RM Soulmate AU

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Key Word: Warmth

You knock on the door before you nervously. You're surprised by how many nerves are building within you. You had been called in to take over the position of back stage manager for a series of concerts. RM, a successful and popular rapper, has been on a tour for about a week but his back stage manager fell ill. As you are going to be playing an integral part of the performance, it only made sense for you to introduce yourself.

"Come in," His voice, though muffled by the door, is attractive and masculine. You open the door tentatively.

"Hi. My name is Y/N and I am going to be taking over as your back stage manager for the duration of your tour," You bow to him, straightening up again after a few moments.

"Thank you for taking the time to come work with me. I hope we can get along," He bows in return, his blonde hair bouncing as he straightens," Now that the formalities are over, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Kim Namjoon."

"It's very nice to meet you. I'm excited to finish this tour with you," You offer him a bright smile. He offers you his hand and you take it, giving him a firm handshake. A warmth blossoms in your stomach immediately. It's not overwhelming or uncomfortable just... strange. It's unlike anything you've ever felt before. When he releases your hand, his expression is curious. The warmth doesn't fade, instead lingering long after he had stopped touching you.

The rest of the conversation is mostly work based and then you're heading out to talk to your staff. The father you get from that door, the more that warmth fades. It's a curious thing but you can't really afford to get distracted at this point.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

You've managed to make it through three concerts and you've never felt so tired in your life. You were doing your best to avoid Namjoon. You could feel when he was getting closer, that warmth growing within you. This is the first time you had been offered a position with this much power and you couldn't afford to get distracted by this gorgeous man.

The third concert had just ended and you were doing a quick sweep to make sure everything had been returned to the way it was before. Normally, your staff helps you but they they had wanted to go out for dinner so you just let them go. It doesn't normally take that long to sweep the area and make sure everything is cleaned up. There's a little bit of trash here and there but it doesn't take long to clean it back up. Everything had been loaded up and prepared to be transported to your next location. The last place you need to check is Namjoon's dressing room.

He had headed out with the staff to get dinner so you shouldn't have to worry about him being here. Your assumption is correct as the dressing room is empty and clean. You do a quick once over and find a phone sitting on the dressing room table. You pick it up and turn it over in your hands. There's no mistaking who it belongs to. You're not quite sure whether you can take running into him again, especially when you had been so thoroughly avoiding him.

Before you can prepare yourself, you feel that warmth once again. It starts off as the warmth you feel when you drink hot chocolate. It continues to grow as he grows closer. It grows from a blanket warmth to a fireplace to a campfire before settling on a bonfire as he opens the door. His eyes stare at you but you can't bring yourself to meet them. You hold out the phone to him, your eyes firmly trained on the floor.

You watch his shadow grow closer as he steps toward you. He passes by the phone and keeps stepping toward you. You scramble back, your lower back hitting the dressing table. He doesn't stop until he's right in front of you. His large hands rest on either side of you, trapping you in place. You let out a small sigh and finally look up at him.

"You've been avoiding me," He says simply. All you can do is nod, your breathe stollen by the expression on his face," You can't imagine how it feels to know your soulmate is avoiding you."

"Soulmate?" You squeak, your eyes widening in shock.

"Yes. You're my soulmate. I can tell where you are no matter how far away you get. I can tell the moment you start walking toward me and then change direction when you realize that's where I am," His fingers burn against the cool skin of your cheek.

"I just... can't afford to get distracted right now," You allow yourself to say the words that had been burning in your chest.

"I'm a distraction?" An amused smirk makes its' way onto his face. You give him an incredulous look.

"You mean a beautiful man with killer dimples and an amazing voice isn't a distraction?" You can't keep the sarcasm out of your voice.

Before you can say anything else, he leans down, his lips pressing to yours. He easily lifts you onto the dressing table and clutches you close, his large hands warm even through your clothing. Small sparks light in your stomach, the bonfire raging in your stomach. He's stealing your breathe and your sanity, making you lose yourself. When he pulls away, he seems just as dazed. He finally takes his phone and slides it into his pocket.

"Don't avoid me," His expression is completely serious as he stares down at you," I want to get to know my soulmate."

"Okay," You breath, your breathe caressing your lips.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

By the time the tour ends, everyone is exhausted but you're proud. Namjoon's performances were stellar and staff performed phenomenally. You and Namjoon spent every evening together, learning a lot about each other and learning a lot about your soulmate connection.

It's a bit unusual but it brings a lot of comfort. You find that the fire grows to an uncomfortable point when either of you is upset. You learned this by accident when you were overly exhausted one night and someone decided to back talk you. Namjoon was there in a instant, calming you down and helping you get your head on straight.

You're a little nervous as Namjoon had invited you to a small party his friends were throwing for the end of his tour. Everyone knows about his friend group as they all have their own popularity in different scenes. It would be a lot of celebrities in one place and then you. You are the odd man out. He presses a small kiss to your knuckles, drawing your attention back to him.

"Your hands are shaking, love," His breathe fans across your knuckles.

"Meeting your friends scares me," You squeeze his hand.

"Don't be scared. They won't dislike you. You're far to important to me for them to dislike you," After he parks the car, he turns to face you," I know that I'm not an easy person to be with but don't give up on me yet. I really adore you and you make me smile. They're they only other people who do that. Give me a chance to bring you into my world so I can keep you there and love you how you should be loved."

A/N: I'm going to make quick profiles for everyone's alternate careers and post it. Please look forward to it!

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