How BTS Would Cuddle Their S/O At Night

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Notes: No

1. Jin

  Jin's favorite cuddling position would be for you both to lay down facing each other. Most would think that this is because he wants you to see his beautiful face (Which is totally worth it) but, in reality, he wants to see your face. No matter what, Jin would find his girlfriend beautiful and would want to fall asleep looking at your beautiful face. He would also like it if you snuggle up against his chest because he can hold you close.  

2. Suga

  Suga is definitely really big on cuddling, but as much as he loves that, I see his favorite position as one where the two of you snuggle together. You don't necessarily have to be touching, but curled up near each other. This way, he always knows that you're there but neither of you get too hot from constantly touching. That being said, if either of you are in a cuddling mood, he would be more than willing to do so.  

3. J-Hope

   It's been proven that J-Hope sleeps best when he is being touched, to the point that he'll run his fingers across himself while he sleeps. The best position for J-Hope would be for him to sleep with his head on your chest. This is mostly because you would most likely be stroking his hair as he falls asleep. This would relax both of you and would be the most likely position to help J-Hope's insomnia due to over practicing.  

4. Rapmon

  Rapmon would most enjoy when he can have his arm around you with your head resting on his chest. This is partially because it calms him, but also because feeling you there helps him sleep better. He may not always be in the mood to cuddle though, sometimes preferring to sleep with a little distance in between the two of you, depending on his mood. He would be more cuddly in the morning when he just wakes up.  

5. Jimin

  Jimin would have two favorite positions, depending on his mood. Sometimes, he's going to prefer to be the little spoon and have your arms wrapped around him if he's in a little more of a sad mood. On the other hand, sometimes he prefers for you to rest your head on his chest so that he can either stroke your hair or talk to you until he falls asleep. If you fall asleep before him, he would probably just whisper things in your year, sometimes expressing things that he felt nervous to say to your face.  

6. V

   V wouldn't necessarily have a favorite position, instead preferring to have you in his arms in any way he can. He would like getting to hold onto you while he's spooning you or while your facing each other. His "favorite position" would change from night to night, depending on both of your moods and depending on how tired he is. Sometimes, he will prefer a position where he can get out of bed easily if he's having trouble falling asleep.  

7. Jungkook

Jungkook's favorite position is to be the big spoon, simply because it makes him feel more manly to have you in his arms. That's not the only reason, but that's the reason he'll tell you. Mostly, it's so that he can continue to hold is girlfriend because it makes him happy. If you try to tell him that, he would become very shy and blushy, not wanting to admit that it was for a very "unmanly" reason. In the end, it gives you some ammo to finally tease him back since he probably makes fun of you all the time.

A/N: Let's do the few reactions first, shall we?

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