Jimin as a Husband/Father

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Notes: This was a request and it's from the perspective of you having two children, a son and a daughter. I didn't want to name the kids, so, to avoid any complications, the kids are referred to as "our son" and "our daughter". I also decided to write it like it was a day in the life of Jimin as a husband and father, although I focused a little more on the father aspect.

After being married to Jimin for as long as I have, I figured I would get tired of the small things. I've never been more wrong. With two children that look just as adorable as their father, the little things are what make my days better. Today, for example, is the perfect kind of day. Jimin and I both have the day off, which is rare, and the kids don't have school.

I woke up slowly to sunlight streaming through our bedroom window. It took a moment for me to pass my confusion and remember that I didn't have to get up early for work. I take a deep breathe and stretch, my hand reaching out for Jimin. I'm a little surprised to find him missing from the bed.

"Jimin-ah?" My voice rings throughout the house.

"I'll be there in a moment baby. Just stay there," Jimin calls back. I relax against the pillows behind me. Jimin comes into our room with a tray in his hands, our children bouncing behind him. Their faces and hands are clean, but their night clothes are dusted with flour. I can't help but laugh at the sight. Our daughter is 3 and our son is 5.

"We made you breakfast, mommy!" Our son says excitedly, running over to hug me. I press a kiss to is forehead before pulling him onto the bed beside me. I pull our daughter into my lap as Jimin sits my breakfast in front of me. He comes back with a second tray. After breakfast, Jimin helps me get the kids dressed and we head to the park.

It's so rare that we get to spend our days off like this, so we wanted to make the best of it. At the park, I push our daughter on the swing while Jimin races our son on the slides, both of their laughter ringing through the air. Jimin helps him race across the monkey bars, holding him up easily. Our daughter points at them, obviously wanting to join. I carry her over to join them. After a few rides on the slide, we set up our lunch, a picnic Jimin and I prepared before we left.

Jimin makes sure both of the kids are eating before starting in on his own lunch. Once we clear it up and Jimin is packing it back into the car, I pull our son aside, whispering my plan in his ear. He grins from ear to ear, bouncing on the spot. Once Jimin is closer, I jokingly tackle him onto the ground, our son and daughter quick to follow. I lean back up, watching Jimin jokingly battle our son and daughter. Once Jimin has admitted defeat, it's time to head home.

Our daughter falls asleep on the car ride home. Jimin gently lifts her up, carrying her to her room while I give our son a bath. Afterwards, we settle on the couch for movie. I cuddle into Jimin's side, his hand rubbing up and down my arm gently while he holds our son in his lap. The smile on his face when he looks at our son warms my heart.

When our daughter wakes up, Jimin plays with the kids while I start on dinner. Jimin's relationship with the kids is an easy one. He's good at keeping them entertained and he never runs out of games to play with them. He enjoys spending time with them and his eye smile is always bright when he's with them. His band mates often come over and dote on the kids, especially Taehyung and Hoseok. They adore the kids.

After dinner, we watch one more movie and then it's time for the kids to go to bed. While I read our son a bedtime story, Jimin does his favorite act of the day, singing our daughter to sleep. No matter what his schedule is, he finds some way to do it, enjoying those few minutes of being able to do whatever he wants. When we settle into bed that night, he holds me close, his nose buried in my hair.

"I love you," he whispers softly as my breathing slows.

A/N: Fluffy Jimin is adorable and I love it :).

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