Jimin Soulmate AU

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Key Term: Books

You sit at a small table in the corner of the room, your nose buried in a book. This is your favorite place in the entire city. It's a small, out of the way café where the walls are made up with bookcases. You come in, order snacks and drinks while sitting down with a good book. You can read anything from the walls or bring your own. Just being there makes you smile and feel like your stress has been lifted.

For the past few weeks, you've noticed a cute guy that has been coming around the same time that you have. Most of the time, he wears a hat but tiny tufts of his pale pink hair poke through. Over the past couple of weeks, he's been sitting at a table closer and closer to yours. When he comes in today, he marches his way right over to you, sitting at the table across from you. As he looks up at you, his expression nervous, you recognize him instantly. He's an idol performer who has been becoming increasingly popular. Although he's a beautiful dancer and singer, he's known for his adorably shy personality.

"Hi," His soft voice floats to you across the quiet room.

"Hi," You whisper back.

"My name is Jimin," He keeps his voice quiet, not wanting to disturb anyone else around us.

"Y/N," You respond in an equally soft voice.

He opens a book and turns to a specific page. It's the same book he's been reading for the past week or so. The two of you sit in a comfortable silence for about an hour. By that point, you have to head back to work. You spend your lunch breaks here, relaxing and enjoying a small meal. It's what makes you happy. You say a quiet goodbye before putting the book back and heading back to work.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

You and Jimin created a quiet relationship. For the next few months, he would meet you there and the two of you would read while enjoying a quiet lunch. There wasn't much conversation but you did learn a bit about each other. Today, however, is different. Your lunch break is almost over and Jimin still hasn't appeared. It's strange how disappointed that makes you feel.

It's the same for the next few weeks. You had taken the time to look into it a little and found that he was currently on tour. You go about the next week or so in a normal fashion. You actually felt a little lonely now that Jimin wasn't joining you at the café. Where you had once felt peace being alone, you found you didn't enjoy it. Jimin had become strangely comforting.

You allow yourself to wrapped in the story of the book in front of you, becoming oblivious to the world around you. You don't notice the shock of blonde hair enter the café and glance at you. He pays for a drink and some food before picking a book and walking straight to your table. He sits down and glances at you with a fond smile. You have yet to notice his presence and he can't help but find it amusing. He gently taps the back of your hand, causing you to pop your head up over your book. He watches your eyes widen, giggling.

"Hey," Your voice goes a little higher than normal as you try not to show your surprise. You're almost shocked when your first instinct is to jump up and hug him. After a moment, you decide to do it anyway. You jump up and run over to hug him, scared he's going to react negatively. He jumps to his feet and welcomes you with open arms.

You're almost shocked by how good he smells. It's a familiar smell, but you can't quite place it at the moment. You end up hugging a lot longer than you were planning to, his chin resting on the top of your head. You finally step back, looking down shyly. Both of you take your seats once more as he rests his chin on his hand.

"So, I realized something while I was gone," His eyes meet yours and you feel yourself being drawn in. You give him a curious look," I kept asking myself why I was missing the presence of someone I've barely talked to. Someone who only spends time with me for an hour a day while reading a book. Then, I realized why. Why had I gained such a fascination with someone who sat across the room from me and had only ever spoken to me once. That's when I knew you were soulmate."

"But, we never touched until today," You give him a confused look. He ticks his finger at you.

"Actually, we have. The first day I ever came here, you recommended a book to me. Your fingers touched mine when you handed it to me. That book was amazing, by the way," He runs his fingers through his hair," but it made me gain a fascination with you. It's why I sat with you in the first place."

"That would... explain a lot," You say finally," It felt kind of empty here when I was finally by myself again."

"So, basically, I should sneak you into my suitcase on my next tour because I don't like being alone and the idea of you being alone breaks my heart," He concludes, his fingers intertwining with yours.

"I don't think I'd mind," You giggle, staring down at your entwined fingers with a smile.

"We might have to discuss it another time though," His expression shifts into a pout. Your eyes narrow in confusion before you see the time flash on his watch. He had marked the time that you leave the café to go back to work. You let out a soft sigh.

"Yeah. I have to get back to work," It takes you a few moments to convince yourself to stand. He stands with you and glances at you.

"But I'll see you tomorrow," He grins, brushing the softest of kisses across your lips," And you can always call me. I can sweep you away from your boredom if you need me to."

"I don't have..." He quickly interrupts you.

"Actually, it's on a paper in the pocket of your jacket," he grins cheekily," I may have slipped it there while we were hugging. Don't read it until you get to your office though."

At this point, you really have to leave. You're going to be late if you stay any longer. He kisses you one last time before you dash out to your car. That smell continues to perplex you before it finally becomes clear. Books. He smells like books. That's why it felt so comforting. Back in your office, you open up the folded piece of paper in your pocket.

Hi! This must all seem crazy to you since this is so new. It's new to me, too. I'm excited to get to know you more and find where our lives go from here.  Although I do love reading with you, I hope we can enjoy tons of adventures and that you'll come with me on tour at some point. Anyway, I hope you have fun at work and you should definitely call me when yo get off because my friends want to meet you and I can only hold Tae off for so long.


I love you, soulmate!

You can't keep the smile from your face. You tuck the note back into your pocket and try to concentrate on your work. Every single bit of you wants to call him right now and agree to meet his friends and every other amazing thing he's offered to bring into your life. Finally, you give in and type the number into your phone, typing out a quick text.

Love you too, soulmate.

A/N: I feel bad but I don't know if Jimin's came out as well as the others. I'll see what you guys think. I just think it's not as strong, which sucks.

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