J-Hope Scenario: You are Feeling Self Conscious (Fluff)

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Notes: You had had a really bad day at work today. Some of your coworkers had been making rude comments about how you were dressed today. You had known that your outfit wasn't your best but you needed to do laundry so you didn't have a choice. You didn't necessarily care what they thought, but you couldn't help but wonder if your friends and boyfriend saw you that way too. It was hard not to. You kept your emotions in check while you were at work, but those walls crumbled in the safety of your apartment.

You didn't notice Hoseok's shoes at the door when you go got home. Hoseok is in the kitchen when you come in, setting up your surprise since he got out of rehearsal early.

"Jagi..." His voice trails off when he sees you slumped on the couch, your face buried in your hands. He approaches you cautiously, his expression becoming more concerned with each passing moment.

He kneels in front of you, his hands covering yours. He gently tries to move your hands from your face, his touch soft. When you resist, he drops his hands to your knees. His voice is soft as he speaks, biting is lip.

"I need to see your face, Jagi," He pleads," Please."

"I-Is it really worth it to love me?" Your tears choke your voice a little.

"What?" Hoseok's shock is evident," Why would you ever feel the need to ask that?"

"It's nothing. It's stupid," Your voice is muffled by your hands.

"Jagi, look at me," Something about his voice causes you to raise your head," Did something happen? Or did someone say something?"

"Some people at work said some stuff today and..." You trail off, not wanting to finish your sentence.

"And it made you doubt yourself, and by association, me," Hoseok leans back to look you in the eyes," I don't care what they said, Jagi. The only thing I ask is that you don't doubt me. I don't care about ideals or some notion that I shouldn't date someone whose not an idol or isn't perfect. I care about you and that's all that should matter."

"I'm sorry, Hoseok," You say quietly, wiping your eyes.

"I love you," Hoseok's lips brush the tip of your nose.

"I love you too, Hobi," You smile. His sunshine smile takes over his face.

"I almost forgot! I have a surprise for you," He jumps up, rushing to the kitchen. He comes back with a plastic bag and a bouquet of your favorite flowers," I got off early so I got these on the way home."

In the bag is a large assortment of chocolate. You offer him a piece from one of the candy bars, but pull your hand back at the last second. He pouts.

"Jagi," He whines.

"Do aegyo, and I'll think about it," You tease.

Hi hands fly up to his cheeks, cute noise coming from his mouth. You can't help but laugh as he gets more and more into the aegyo. Suddenly, his hands are at your sides, causing your to squeal as he tickles you.

"Hobi, stop it!" You say breathlessly, trying to kick him away. He grabs your leg and drags you closer, leaning down to eat the chocolate from your hand.

"Thank you, Jagi," He releases you, his eyes smiling down at you. You can't help but appreciate your own piece of sunshine. 

A/N: The countdown continues.....

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