Jimin Scenario: Sick

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Request: Hey Im Ana😊I wanted to ask if you'r still taking requests. If yes could you please write a Jimin as Y/N's boyfriend and he is also a doctor. She is sick and goes to the hospital but doesnt know that her bf is going to check her up. She has to get a shot or so and Jimin calms her down. Sorry if it sound weird and thanks a lot 💕💕😊

You hated the hospital. It wasn't tied to some specific memory or occasion, you just didn't like being in there longer then you had to be. What makes this whole situation strange is that you're boyfriend, Jimin, is a doctor so you have to go there if you want to eat lunch with him on lunch breaks or bring him something he forgot at home. This time was something a little different though. You had gotten sick and you didn't seem to be getting any better.

Most likely, you had the flu. It's going around this time of year and you worked in a position that required you to interact with other people so you shouldn't be surprised. You sighed and waited in the lobby for Dr. Park to see you. Jimin had the day off today so you were in to see the other Dr. Park. You didn't want Jimin to worry.

"Y/N," The nurse calls. You follow her through the maze of hallways before placing you in a check up room. You sit in the chair, leaning your head back against the wall. You must have dozed off a bit because you're jolted awake by the door opening.

"I don't see you for a few days and then you turn up sick? You need to take better care of yourself Jagi," A familar voice has you quickly turning toward the door. Jimin stands in the doorway, a mask on his face," Hope up here and I'll take a look at you."

"I thought you were off today?" You do as he says, climbing up on the table. He quickly sticks a themometer in your mouth, waiting expectantly.

"I switched with Dr. Park because it's his daughter's birthday today," Jimin explains, pulling out the themometer and looking at it," Your temperature is pretty high, Jagi. Have you been throwing up the past couple of days?"

"Yeah. I haven't eaten much but I still end up dry heaving occasionally," Jimin nods at your response.

"Coughing? Dizziness?" He asks, using his stethoscope to evaluate your lungs," Breathe in."

"Yeah. They've been getting worse," You can't stop yourself from coughing when you breathe in deeply, covering your mouth with your hands. Jimin pulls away the stethoscope and rubs your back soothingly.

"Well, like so many other people, you ended up with the flu Jagi. There's not a whole lot I can do now that you already have it but I can give you a steriod shot to help you fight it off," Jimin tucks your hair behind your ear, watching your expression. You can't stop yourself from flinching.

"Do we have to?" You pout a little. You want to get better, you just hate shots and steriod shots suck.

"I'll be with you the whole time. You know I wouldn't do anything to intentionally hurt you baby," His hands caress your cheeks as he looks directly into your eyes," You trust me, don't you?" 

A/N: Hey guys! So, I'm working on some Choose Your Own Adventures and I will update you guys when they're finished. 

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