BTS Reacts to You Talking to Yourself

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Notes: To be honest, I do this a lot. Especially when I'm reading a book or have been alone for too many hours. So, I think this will be one where I make every situation slightly different.

1. Jin

 You decided to cook for Jin that evening, as a surprise for when he got home. Whenever you cook, you always talk out loud. Sometimes its simply you reciting the recipe, and other times, you would just talk about everything happening. It was something that helped you relax and relieve some of your stresses about life. You didn't want to bother Jin with any of your problems since he had so much he had to deal with with the upcoming comeback. While you were talking about an issue you were having at work, Jin came in. He stayed just out of sign, listening. Since you didn't express your problems to him, he worried about how you were doing sometimes.

"I didn't know you felt this way, Jagi. You really should tell me these things," Jin finally says, surprising you. You squeak in surprise before turning to him.

"Jin! How much did you hear?" You look down, biting your lip.

"Don't you trust me, Jagi? How come you never talk about what bothers you?" He walks up to you and pulls you close, lifting your chin to meet your eyes.

"I... You have so much you have to worry about, Jin. I don't want to burden you with my problems when you have so much to do for the comeback," You admit, chewing on the inside of your cheek.

"Silly Jagi. Everything about you is important, even your frustrations," Jin presses a soft kiss on your lips.

2. Suga

 You have this tendency to talk to yourself when you do something embarrassing. It tends to lead to you having a discussion about how you could have possibly gotten into this situation. Most of the time, the discussion was pretty simple, but that depended on your mood. You liked to entertain crazy possibilities for how something could happen, simply to get a laugh out of the situation. One day, you were discussing one of your more crazy theories when Suga came in. He looked at you in complete shock, unsure of what was going on.

"Jagi....?" Suga looked so shocked that you immediately looked away, blushing.

"Oh, um...... Hi, Yoongi," you say demurely, crossing your arms.

"Pretend it didn't happen?" he asks, sitting on the couch.

"Yes, please," You say, swallowing and sitting next to him. Suga switches on the tv and wraps an arm around you. Neither of you discussed what happened.

3. J-Hope

It's hard to find you without a video camera in your hand, and if you don't have a camera, you're planning your next video. Sometimes, without meaning to, you start planning these videos out loud. J-Hope noticed that you do this occasionally, and he thought it was adorable if he came into a room and heard you doing that. You always blushed and looked away when he caught you.

"That's a good idea, Jagi. You really should be in charge of our music videos," He smiles brightly at you," You're be good at it. You always have the best ideas!"

"How long have you been standing there!" Your face goes red and you look down at the floor, suddenly finding it very interesting.

"Don't be shy, Jagi. Your ideas are good," He grips both of your cheeks and kisses your forehead, his smile bright.

4. Rapmon

When ever you work on any kind of assignment at home, and you get stuck on a problem, you tend to discuss them out loud in hopes of clearing your confusion. This method doesn't always work, but it might work this time. You run a hand through your hair and begin to discuss the different aspects of the problem out loud. Rapmon sticks his head through the door, an amused expression on his face.

"Baby, if you needed help, you could have just asked," He says, pulling you from your thoughts.

"Oh, umm..... I'm kind of stuck," You admit, blushing and looking away.

"Here, let me see. Maybe I can talk you through it," He smiles and leans over your shoulder to look at the screen.

5. Jimin

 You had the day off today, so you decided to do some reading. Jimin had rehearsal, so you were home alone. That was okay with you, because whenever you get to a super intense part you put the book down and discuss your frustrations out loud. Saying it out loud helped you deal with it better. At one point, you were expressing the quickened death of one of your favorite characters. You didn't notice Jimin come in at some point during your shouts of anger. Jimin sat there, watching with an amused expression.

"I didn't know it was possible to get so angry over the death of a fictional character," Jimin can barely contain the laughter in his voice.

"Jimin! When did you get here," You quickly lock your kindle and put it away, your face flaming. You look at his face before quickly looking down in embarrassment.

"It's alright, Jagi. It's kinda cute," Jimin teases, leaning down to kiss the tip of your nose.

6. V

Whenever you had a full schedule to take care of the next day, you made a list out loud of the things you have to accomplish that day. This helped you remember everything that had to be done and made you less likely to forget something. This planning usually occurred in the early hours of the morning, before V even woke up. This time, your discussion pulled V from his sleep. He groaned quietly.

"Jagi, what are you doing?" V asks sleepily. You jump and blush, biting your lip.

"Oh, um, just planning my schedule out loud," You admit. V nods sleepily and sits up to pull you against his chest.

"Come back to bed, Jagi. You don't have to leave for a few more hours and I sleep better with you beside me," He pulls you back down to cuddle with him, holding you close as he falls back asleep.

7. Jungkook

You had a presentation coming up within the next couple of hours, and you get really nervous talking in front of people. In an attempt to boost your self confidence, you were talking to yourself. You were hoping that if you kept saying positive things to yourself, you would begin to believe them. So far, it wasn't really working. You were so distracted by talking to yourself that you didn't hear Jungkook come in to the apartment using the spare key.

"What are you doing, Jagi?" Jungkook's voice would cause you to squeak in surprise. You duck your head in embarrassment, not meeting his eyes.

"Ah, uh, you're home early," Your face is bright red.

"I told you I would be home at this time. And you didn't answer my question. Were you talking to yourself? Why?" Jungkook's expression would be curious more than anything. (I don't see him judging you for it.)

"...I have a presentation today, and I'm trying to calm my nerves," You bite your lip, still not meeting his eyes. Jungkook tilts your chin up, making you meet his eyes.

"Next time, talk to me. I have no qualms with telling you how amazing I think you are," Jungkook murmurs, his words catching you off guard. He gives you a quick kiss," You've got this Jagi."

A/N: Round and round we go, where the ride stops, nobody knows.....

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