J-Hope Scenario: College OC *SMUT*

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Request: I loved it! Made me wonder what Hoseok would belike in the same position (Jin College OC Smut)

You watch drops of sweat trail down his face as his body takes on the fluidity and grace of water. Hoseok is at his most beautiful when he's dancing. Every movement he makes is confident and strong, taking your breathe away. You can feel his joy from across the room as he nails a part of his routine that he had been struggling with.

He's so engrossed in his dance that he has yet to notice your presence. He finally stops, taking a drink of water and using a towel to wipe away the sweat on his face. He turns around and lets out a startled noise, his eyes wide. He looks so cute that you can't suppress your giggle. His expression lights up with a bright smile.

"I didn't know you were here! Did you come to watch me rehearse?" He crosses to you in a few short strides, his hand raising to crush across your cheek.

"Normally, that would be a yes, but we promised Yoongi and the others we would meet them in an hour," You hold out the bag in your hands," I brought a couple of different outfits since I didn't know what you would want to wear. You might want to go shower."

"That's today?" His eyes widen as he takes the bag and opens it, glancing down into it," I totally forgot. I'll be right back. Just wait for me here."

You sit in a chair in the corner of the room, playing on your phone as you wait for your boyfriend to finish getting ready. It's not like Yoongi to offer to hold a party, no matter how small, so both of you had been quick to take him up on his offer. Once Hobi is finished, the two of you stop to grab some snacks on your way to Yoongi's apartment. It's a simple party, just a little get together with friends, so it doesn't come as a surprise when you end up playing Truth or Dare.

"Alright, Y/N," Yoongi fixes his gaze on you," Truth or Dare?"

"I'll do a Truth this time," There's no way that you were going to trust Yoongi to give you a dare.

"We'll keep it simple for now. When do you think Hoseok looks the sexiest?" Yoongi smirks at you, raising his eyebrows at you.

"When he's dancing," You answer honestly. That starts up chatter among everyone else and you're quick to hide your face in Hoseok's shoulder.

It's late by the time the two of you arrive at your apartment. You stretch and groan, feeling Hoseok's arms wrap around your waist from behind. His lips press softly to your throat, causing a gentle sigh to leave you. His arms hold you tightly to his chest, leaving you incapable of moving. You feel his tongue trace up your neck, causing a gasp to leave you. He turns your face toward his, his lips pressing fiercely to yours. Heat lazily coils in your stomach as his hand slides under the front of your shirt, softly brushing over the bare skin over your stomach.

His hands slide further up your shirt, under your bra, taking one breast in each hand. His fingers pull and tease both of your nipples, pulling a moan from you. You can feel your hips moving of their own accord, searching for friction. Your mind is clouded and the only thing in the world is Hoseok and his hands on your body, his teeth nipping at your neck. One of his hands switches breasts, securing your back against his chest as his fingers trail down the front of your shorts. His fingers press to your soaked panties.

"My wet girl," He murmurs against the skin of your throat. He slides your panties out of the way and massages your clit. Your head falls back against his shoulder, a wordless moan leaving you. He pulls at it with his long fingers and you can feel his hardness pressed against you. He begins to move against you, trying to find some friction of his own while his fingers slides into your entrance, freezing your breathe in your chest.

Suddenly, he's lifting your into his arms and carrying you to your bedroom. He rids you both of your clothes and covers your body with his. You roll over, quickly changing your positions. He raises his eyebrows at you but doesn't say anything. You grab a condom from the nightstand and slide it onto his length. Your hands rest on the tight muscles of his stomach as you slide down on him.

A guttural groan leaves him, causing you to smile. His hands close tightly around your hips, helping you bounce on him. Soon, his hips are meeting your every thrust, grazing a spot deep inside of you. You can feel your breathe quicken as hits it again, sending you crashing down. He helps you ride out your high, cumming only moments after you. You slump against his chest. He lays you down beside him, his head resting on one hand as he softly moves some stray hairs out of your face.

"So... I'm sexy when I dance?" His expression is teasing and you can't help the groan that escapes you as you smack his with a pillow. His laugh echoes around you, leaving you with a warm feeling in your chest. 

A/N: This smut may have nearly killed me when I was writing it. It's.... a lot. 

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