BTS Reacts to You Wanting to Break Up Because You're Insecure

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Notes:  You approach them wanting to break up after you've been dating for quite a while because you feel like you're not good enough for them. This is their immediate response after you say it. (Also, I am not at fault for any ARMY's who are struck down by this post because I had a way hard time just writing this stuff. You guys asked for this, and I have a feeling that this may turn into one of my top posts cause this shit is intense.....)


     Jin would be shocked. It would take him a minute or two to be able to come up with a response to what you said because this was the last thing that he was expecting. For someone like Jin, no matter what his Jagiya looks like, he would think that she is beautiful and perfect so the fact that she didn't think that she was good enough would upset him. If you tried to leave while he was still in his sort of shock phase, he would grab your hand and pull you back, refusing to let you go no matter how much you complain.
      "Jagiya, you are perfect. I didn't pick someone else, I picked you. That means that you were the one that I wanted, flaws and all," Jin pulls you against his chest, hugging you tightly," Please don't leave me."  


     To say that Suga would be pissed would be an understatement. Suga isn't a superficial person, he doesn't care about looks. If he likes you, then he likes you and it won't be easy to change his mind. His expression would be livid. At first, he would wonder if someone else had said something to you, but when he realized that it was just what you thought of yourself, he would have to try to hold back some of his anger.
     "You don't get to tell me how I'm supposed to feel," Suga's voice is almost a growl as he speaks," I care about you and that's that. The only time you're allowed to leave me is if you truly don't love me anymore. Until then, you're stuck with me."  


     J-Hope would have an immediate physical response, pulling you into his lap and clutching you close. No matter how much you tried, you couldn't disentangle yourself from him and it was only a matter of time before you gave up and just sank into him. He would be nearly shaking just at the thought of you trying to leave him. J-Hope is constantly bashed on for his looks but he thinks that you are beautiful and the fact that you didn't crushed his heart.

     "Jagiya, please don't go. I don't wanna lose you. You matter too much," J-Hope's voice is small," How can I be ARMY's sunshine if my sunshine is gone."  


     Rapmon would be in complete and utter disbelief at the words that left your mouth. He would just stare at you, trying to find the words that had escaped him in that moment. Finally, he swallows and asks you what brought this on. As you explained, he couldn't help but almost feel angry at you for seeing yourself in that way. He doesn't care about what people think when it comes to matters like beauty or fashion, he tends to do as he pleases in that regard, which is why his outfits can either be considered hits or misses. Since he doesn't care about things like that, he wouldn't let them affect how he views the girl that he loves.
     "I don't give a shit how anyone else is going to view the two of us together," Rapmon meets your eyes dead on, his expression unshakable," If I'm happy with you, that's all that should matter. If you're happy with me, then it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. Follow your own heart, not someone else's."  


     Jimin would be saddened by these words. These are the kinds of things that he's heard that have made him upset in himself more than once so the fact that they were leaving your mouth nearly brought him to tears. He would clutch your hands in his, unable to meet your eyes as he tries to think of some way to respond that won't sound false.
     "I know that this isn't easy and that it hurts. That it feels nearly impossible. And maybe I'm being selfish when I say this," Jimin chokes on his words a little bit, swallowing thickly," But, I don't want you to leave. Please... stay."  


     V would think that you were joking at first, but his boxy smile would quickly fall when he realized that you were being serious. That smile would be replaced by an expression of pure panic as he falls to his knees in front of you, his head down cast. There are no signs of his alien behavior to be found anywhere, instead just a vulnerable boy kneeling in front of the one that he loves.
     "Please, don't leave. Don't do this. I don't think I can take it," V begs, his forehead pressed against he floor as his shoulders shake," I'm begging you. Please, don't go."  


     Jungkook would stare at you, his expression confused as if he's trying to put it all together in his head in an order that makes sense. He would wish more than anything that he was someone who is good at expressing his emotions to the ones that matter to him. He wonders if he did something wrong, like he didn't tell you he loved you enough or he didn't encourage you enough or you didn't love him anymore. His expression would become heartbroken as all of these thoughts bombard him.
     "I'm sorry that I failed you," Jungkook can't meet your eyes as he stares firmly at the floor at his feet so you don't see the tears in his eyes," You were hurting and I didn't notice. I didn't help you. I really don't deserve you. I should have taken better care of you."  

A/N: Hey guys! Holy crap, guys, this book has over 5,000 reads. That's insane! You guys are so amazing!

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