited! I can't read my flash drive on here though so I can't see my full list of requests. I'm not sure what I'm going to do about that yet.

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