Suga as a Husband (Jealous)

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Notes: I don't see Suga as an overly jealous person because I believe he would generally trust his S/O. That being said, I did the best I could.

 You were a bit surprised when Yoongi invited you to the party that Big Hit was hosting. The two of you had been very careful to keep your relationship out of the spotlight, for fear of backlash from fans. They knew about you, of course, but a lot of the reactions hadn't been necessarily positive, so he tried to keep as much about you a secret as possible. He didn't want your life to suffer any just from marrying him. He had done his best to reassure you that any pictures or videos going out from the party were going to be heavily controlled and that you had nothing to worry about, but you were still nervous.

He stayed by your side at the party, introducing you to some of the newer trainees at Big Hit. Eventually, you made your way over to his band members. You had known them all for as long as you've dated Yoongi, so you were pretty close. Particularly to Taehyung and Jungkook. They were close friends of yours by this point.

"We have to go film a video for the fans, but we'll be back soon, I promise," Yoongi presses a small kiss to your temple, offering you a gummy smile. You watch them go, a smile on your face from your little interaction with Yoongi.

You find somewhere to sit with your drink, watching the people around you. You spend a lot of time at Big Hit, considering how often you come here to sit with Yoongi while he makes his music, but most of your time is spent in Yoongi's work space or in a recording room to entertain Taehyung and Jungkook in between takes when you have some free time.

One of the trainees you met earlier sits next to you, striking up a casual conversation. It's mostly about himself and all the training he's doing right now, but you don't mind too much since it's better than sitting alone until the boys are done. Sometime later, the seat next to you sinks and an arm wraps around your waist. You don't have to look to know that it's Yoongi, his warmth familiar. You're a little surprised though. Yoongi is not particularly big on skinship in public and when he does, it's usually very thought through and careful.

"Don't you have somewhere else to be?" Yoongi's voice is cold, catching you off guard. Sure, he's like that occasionally but not as often as one might think and there's usually a reason. Once the trainee leaves, you turn to Yoongi, your expression disapproving.

"That was a little rude, don't you think?" You're tone matches your expression's level of disapproval.

"I have a reason," Yoongi defends, taking your hand and playing with your fingers, watching the way that the rings on both of your fingers glint.

"And that reason is...?" You press, watching his face.

"I've been talking to some of the newer trainees. Bang PD-nim asked me to help get them adjusted, although why he asked me, I'll never know. He's been exceptionally rude to the other trainees and to any of my bandmates that aren't rappers, which is what he wants to be," Yoongi explains, meeting your eyes occasionally," He seems to take an affinity to anything that I'm interested in and I didn't want him to get any ideas about you."

"Were you... jealous, Yoongi?" You tease, raising your eyebrows at him.

"What, no. I was trying to look out for you," Yoongi snaps, his expression annoyed. You've been together long enough to know that he's not actually annoyed with you, but he doesn't want you to press the issue any further.

"Baby, you don't have to be jealous. We're married, in case you forgot. I love you, alright?" You press a soft kiss to his cheek. Yoongi blushes a little, caught off guard. You're both very careful about where and when you say 'I love you' so you surprised him a little.

"Fine, I was jealous. Can you drop it now?" Yoongi mutters, his eyes going back to your hands," Let's go find Bang PD-nim. They don't need me here anymore."

"Are you sure?" You didn't want him to get in trouble for leaving early.

"That's why we're going to find Bang PD-nim. If he wants me to stay I will," Yoongi says begrudgingly. You take his hand, your fingers intertwining as you go off to get permission to go home with your amazing husband... Even if he is a bit jealous sometimes.

A/N: My best friend is a Yoongi stan with a wreck that alternates between V and Kookie. I based this one on her since I knew she would be one of the ones reading it.

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