Jin Soulmate Au

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Key Word: Wind

You spread out your blanket, settling down with a book and some snacks to enjoy the warm afternoon. You rarely feel inspired to spend time outside but the day is so pretty that you just couldn't pass up the opportunity. Work had been stressing you out and you couldn't seem to wrap your head around the idea of relaxation at this point. This is your first day off in weeks.

A loud group of boys make their way onto a different section of the grass, the five of them settling into a very intense game of catch. They're yelling and laughing, seeming excited and entertained by their game. You tune them out, slipping your headphones into your ears. Everything seems to be going smoothly until a large, figure overs yours. You can't help but let out a shocked cry. You're about to let out an annoyed sound when a soothing feeling takes over, the sound of wind wrapping around you.

The tall man climbs off of you, his lips mouthing words you can't hear. The rest of the boys seem to have surrounded the two of you, varying looks of concern on their face. The tall man is still touching you, his large hand resting on your shoulder. His thumb falls against your collarbone but it doesn't feel uncomfortable. He helps you climb to your feet as you remove your headphones. The sounds around you rush in all at once, almost becoming overwhelming. You try not to question why you don't mind his touch.

"Are you okay?" The large man asks softly," We tried to warn you but you didn't seem to hear us."

Only then, do you notice the baseball that has found its' way to the end of your blanket. The large, unnamed man must have been protecting you from getting hit. You give him a grateful smile, running your fingers through your hair.

"I'm okay. Thank you," The man seems to come to himself in that moment and removes his hand. The breeze that had been so obvious and calming seems to disappear. For some unknown reason, that stress you had felt just moments ago has all faded. The man turns his gaze to the ones standing behind him.

"Taehyung, you should be apologizing to her. You really need to pay attention sometimes," The man says, stepping back so that the other boy can apologize to you.

"I really am sorry," Taehyung says, his expression sincerely apologetic. Where you would normally be irritated, you find that that emotion has diminished itself for some unknown reason.

"It's okay. I'm not mad. Promise," A large smile lights up his face, reminding you of a puppy.

"You guys go ahead and continue the game. I'm going to sit out for a bit," The large man shooes away the rest of the boys and turns to you," I apologize for being so forward earlier. I wasn't sure what else to do."

"It really is okay. I probably prefer that over getting hit," You chuckle, tucking your hair behind your ear. Something about this man is very attractive, almost alluring to you. You're not quite sure how you feel about that yet.

"My name is Kim Seokjin," The man smiles at you, his beautiful face nearly stunning you into silence," But I go by Jin."

"Y/N," You say shyly. He offers you his hand and you take it. Once again that peace washes over you, the sound of wind finding its' way to you again. Your nerves have faded, quickly replaced by a sense of confidence. You look up to see Jin staring at your hand in his, a shocked look in his eyes.

"It's you, isn't it?" He gains a gentle expression. At first, you're not sure what he means but it quickly becomes clear. The sudden absence of your stress and negative emotions along with the sound of wind that continues to soothe you despite the curious absence of wind today can only mean one thing. He's your soulmate.

"I think so," You slowly let go of his hand, almost as if testing the very obvious reality. The sound of wind fades quickly. Curiously, the negative emotions don't come rushing in. It's as if his touch has made them irrelevant. A bright smile lights up his face.

"Let me give you my number. I can't leave the children unattended much longer but I definitely need to take you on a proper date at a later date. I have a shoot for the rest of the week so it may be at the beginning of next week, if that's okay?" He's very polite in the way that he speaks. It's very clear and concise. When he says the word 'shoot' your mind starts reeling. You realize that you have actually seen him before. He was an actor in a movie you had gone to see in theaters with a friend. You let him put his number in your phone. When you get it back, you see that he has placed a heart emoji next to his name. For some reason, it makes you want to giggle. It just feels cute, much cuter than you were expecting.

He seems almost disappointed when he has to leave you. He waves goodbye and runs back to his friends. They welcome him back warmly, which makes you smile. You decided to pack up for the day and get a few errands taken care off since you're already out and about.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Although today is the first time you are going out with Jin, you can't help but feel like you already know him. He has made sure to text or call you every single day. You've learned a lot about him already. He doesn't mind wearing the color pink, he really likes Mario, he absolutely loves food, and he's been interested in acting since he was young as he was complimented on his looks a lot. He's quite confident in his looks but it's not a turn off, surprisingly. You can't be entirely sure if that's just because he's your soulmate though.

When he picks you up, you're not surprised that his car is on the more expensive side. He's dressed nicely but casually, his talk form wrapped in a sweater and a pair of nice jeans. Although he's not touching you, his presence manages to bring you some comfort. He has a loud laugh and a very rambunctious personality. He's quite mischievous as well.

For your date adventure, you decided to go to a few restaurants and order desserts to go. You find yourself sitting in front of your tv with a table full of desserts. A movie plays as background noise as the two of you chat and eat your desserts. Jin lets out an excited noise as the first bite touches his tongue. You giggle and quickly try to hide it, ducking your head. He tips up your chin and offers you a bite of his dessert. You take it and savor the taste.

"Don't hide your laugh. I've always wanted someone who laughs with me and I definitely wouldn't want you to hide it," He makes a silly expression at your and you giggle again, covering your mouth.

Once you've had your fill the two of you cuddle on your couch to watch a different movie. His hand rubs up and down your bare arm soothingly. The wind wraps around you once more, almost feeling tangible at this point. His cheek rests on the top of your head. Eventually, you shift yourselves to a more comfortable position. Your back is pressed to his chest as he holds you close. You both doze off at some point.

In the early hours, you feel Jin shifting around, doing his best to slide himself out from behind you without waking you. He cleans up a little before leaning down to press the gentlest of kisses to your lips. It doesn't last long but it wakes up every cell in your body. When he finally pulls away, your lips are a breathe apart.

"You don't have to leave," You whisper. He lets out a soft chuckle.

"It wouldn't be appropriate for me to stay," His lips brush yours once more before brushing across your forehead," I will always come back, Princess."

A/N: I'm pretty sleepy, surprisingly. I took a nap a few hours ago but I think my body is generally angry at me. I'm really enjoying this series and I feel like this came out really well. I generally love Jin's personality as he is a combination of extra but also super respectful.

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