Rapmon Scenario: He Comforts You After a Nightmare

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Notes: N/A

 I shoot upright, my heart racing. I hold back my tears, my eyes searching for Namjoon. Namjoon sleeps soundly beside me, his snoring evidence of just how deep his sleep was. He had come in at about two last night and it's around 5. Both of us are off today, mostly because Yoongi threatened Namjoon into taking a break because he's been overworking himself. As I look at him, the nightmare flashes back up behind my eyes, bringing the tears back to the forefront of my mind. The tears begin to fall without my consent.

Namjoon is on his side, facing away from me. I curl into his back, my arms wrapping around his waist tightly. My face is pressed against his shirtless back, holding back the sobs. I'm a little surprised at myself. I don't normally have a reaction like this after a nightmare, I don't even really have nightmares, but this one felt a lot more real than most of my dreams. This dream was worse than most, featuring one of my newest and most difficult fears, losing Namjoon. Namjoon, shifts a little, his hand coming up to cover mine.

"Jagiya, why are you awake?" Namjoon's voice is soft and garbled with sleep. I can't bring myself to answer, tears choking my voice," Jagi? Is something wrong?"

Namjoon turns over and I quickly duck my head, trying to hide my tears, a little embarrassed. His fingers are warm on my chin as he lifts it until our gazes meet. His gaze is soft as his other hand wipes away a few of my tears. His arms wrap around me as he pulls me into his chest, his chin on my head. He holds me until my tears subside, his hand stroking my hair. Once my sobs have calmed and my tears are stopped, he pulls away a little.

"What happened?" Namjoon asks, his fingers ghosting back and forth across my cheek.

"I just had a bad dream. It's no big deal," I try to brush past the part about me crying. Namjoon still looks exhausted, and I don't want to make him stay up any longer considering how late he got back. Plus, I don't want him to worry about me.

"Baby, you were crying. It's definitely a big deal," Namjoon gives you a disapproving look, his eyes staring into yours.

"I just had a bad dream, I promise. Talking about it will bring it back to the front of my mind and I don't want to cry again. Plus, you need to get some more sleep," I admit, nuzzling closer to him and yawn.

"Do you want me to sing you to sleep, baby?" Namjoon presses a kiss to my forehead, dropping the subject of my nightmare, which I'm grateful for.

"Please, Joonie?" You murmur sleepily. Namjoon turns on his back, pulling you with him to rest on his chest. His soft voice reaches your ears, his face nuzzling into my hair as I slowly drift back to sleep. I love it when Namjoon sings, even when not everyone else does. It always leaves an amazing feeling in my chest and helps me relax, no matter what. That's the last thing I think before I fall back asleep.

A/N: It's a little short but it's adorable and I love it :). My writing does tend to be a bit from my perspective but I always try to generalize it in a way that will make it able to be read by anyone. This is the last scenario. I'll be going into the Texts next, which there aren't that many of yet.

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